Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 354 Brilliant Weibo Continues to Make Power

Chapter 354 Brilliant Weibo Continues to Make Power
The theory of six degrees of separation is regarded as the basis for the formation of all social networks, but on Guanghui Weibo, you can directly "follow" strangers at will.Users no longer seek to find "people they may know", but take the initiative to "follow" people they "want to know".This means that some of the profits obtained from channels and distribution in the traditional corporate marketing methods in the past will be transferred to upstream companies, and more and more companies will start to register on Guanghui Weibo.

As the Spring Festival is approaching, in order to make Guanghui Weibo attract more netizens' attention, Jiang Hui began to consciously organize some activities to attract everyone's attention.And a recent activity is that netizens can post their dreams through Guanghui Weibo, and those who have the conditions can help realize them.Beipiao netizen "Douxiaodou" who is about to get married naked during the event made a wish on Guanghui Weibo, "Beipiao people can't afford a house or a car. They only hope to have a diamond ring. Don't get married naked. Someone can satisfy you." Shall I share this New Year's resolution..."

A simple text, hoping to get a diamond ring so that she doesn't have to marry naked.An unrealistic wish, but in exchange for a diamond ring and a diamond pendant, everyone thinks this is a fantasy.But this thing really happened. This miraculous story was hailed by netizens as a glorious Weibo fairy tale for the New Year.One of the protagonists of this fairy tale is Boss Cai of Aofei Animation.The little girl's little wish was seen by Boss Cai, and he really gave the girl a diamond.To be honest, Jiang Hui really didn't arrange Boss Cai to do this, but it can't be ruled out that Boss Cai came to join in because Guanghui Weibo is Jiang Hui's company.

While Brilliance Weibo is actively engaging in various activities, many companies have already begun to independently use the promotional effect of Brilliance Weibo.Bird mobile phone launched a new flagship mobile phone this month, and the listing event adopted the form of online live broadcast on Guanghui Weibo for the first time.On the day of the live broadcast, Bird Mobile invested RMB 200 million in advertising fees to launch the "Weibo Conference" of Bird Mobile on the homepage of Guanghui Weibo. In just three hours, it received more than 4 comments and reposts on Guanghui Weibo. The Weibo public account added 12 followers on the same day.This event allowed enterprises to see the new role of Brilliant Weibo.

In less than a month since it was launched, Guanghui Weibo tried its best to promote itself, various enterprises began to use Guanghui Weibo flexibly, and ordinary Guanghui Weibo users also began to show their charm.

And just a few days ago, a netizen named "Lu Rui Fengfeng" wrote this on Guanghui Weibo.She will spend 1 yuan out of her own pocket and try her best to buy 50 Spring Festival travel train tickets for netizens who want to go home for the New Year but can't buy train tickets, let them go home for the New Year.She said that because of work and quarrels with her family, she had not been home for the New Year in seven years. During these years, her parents, uncles and other relatives left her one after another, and she really regretted it.And this year, due to work reasons, I still can't go home, so I gave everyone a ticket, "Just think of it as fulfilling your dream of going home."

After the "Lu Ruifengfeng" Weibo was posted, the number of views quickly exceeded 600, and more than [-] private messages were received.One of the netizens named "Drizzle Rain" left a message to "Lu Rui Fengmi" on Guanghui Weibo after receiving the ticket: "I am so happy today! I received the train ticket from the express delivery of Drizzle Rain early in the morning! Unexpectedly It's still a sleeper! I can go home tomorrow!" For a while, this Weibo became one of the most popular Weibo.

Brilliant Weibo is booming, with 3000 million registered users.When "Glory of the King" is about to be launched, Jiang Hui also spent a lot of thought in order to make full use of the marketing effect of Guanghui Weibo.

From the technical point of view of Weibo marketing, the three indicators of fans, comments and forwarding are indispensable.Fans determine the first listener crowd, which is equivalent to the circulation of a magazine or newspaper.The content is very important. If the content is not good, it is likely to be taken by fans without paying attention, and it will not be reposted, and reposting is the key to forming an information waterfall.Comments keep fans engaged.

Among them, the quality of fans is very important. It has three main indicators. One is the activity of fans, whether they often participate in Weibo, whether they often read, repost, and comment; multiplier of .

After the Brilliant Weibo became popular, some so-called online public relations companies have been buying fans. In fact, the benefits of this to communication are limited. These bought fans are called "zombie fans"; the third is the number of certified fans, The more verified fans, the higher the quality of the Weibo, and the greater the possibility of multiplied communication. The number of fans and trustworthiness of Weibo with V are not comparable to that of ordinary Weibo.

Compared with traditional marketing channels, Guanghui Weibo marketing has many special features.Jiang Hui believes that the value chain of traditional media roughly consists of several parts: information-content-advertising-commodity-consumption.In the value chain of Guanghui Weibo, this chain has been greatly shortened or replaced.The content issued by the company is sometimes an advertisement at the same time, and even the information itself can directly guide consumption.

It all comes back to content, back to creativity.

The promotion of "Glory of the King" on Brilliant Weibo will gather Weibo publics from Xiaonei, Tudou, YY Live, Meituan, Autohome, Douban, Brilliant Games, Qunar,, etc. Recommended by the power of the number.At the same time, Jiang Hui himself will also take part in the battle in person, using the strength of his millions of fans.In addition, the power of well-known official accounts such as Dream Band will also be used to promote the game.

According to Jiang Hui's arrangement, "Glory of Website" will be advertised and promoted on the school's website; YY Live will hire anchors to broadcast some content such as internal testing; on, in addition to web page advertisements, there will be internal testing videos and Some promotional videos are played on the Paike module; as for websites such as and, it is inevitable to vigorously promote them.

Of course, the power of the navy cannot be ignored.Since I started contacting Shuijun when promoting the new song of Dream Band, I have cooperated with them many times since then, and now they cooperate very harmoniously.Therefore, when "Glory of the King" is launched, it is definitely necessary to ask the navy to build momentum and strive for an instant hit.

And one of the "nuclear weapons" prepared by Jiang Hui for "Glory of the King" is to play the game "for free".The current online games are billed and used by purchasing point cards, etc. This is currently the largest revenue for major online game companies, and Jiang Hui is going to do some tricks on this content.

(End of this chapter)

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