Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 359 King of Glory is online

Chapter 359 King of Glory is online

After New Year's Eve, Jiang Hui's speech on the theme of "Such a New Era" quickly spread within the Guanghui Group.

Maybe Jiang Hui himself is not aware of his special status in the Chinese Internet industry.There are already many Internet companies that specialize in researching Jiang Hui's Weibo and speeches on various occasions.

All Internet companies have seen Jiang Hui's keen sense of the direction of Internet development, so they all want to follow suit.

Jiang Hui also spent the first day of the new year at the company.However, to be honest, the company has been making and answering calls almost all day long.Send New Year greetings to relatives, friends, partners, etc., and also accept New Year greetings from other colleagues and friends.

"Honey, you are finally free to chat with me," Bai Xue's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I replaced two batteries in my phone today, and it's still hot," Jiang Hui said.

"I knew you were busy today, so I hung up the phone after talking to you early in the morning," Bai Xue said.

"What are you up to today?" Jiang Hui asked.

"I'm not busy with anything, I just went to my grandparents to pay New Year's greetings or something," Bai Xue said.


Jiang Hui and Bai Xue talked on the phone for a while before continuing to work.

According to the plan, Brilliant Games' first online game "Glory of the King" will be launched tomorrow.Jiang Hui personally sat in the glorious game to confirm the preparations in all aspects.

The promotion of "Glory of the King" on,,, YY Live and other companies has been overwhelming.

As an online game born out of mobile games in later generations, although Jiang Hui asked Guanghui Games to make a lot of changes to "Honor of Kings" in order to turn the mobile game into a terminal game, the game operation is still better than most of the current online games. Much simpler.

Judging from the development trend of online games in later generations, simplification of operation is a major trend.Only when the operation is simple, will more players be attracted to play.

Therefore, the early publicity of "Glory of the King" mainly revolves around the point of simple operation.As for the biggest change in "Glory of the King" - free, Jiang Hui plans to start promoting this point when the game is launched tomorrow, so the shocking effect will be obvious to you.It is estimated that many people will have an uneasy Spring Festival holiday.

"Mr. Jiang, everything is ready, and it will go online at [-]:[-] noon tomorrow," said Lai Xiaobei, the development director of Brilliant Games.

"We have prepared the publicity after the launch tomorrow, and it will be released automatically at [-] o'clock," said Wang Chao, director of the marketing department of Brilliant Games.

"Our technical department has also made adequate plans for the possible shortage of servers after the game is launched," said Zhang Weiguo, director of the technical department of Glorious Games.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard. Let's go back to rest early tonight, and tomorrow let us witness the moment when Brilliance Games creates a miracle," Jiang Hui said.


There was no large-scale press conference, no demo sessions, and no street advertisements. Apart from the large-scale promotion of "Honor of Kings" on the Internet, Brilliant Games did not launch any other actions.

At twelve noon on the second day of the first lunar month, Brilliance Games' first online game - "Glory of the King" was officially launched.


Brilliant Games wrote on the Brilliant Weibo official account:
"See and See"

You see me, or you don't see me.

I'm right there.

Neither sad nor happy.

You miss me, or you don't miss me.

Love is there.

Not coming or going.

You love me, or you don't love me.

Love is there.

Neither increase nor decrease.

You follow, or not follow me.

My hand is in yours.

Do not give up.

Come into my arms, or.

let me live in your heart.

Silently, in love.Silence, joy.

Let us experience "Glory of the King" together.

This little poem is said to have been written by Tsangyang Gyatso, and it was later proved that Tashi Ram Duoduo composed it in the imperial capital in 2007. It was originally called "The Silence of Banza Guru Baima".Jiang Hui took it out in early 2005 as a promotional advertisement for "Glory of the King" on Guanghui Weibo.

Sure enough, in less than two hours after the poem appeared, more than 30 fans reposted it, and the number of Weibo fans of Guanghui Games also increased by more than [-].Soon, this poem leaked from Guanghui Weibo to Xiaonei, Penguin, etc., setting off a wave of imitations on the Internet.

A netizen nicknamed "Zhizhi" on Guanghui Weibo wrote:

You write, or do not write, homework is there, no increase or decrease.Whether you attend, or not, the remedial class is there, and it will not change.Whether you listen or not, the teacher is there and will never leave.You hide, or you don't hide, the exam is there, neither sad nor happy.

On Du Niang Post Bar, a netizen "bad guy" wrote:
Whether you marry or not, your mother is always there, always sad and happy;
You are left, or you are not left, youth is always there, it does not come but goes;
You choose, or not picky, there are only a few goods, not increasing but decreasing;

Whether you admit it or not, you have to forget about love, and give up even if you don’t give up;
Come into the arms of the leftover man, or let the leftover man live in your heart.

They looked at each other, speechless.Turn off the lights and undress.

All kinds of seen and invisible bodies quickly became popular on the Internet.

Jiang Hui also wrote on his Guanghui Weibo:

You retweet, or not retweet, Weibo is there, no more, no less;

Whether you take a risk or not, the fans are there, and they will never leave;

You work hard, or you don’t work hard, the pain is there, no more, no less;

You are lucky, or not happy, the concern is there, neither increasing nor decreasing;

Let me meet you by chance, or let you meet me by chance, happy, happy.Caring, blessing.

As a result, as soon as Jiang Hui discovered Weibo, he received a lot of comments from fans.

"I serve U, Boss Jiang is killing two birds with one stone. One Weibo not only indirectly promoted "Glory of the King", but also advertised his own Weibo."

"Awesome, so amazing."

"Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved."

"Mr. Jiang, how do you let us do copywriting?".

"Student Jiang, you might as well go to the Chinese Department."

"Mr. Jiang is mighty."

"The Guanghui Group is really a shit-stirring stick, and it has to make some big noises in everything it does."


Within a day, the number of Jiang Hui's Weibo fans increased by 80, officially breaking through the 500 million mark, and his influence was close to that of a first-line superstar.

At the same time, the advertisements for "Glory of the King" on the homepages of Xiaonei, Tudou, and Qunar have all been changed.Brilliant Games concentrated their firepower and began to promote the concept of "Glory of the King" as the first free online game.

"The first free online game is here, come and experience it."

"Play online games for free, all in "Glory of the King".

"It has been imitated and never surpassed. Brilliance Games has launched a free online game - "Glory of the King".

"Whether you play or not, "Glory of the King" is there, and you will never leave it."

Various advertisements coupled with the power of "See and Not See" on Guanghui Weibo, "Glory of the King" achieved impressive results on the day it was launched.

(End of this chapter)

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