Chapter 362

Inspur Internet Café is a newly opened Internet Café in the downtown area of ​​Wuxian County, with a total of more than 150 machines, which is considered a relatively large Internet Café in a small county town.It costs 3 yuan per hour, and basically the average attendance rate of a day can reach 90.00%.After twelve o'clock in the evening, the night package is 12 yuan, until seven o'clock the next day.

As a unique product of the Internet age, Internet cafes bear a distinct imprint of the times.It has a history of almost 10 years. Before 02 and 03, it can be regarded as the golden age of Internet cafes. At that time, the Internet access fee was 8 yuan an hour, 5 yuan an hour, and any Internet cafe with hundreds of machines recovered its cost in two months and made a profit in a year. It can be over a million, which can be said to be a huge profit.

By 2005, Internet cafes had entered the silver age. Until the popularity of smartphones, Internet cafes were considered a very good investment. Although they were not as profitable as in the early days, the return on investment was absolutely satisfactory.

Lin Lei is a frequent visitor to the Inspur Internet Cafe. He is a junior college student who has just graduated less than a year ago and works in a public institution in the county.Lin Lei basically spends a few hours in the Internet cafe every day.

After paying the fee and turning the phone on, Lin Lei usually hangs up the Penguin newsletter first, and then logs on to Xiaonei to see his friends' updates, likes or comments.Then go to your own happy farm to harvest the crops, and steal vegetables from your friends by the way.Then open Guanghui Weibo to see what the friends and big Vs you follow have posted recently, and learn about popular events.

Since its launch, Guanghui Weibo has become an important channel for many netizens to learn about popular events.At present, Guanghui Weibo has more than 3000 million users. Basically, all major celebrities have opened their own Weibo accounts, and many companies have also opened official accounts one after another.

The popularity of Guanghui Weibo immediately attracted the attention of several major portal websites.According to hearsay, companies such as Penguin, Sina, and NetEase have all started planning their own blogs or microblogs.The number of words on Guanghui Weibo is limited to 140 characters. Some companies think that this number is too small and think that blogs are more promising.Of course, more companies are following in the footsteps of Guanghui Weibo to develop their own Weibo. After all, at present, Guanghui Weibo is obviously better than blogging.

After Lin Lei posted his mood or feelings today on Guanghui Weibo, he usually went to YY Live to watch the live broadcast of beauties.As a "single dog", Lin Lei spends a lot of time online on YY live broadcasts.This kind of ability to interact with beauties and see videos, especially the cool clothes of many female anchors, is very popular with Lin Lei.

When bored, Lin Lei would open Tudou, watch popular videos on Paike, or open a movie to watch.On weekends, Tudou is Lin Lei's best friend.

Zhong Yang is also a frequent visitor of Inspur Internet Cafe. Unlike Lin Lei, he is basically playing games every time he surfs the Internet.In recent days, the newly launched "Glory of the King" by Brilliant Games has become his favorite game. Basically, when Zhong Yang surfs the Internet, he spends [-]% of his time playing "Glory of the King", and the other [-]% is Zhong Yang. Call your friends on Penguin Newsletter to play the game.

Among the people who come to the Inspur Internet Cafe to surf the Internet, [-] to [-]% are playing games.Most of them are playing online games such as "Glory of the King" and "Legend", and many people are playing web games such as "Fishing Game" and "Plants vs. Zombies".The rest of the people are basically watching movies, chatting, checking Weibo or something.

The products or applications of Tudou, YY Live, Xiaonei, Guanghui Games, Guanghui Weibo and other companies under the Guanghui Group have already occupied a large part of the time of netizens in Internet cafes.On the contrary, websites such as,,, and Autohome do not appear very frequently in Internet cafes. Most netizens who use these websites open them on their own computers.

In fact, this also has a lot to do with the product positioning of each company. Generally, people who go to Internet cafes to surf the Internet, except for some who are purposely looking for information, most of them are there for entertainment.Tudou, YY Live, and Brilliant Games are all companies with very strong entertainment elements.

During non-working hours, the vast majority of people surf the Internet for fun and entertainment.Whether it is chatting, watching movies, playing games or watching live broadcasts, it basically falls into this category.This also means that Guanghui Group needs to further strengthen its entertainment management products.In addition to Tudou's continuous expansion of film and TV series resources, Guanghui Film and Television needs to increase the production of movies and TV series, etc., and Guanghui Games also needs to make persistent efforts.

Since the development of Guanghui Group, the relationship between various enterprises has become closer and closer.Xiaonei has gathered a group of relatively high-end high-quality users. On the one hand, it can import traffic and users for Tudou, YY Live, Qunar, etc., and on the other hand, it can provide a platform for Guanghui Games and Guanghui Payment.As for Tudou, in addition to providing a very good broadcast platform for Guanghui Film and Television, it can also provide a strong support for the video advertisements of major companies.

The growth of Brilliance Film and Tudou also allowed the group's influence in the entertainment industry to continue to grow, and many celebrities would sell Brilliant Group's face.Whether it's shooting commercials or opening an account on Guanghui Weibo, they are all very cooperative.

Needless to say, Brilliant Payment, Xiaonei, YY Live, Qunar and other websites are all based on Brilliant Payment, and the development and growth of the group companies have also increased the number of users of Brilliant Payment in disguise, which has played a role in mutual promotion. role.In particular, after Guanghui Payment received the capital injection from Guanghui Technology, it carried out various subsidy activities for users, which attracted a group of new users.

Perhaps the most obvious one is Guanghui Weibo, no matter which company in the group has opened a public account on it.When any new product is launched, it can use Guanghui Weibo to carry out marketing.And Xiaonei, Tudou, etc. have a large number of users. After they open official accounts on Guanghui Weibo, they will attract a group of their own users to Guanghui Weibo, which in a disguised form promotes the development of Guanghui Weibo.

In this Internet era, it is destined to be very difficult to grow up alone. Enterprises like the Guanghui Group that advance like an aircraft carrier fleet take a lot of convenience and are destined to leave other companies farther and farther.

This may be the so-called "winner takes all".

(End of this chapter)

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