Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 355 Be a Disruptor of the Industry

Chapter 355 Be a Disruptor of the Industry

The earliest profit method of online games was point card sales, that is, players bought point cards to recharge their accounts, and point cards were deducted according to the time spent playing games online.

This payment model is based on selling game time for profit, giving players the freedom to choose time, and it feels cheaper in terms of cost.In order to continue to survive in the game, players must continue to purchase point cards or increase game time to win more game coins to recharge.

Generally speaking, the payment model sells culture and feelings. "World of Warcraft" is a typical payment game, which truly creates an addictive virtual world "Azeroth" for players. Almost all types of players They can all find their home in this virtual world.In later generations, its game players reached 1200 million at its peak.

From the perspective of market development, time charging is also a risk, because what it sells is not props, but products.It is undeniable that time charging will create a fair game environment for players, but it also means that the game must continue to provide players with interesting gameplay outputs to attract players to stay in the game.

Therefore, the payment mode is relatively simple and rude, and it belongs to the once-and-for-all type; however, the convenience of payment and the quality of the game become the focus of whether players choose to pay for the game, and if the game price is too high, many players will directly ignore it. the game.

The reason why free online games are called free online games is just a basic concept of players for games, that is, games that do not require so-called point cards, monthly cards, etc. to operate.

Therefore, free online games mean that the game time is free, while the game value-added services are charged.For example, selling equipment cards, prop cards, double experience cards, etc.Games operated in this mode allow players to play games without spending money, but the game provides many value-added services that are charged, and these services often make players want to stop after using them, so the so-called "RMB player".

The advantage of free is a typical model of experiencing first and then paying. The most obvious advantage is that the choice is given to the player. Players can choose free + time-consuming + energy-consuming games, or they can choose to pay without ads + more game content + Better gaming experience.

Of course, if a free game wants to do well, it needs to carefully design rich play points and charging points. If the game has insufficient selling points, players will definitely not buy it.However, the most indispensable thing in "Glory of the King" is a wealth of play points and charging points, so Jiang Hui plans to launch a free mode on "Glory of the King".

The launch of the free mode of Brilliant Games will symbolize the start of a new model movement of online games, but it does not mean that playing games is a free movement.

On the contrary, the free model is growing more and more through the item trading mode in the game. At the same time, using the virtual currency of Guanghui Group companies such as Guanghui Game Dou or Xiaonei Wangdou to trade game items will provide a huge profit space for online games .

If there is no Jianghui, and there is no Guanghui game, the free operation mode of online games will only start in 2005 with the Korean game "Street Basketball" operated by Shanghai Tianlian Century.Facts have proved that after "Street Basketball" adopts free operation, its profit model has been greatly expanded.Korean operators openly advertised for a "back version" of the game, with a starting price of 4 US dollars for 6 weeks. After the operation of "Street Basketball", Tianlian Century spared no effort to promote the game on a large scale. Ninetowns' "World of Warcraft", at the same time, Tianlian Century reached a cooperation agreement with some sporting goods manufacturers, that is, the sports products of these companies will appear in the game, mainly basketball, sportswear and other sports equipment, beverages, players You will see the real products of these companies enter the game in the game, and a large number of street billboards similar to reality in the game will really bring a lot of profits to the operators.There is another avenue for the profit model of online games.

Comparing paid online games and free online games, the former is like "buy a ticket to play all over the playground", while the latter is like "the playground doesn't need tickets, but you have to pay separately for the items you want to play".

"Is it really necessary to implement a free model? No company is doing this now?" said Bai Xue and Jiang Hui.

"The free mode is not free. On the contrary, according to my prediction, its profitability will be stronger than the free mode. You can look at the settings of various links in "Glory of the King". Are there many play points and charging points?" , Jiang Hui said.

In the game "Glory of the King", weapons and equipment are divided into physical attack, magic attack, defensive equipment, mobile equipment, and jungle equipment. The props in the game include rune fragments, hero fragments, and skin fragments. The game also provides heroes with With skin decoration, each skin has certain attributes.

After the start of the battle game, players can buy low-level equipment. With the increase of gold coins, players can buy high-level equipment according to the number of gold coins. Each hero can only buy up to 6 pieces of weapons and equipment in one game. At the beginning of the battle, players can choose the corresponding skin.Rune fragments in the game can produce corresponding runes, enough hero fragments can be exchanged for corresponding heroes, and enough skin fragments can be exchanged for corresponding skins.

These settings are full of charging points everywhere, and the accounts of Guanghui Group's companies are now interconnected.At that time, friends who play "Glory of the King" will be able to see each other's game level, equipment, skin, etc.

Everyone has a heart to show off. When you see that other friends have good equipment and handsome skins in "Glory of the King", it is very likely that you will buy some yourself.You come and go, stimulating each other, you will definitely spend more and more money in the game.

In addition, the battle map of the "Glory of the King" game clock has a 1v1 map, Mohist mechanism, a 3v3 map, Changping offensive and defensive battle, and three 3V5 maps, which are King Canyon, Abyss Chaos, and Flame Mountain War.Different maps have different ways to play.These opportunities for multiplayer battles will inevitably stimulate players to buy higher-level equipment, so in Jiang Hui's view, the future of "Glory of the King" is bright.

"Everyone is using the charging model. Our company launched a free model as soon as it entered the online game industry. Will this make Guanghui Games the public enemy of the entire industry?" Bai Xue said a little worried.

"Public Enemy is not scary. Which online game company has more influence on the Internet than us? It is not certain who will be Public Enemy," Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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