Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 358 Such a New Era

Chapter 358 Such a New Era
According to "Lu Shi Chun Qiu Ji Dong Ji", the ancients used the method of beating drums to drive away the "ghost of the epidemic" on the eve of the New Year, which is the origin of the "New Year's Eve" festival.It is said that the earliest mention of the name "New Year's Eve" is "Feng Tu Ji" and other historical books written by Zhou Chu in the Western Jin Dynasty.

Since ancient times on New Year's Eve, there have been customs such as staying up all night, keeping the year old, posting door gods, Spring Festival couplets, New Year pictures, and hanging lanterns.

New Year's Eve is extremely important to the Chinese people.On this day, people prepare to get rid of the old and welcome the new, and have a reunion dinner.The family is the cornerstone of Chinese society, and the annual reunion dinner fully demonstrates the mutual respect and love among family members, which makes the relationship between the family closer.

Guanghui Group has more than 3000 regular employees and interns, and more than 500 people stay to work overtime, accounting for almost [-]%.

Although the company offered triple overtime pay and separate bonuses to encourage, Jiang Hui felt that material rewards alone were not enough to keep so many people from going home during the Spring Festival.So on New Year's Eve, Jiang Hui rejected He Ling's idea of ​​inviting him to her house to celebrate the New Year, and planned to stay in the company canteen and spend the night of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new with all the staff.

Tang Minghua and Li Shigui have already arranged activities for New Year's Eve.All employees who stay to work overtime can go to the cafeteria to participate in tonight's New Year's Eve after get off work. Of course, those who have activities arranged by themselves do not need to participate.

The canteen has prepared a variety of food and wine.At the same time, it also provided everyone with the activity of making dumplings by themselves.

On New Year's Eve, every family will put a table full of sumptuous New Year's dishes, and the whole family will reunite, sit around the table, and have a reunion dinner together.There are often big dishes, cold pots, stir-fries, and snacks on the table. Generally, two things are indispensable, one is hot pot and the other is fish.The hot pot is boiling, steaming, warm and sultry, indicating that it is booming; "fish" and "yu" are homophonic, which symbolizes "auspicious abundance" and also means "surplus every year".

The New Year's Eve dinner of Guanghui Group is also arranged in the same way.In addition to some delicacies prepared in the cafeteria, there is a hot pot on each table for cooking dumplings and so on.

Jiang Hui also specially arranged for personnel to set up projectors and other equipment, so that everyone can eat, drink and play while watching the Spring Festival Gala.

Jiang Hui called his parents, uncles, and other relatives, and asked Jiang Ping to help give them the various gifts he had bought on his behalf.

For more than a year after Jiang Hui went to college, Jiang Hui didn't tell his relatives about starting a company at first.Later, the company grew bigger and bigger, and after Jiang Hui's father came home to the pig farm, Jiang Hui continued to provide financial and technical support.Especially with the help of the expert group of the Agricultural University, the ecological pig farm has taken shape.

Slowly, under the spread of some fellow villagers who also went to university abroad, everyone finally knew that Jiang Hui was well-off outside.When relatives and friends asked Jiang Hui about starting the company, Jiang Hui did not deliberately conceal it.

This also indirectly improved the status of Jiang Hui's family in the village, and even the town and county are paying attention to Jiang Hui's ecological pig farm.

After a phone call, Jiang Hui came to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was covered with red lanterns. Although it was winter, Tang Minghua also bought a large number of flowers and placed them everywhere in the cafeteria.

"Mr. Jiang, you probably have to get ready to sing on stage. I heard that many employees are going to boo you to sing," Zeng Qingying said.

Jiang Hui now has two secretaries, Zeng Qingying and Liao Yun.This time it was Zeng Qingying who stayed to work overtime, and Liao Yun flew back to his hometown the day before yesterday.

"Just sing, I'm not afraid of singing," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

Since participating in the Late Autumn Song Concert of Imperial University of Technology, apart from a few times singing in KTV, Jiang Hui also sang on stage at the group year-end party a while ago.However, this does not mean that Jiang Hui's singing level is declining, but after his status has become higher, he has fewer opportunities, or less need to sing on stage.

All the people in the cafeteria tonight are company employees. As the boss, Jiang Hui is very happy to come on stage to sing a few songs for these hardworking bees who earn money for him.

At six o'clock in the evening, basically everyone who stayed behind came to the cafeteria.Zeng Qingying and Tang Minghua came on stage as guest hosts.

After a simple warm-up session between the two, Jiang Hui was invited to give a speech to everyone on stage.

Although Jiang Hui is only 20 years old this year, all companies in the Guanghui Group were established under Jiang Hui's planning.As the founder and absolute major shareholder of the company, Jiang Hui's prestige in each company is very high.If Jiang Hui hadn't made it public that he had a girlfriend - Bai Xue, there would probably be a lot of beauties in various companies in the group who wanted to push Jiang Hui back.

Amidst bursts of warm applause, Jiang Hui stepped onto the small temporary stage.

"Dear partners, everyone has worked hard. Thank you very much for giving up the opportunity to reunite with your family for the company and staying in the company to work overtime.

The past 2004 was a year of harvest and a year of layout.In just one year, our group has rapidly grown from a small company with hundreds of employees to a medium-sized enterprise with more than 3000 employees.In this, it is inseparable from everyone's hard work.

In the early days, the content of the Internet was mainly in the form of text.As the bandwidth environment is getting better and better, people's creativity is getting richer and richer, and pictures are beginning to appear. Our Xiaonei network is now the world's largest picture sharing center.

Today, not only pictures, but also videos.With the rise of short videos, the scenarios it applies to and the people it reaches are very different. When you have time, you can go to Tudou to see this change.We are at the front line of the Internet, and we must be able to perceive changes in the content distribution environment earlier than others.


In such a new era, there may be threats, challenges, and opportunities. This is the future we are facing.

We have to prepare for it, and we have to find opportunities from it.I'm also very confident that in this brave new world, we'll get better and better.Finally, I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year and all your wishes come true, thank you! ".

Jiang Hui spoke eloquently on stage for more than ten minutes, interrupted by everyone's applause many times in the middle.

After Jiang Hui spoke, the New Year's Eve dinner began.

Jiang Hui returned to his seat, ate and chatted with his neighbors for a while, then picked up the wine glasses, and brought a few remaining executives to toast everyone.

Fortunately, the toast was more of a symbolic drink, otherwise Jiang Hui would have to be drunk.

In the middle, Jiang Hui went on stage and sang a few songs for everyone without waiting for everyone to boo. "Mouse Loves Rice", "Encounter" and "Fly Higher" are all familiar songs.After Jiang Hui took the lead in singing, he quickly enhanced the atmosphere of the scene.

All the executives took the initiative to sing to the employees, which won rounds of applause.

(End of this chapter)

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