Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 361 Homecoming

Chapter 361 Homecoming
According to historical records, after Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, captured Xianyang, some people persuaded him to make Guanzhong his capital, but Xiang Yu had a strong sense of locality.Said: "Wealth and honor do not return to their hometown, like clothes embroidered at night, who knows!".Later generations extended the "Night Journey in Brocade Clothes", and gradually there was a saying that you should return home in brocade clothes.

On the seventh day of the new year, when most of the employees had already returned to the company, Jiang Hui explained to Tang Wenwen, Fang Dawen and others, and then went back to his hometown.

After more than a year of fermentation, and under the intentional or unintentional propaganda of Jiang Hui's high school, Wu County No. [-] Middle School.Many people in my hometown already know about Jiang Hui's situation. Of course, most of them only know superficially and don't know the specific situation.

In recent years, the promotion of government officials is closely related to the economic development of the jurisdiction, and Jiang Hui's pig farm has become the largest pig farm in the county during the past year's development, and it is the most complete in terms of environmental protection. pig farm.Especially with the research group of Tianchao Agricultural University first, and then the research group of Southern Agricultural University for long-term cooperation and guidance, the ecological pig farm has begun to take shape.

After Jiang Hui flew to Wuyang, the Meituan office had arranged for a car to go to the airport for Jiang Hui to use.Considering that it would be much more convenient to have a car after returning home, Jiang Hui drove the car home by himself.

Speaking of which, Jiang Hui is now worth tens of billions, but he really hasn't enjoyed the life of the rich much.But on the way home by himself, Jiang Hui felt that it was almost time to consider the allocation of drivers, bodyguards and other personnel.

Although Jiang Hui is very low-key and has not had any safety accidents so far, it is inevitable that some people will worry about him or his competitors will retaliate against him if he has a big business.Therefore, it is very necessary to have a security team, and even the pig farm at home has to hire several security guards-mainly for the safety of parents.

There is a saying in the field of production that safety is no small matter, and Jiang Hui feels that it is the same in life.After returning to the imperial capital, Jiang Hui was going to seriously consider the matter of bodyguards to see if there was any suitable manpower.

Although it is still during the Spring Festival travel season, the road from Wuyang Airport to Wu County is very smooth, and in turn, there is a mess of traffic jams.

In the evening, Jiang Hui had already returned home.

"Mom, I'm back." Jiang Hui saw his mother sweeping the yard as soon as he parked the car.

"It's so early. Are you hungry? I'll cook something for you," Mother Jiang said.

"Brother, you are back." Jiang Ping also came out when she heard the voice.

The third year of high school started early, Jiang Hui came back from the seventh day of junior high school, and Jiang Ping was going to school on the eighth day of junior high school.

"Come here and help move things," Jiang Hui said to Jiang Ping.

Before returning home, He Ling helped to buy a lot of things, including food and necessities.

After a lot of tossing, Jiang Hui ate some food made by his mother, and then went to visit his grandparents with gifts.

In rural areas, on the seventh day of the first lunar month, most of Du who went out to work had already set off or was about to set off.After a few days of being lively, the countryside began to slowly fall into tranquility again.

Grandpa and grandma live in the uncle's house, which is very close to Jiang Hui's house. Jiang Hui didn't drive, but walked there with Jiang Ping.

"How about the final exam? The previous few monthly exams have improved significantly. This time it will be no problem to get in the top of the class?" Jiang Hui said to Jiang Ping.

Jiang Ping's class is not an experimental class. Before the third year of high school, her grades were only in the top ten in the class. At this level, she can go to an ordinary secondary school.However, when Jiang Hui came to the imperial capital last summer vacation, after Jiang Hui arranged a group of experts to help with tutoring for a round, the level of English and mathematics improved significantly, especially those tutors stood in the perspective of those who had experienced it and shared their experience with Jiang Ping. , This has greatly helped Jiang Ping's academic performance.In the mid-term exam of the last semester of the third year of high school, Jiang Ping had already passed the No. 6 in the class, and this result has a great chance of being a repeater.

"Brother, you underestimate me too much. I'm aiming for the first place in the class. If I'm lower than the top three, I'll fail," Jiang Ping said.

"Hey, not bad, that's fine, I'll wait for you to come first," Jiang Hui said.

The two arrived at the uncle's house not long after they left. As the village party secretary, the uncle and Jiang Hui's family jointly established a pig farm last year, and the economic conditions have also been greatly improved. It is also very good for Jiang Hui to come home to visit him Happy.

Next, it was natural to exchange some pleasantries, and then Jiang Hui chatted with his grandparents for a while, and then went home.

In the next few days, besides sending Jiang Ping back to school, Jiang Hui visited his former teachers, and then politely declined the invitation from the teacher in charge of the senior year to return to school to give a speech.

Then I went to the three aunts and six wives and other relatives who were closer.

For the rest of the time, Jiang Hui visited the pig farm again.After scientific planning, this pig farm in the col has a somewhat modern feel.Digester, sewage station, small power generation system, automatic flushing system, etc., as well as the surrounding passion fruit, asparagus and other planting areas.

"Dad, the pig farm has already grown to a certain size. This year, we will hire a few people to help take care of it. You just need to watch it. There is no need to do everything yourself. Also, after the Spring Festival, you can take the driver's license test and buy a car when the time comes. It is more convenient to travel. Not to mention that it is not safe to ride a motorcycle all the time, and it is cold in winter, and it is inconvenient when it is windy and rainy," Jiang Hui said while visiting the pig farm with Jiang's father.

"Understood, now that the research group of Southern Agricultural University is cooperating with us, I can just call a helper," Father Jiang said.


During Jiang Hui's return home, the leaders of the town also visited Jiang Hui specially. It is estimated that Jiang Hui's family has set up a modern ecological pig farm so suddenly, and the town also got to know Jiang Hui well. home situation.

Although Jiang Hui's current enterprises are basically in the Internet industry, it may be difficult for the town government to attract investment to Jiang Hui.But these leaders knew that there was such a capable person in the town, so they naturally hurried to get acquainted, and next time if they were not sure, they could ask Jiang Hui, a sage who went out of the country, to donate to his education or something else.

The county magistrate is not as good as the current one. Although Jiang Hui doesn't usually have many contacts with officials, even if he does, they are at a higher level. The department-level and unit-level officials in Yuanfei Town are comparable.But considering that his parents are in his hometown, dealing with these officials can save a lot of trouble, so Jiang Hui warmly received the leaders of the town.

"Dad, when there is any event in the town, you can use the name of the pig farm to sponsor tens of thousands of dollars, which can be regarded as supporting the work in the town. Anyway, our family is not short of tens of thousands of dollars," Jiang said. Hui said.

"I know, I have sponsored several times last year," Jiang's father said.

(End of this chapter)

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