Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 360 Public Enemy of the Industry

Chapter 360 Public Enemy of the Industry
Within an hour of going online, the number of registered users exceeded [-].

Within two hours of going online, the number of registered users exceeded 15.

Six hours after its launch, the number of registered users exceeded 50.

At twelve o'clock that night, the number of registered users exceeded 200 million, and the highest number of concurrent online users exceeded 30.

This number completely stunned the major online game companies. You must know that "Glory of the King" has only been online for one day, to be exact, it has only been online for twelve hours, and it has achieved such incredible results. Who else can stop it? The rise of ?
On the third day of the Lunar New Year, "Glory of the King" continued to show off its momentum, with more than 500 million registered users and a maximum concurrent online number of 55.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that "Glory of the King" is actually free!It's free!

After a day of fermentation, "Glory of the King" broke the industry convention and implemented the practice of free online games, which completely shocked the Chinese online game industry.All kinds of stunned, all kinds of swearing, and all kinds of ridicule came to my face.


Shengda Network.

"I just said that Shining Games is a crap stick, they don't want us to make money."

"Free online games? All games will be free in the future, so who is willing to spend a lot of effort to develop good games?".

"We have to consider jointly blocking Brilliant Games, and no one is allowed to cooperate with them."

"It seems that they have not cooperated with any game company now. If there is any cooperation, it is Penguin and Du Niang, but these two companies are not something we can block."

"Damn it, the good vacation was tossed by them into disrepute."

"The number of online users of our "Legendary World" seems to have declined a bit in the past two days."

"Is Brilliant Games going against the whole industry?".


ninth city.

"Sure enough, if you don't make a song, you're done. It's a blockbuster."

"Yeah, we just obtained the exclusive agency operation right of "World of Warcraft" in Tianchao last year. We plan to launch a public beta in April this year. I don't know if it will be affected."

"It's impossible to have no impact at all. I just hope that Brilliant Games will not turn the profitable online game industry into a loss."

"Not at all, although the game is free, but the props still have to be charged."

"This depends on the profitability of "Honor of Kings". The company has arranged for developers to try "Honor of Kings". If this model can really make money, we should also consider following up."


NetEase Games.

"Arrange personnel to closely follow up the situation of "Glory of the King", I want to grasp the first-hand news."

"Okay, we have asked some of the staff who are on vacation to follow up at home, and both the development department and the marketing department have arranged for many people to experience "Glory of the King"."

"Glory Games has opened another door for everyone, and it cannot be closed."

"That's right. In the past, we used point cards to charge, but now we have changed to the item charging mode. I don't know how big the difference is between the two methods."

"Let's see, it won't be long before news comes out."


Although the rivalry between Brilliant Games and various companies has nothing to do with Penguin Games, Boss Ma, who is far away in Shenzhen City, has a very keen sense of smell, and feels that the spring of Tianchao online games is coming.Quickly instructed Penguin Game Platform to start the development of the company's first online game - Penguin Fantasy.As the first online game under Penguin, this game was originally launched a few months later, but Boss Ma couldn't wait to see the popularity of "Glory of the King", so he opened Penguin in advance. The journey of the online game industry.


When online game companies are constantly discussing Brilliant Games and "Glory of the King".More people on the Internet are paying attention to "Seeing and Not Seeing", which indirectly drives the attention of Brilliant Games.

At present, the number of fans of Brilliance Games on the Brilliance Weibo official account has exceeded 300 million, and it is still increasing rapidly in the past two days.

Many people are speculating about the author of the poem "Seeing and Not Seeing". Related discussions have started on Guanghui Weibo and spread to the cultural circle.

In the past few years, the Celestial Dynasty has lacked well-known poetic works. In this environment, "Seeing and Not Seeing" has received more widespread attention.

Especially the various imitations of netizens. In just two days, almost all netizens have seen this poem or the adapted poem.

Even a public security agency in a certain city imitated the language and style of "Seeing and Not Seeing" and posted information on its official website, urging fugitives to surrender: "If you flee, or if you don't flee, the matter is there, and it will not change. You Run, or don’t run, the net is there, and you can’t withdraw it. You think, or don’t think, the law is there, impartial. You surrender, or you don’t surrender, the police are there, don’t give up. Get there as soon as possible Surrender, or, panic all day long, run away and be bored, it's good to be done."


"Jiang Hui, did you write this poem?" He Ling asked.

"Haha, if you think it is, it is, if it is not, then it is not," Jiang Hui said with a haha.

"Is that true or not? Everyone on the Internet says they haven't read this poem," He Ling said.

"Forget it," Jiang Hui had no choice but to brazenly say that he wrote it himself.

"Then why have you never seen you write poetry before?" He Ling asked.

"Poetry and poetry, poetry and song are the same, I have written a lot of songs, so it is not surprising to have a poem now," Jiang Hui said.


On the seventh day of the first lunar month, the fifth day after "Glory of the King" was launched, just as Jiang Hui was about to return to his hometown, the number of registered users officially exceeded 1000 million, and the highest number of online users exceeded 80.It set a new record for the number of people online at the same time in Tianchao online games.


To measure whether an online game is popular or not, the maximum number of simultaneous online users is a very important indicator.It represents to a certain extent the fun and attractiveness of the game.

Another important indicator of the success of a game is profitability.

The income of "Glory of the King" was actually not much on the day it was launched, only about 60 yuan, but it increased rapidly from the second day onwards.

150 million.

350 million.

600 million.

900 million.

The item charges on the fifth day of launch have reached as much as 900 million. I don’t know how it will feel if this figure is known by Shengda Network and Ninth City Lighting Company.

Brilliant Games is a company 100% controlled by Jiang Hui, and there is no obligation to disclose financial statements to the outside world. In order not to irritate everyone, Jiang Hui asked the finance department to keep the income of "Glory of the King" confidential, and try to keep outsiders from getting accurate information. income situation.

However, seeing that the props of "Glory of the King" are selling so well, it is estimated that other game companies can also guess that the glorious game is released.

(End of this chapter)

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