Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 364 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf

Chapter 364 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf

Aofei Culture Communication Co., Ltd. was established in 2004. It is an animation culture communication company under Aofei Animation with three-dimensional animation production, comic production, animation image design, copyright agency and other cartoon image businesses as its core business. Jiang Hui also became a shareholder of Aofei last year. After flying animation, let 3 bosses vigorously develop an area.

According to the results of the communication between Jiang Hui and Boss Cai, the positioning of Aofei Culture is to create the original classic animation images of Tianchao as the goal.Jiang Hui hopes that the company can have a large number of experienced animation production and management teams, and the main creative and production personnel for animation, comics, and TV dramas can be introduced from island countries, Hong Kong and other regions.

The development of Tianchao’s animation industry first started in the Shanghai Art Film Studio. After the establishment of the factory in 1957, the animations such as "Ma Liang with the Magic Brush" and "Little Tadpole Looking for Mom" ​​were well-produced and achieved good response. After the 90s, a large number of overseas works represented by island country animation poured into China, making domestic animation lose its luster for a time.

Entering the 21st century, in order to boost domestic animation, the state has launched a series of supportive policies, including animation creation competitions, government subsidies and tax relief, and encouragement of derivatives, to create an influential international animation brand.

Therefore, Jiang Hui hopes that Boss Cai will increase his investment in this area. If he does not have enough funds, he can ask Guanghui Group for help.

"Mr. Cai, Gong Xi Fa Cai," Jiang Hui said to Boss Cai with a smile.

After finishing the inspection of the Wuyang branch of, Jiang Hui went to Aofei Animation the next day.On the one hand, I want to see the recent situation of Aofei, and on the other hand, I want to communicate with Boss Cai about animation development.

"Director Jiang, Gong Xi Fa Cai," Boss Cai said enthusiastically, and even sent Jiang Hui a red seee.

In the Pearl River Delta region, when you go to work after the Spring Festival, the first thing everyone says when they meet is often "Gong Xi Fa Cai".In general, married people will start arranging rai yeh after hearing this sentence.

Lishi, also known as "Lishi", is a red envelope, which means good luck and good luck.In Lingnan, there is a custom of "Paying Red See" and "Teasing Red See" during Chinese New Year.From billionaires to ordinary people, most of the "Rishee" sent out are 10 or 20 yuan, and most of them do not exceed 50 yuan.But with the improvement of living standards now, it is not surprising that the price of a lai see is more than 100 yuan.Generally speaking, married people distribute "Rishee", which can be distributed from the first day of the Lunar New Year to before the Lantern Festival.In addition to minors, there are also some unmarried people, and single friends who are five or sixty years old and never married will also receive "Rishes".

"Lishi" also has an allusion to the origin of the three words "Lishi" or "Lishi".

The word "profit market" has been recorded as early as in the "Book of Changes", which means less capital and more profit.The Yuan Dynasty's "Common Proverbs" also mentioned that "for auspicious omens, one should ask the host for a favorable market", which shows that a favorable market also has the meaning of good luck.According to the "Yi Miscellaneous Notes": "Business benefits the market, business benefits the business", the businessman's school is called the profit market, whichever means it is beneficial to do anything.

Since the two words "shi" and "shi" are actually interlinked, many people write "lishi" as "lishi".

"I read Alpha Animation's report last year, and it was very good, with an increase of 90.00%," Jiang Hui said.

"I have to thank Mr. Jiang for his support. Last year, the biggest profit of our company was the production of the dolls of Guanghui Games. These dolls not only achieved very good results in China, but also sold well in island countries, South Korea and other regions. It has made a great contribution to the development of the company. The Lingnan Provincial Toy Association has visited us many times and gave our company a high evaluation,” said Boss Cai.

"Extended products of games and animation will have an increasing impact on the toy industry. Therefore, in addition to the Group's efforts to increase game development, Aofei Culture Communication Co., Ltd., which was established last year, must also increase efforts. Development belongs to own animation works," Jiang Hui said.

"Indeed, animation itself is a very promising industry. The design and production of animation occupies the upper reaches of the industry chain. One-time income can be obtained by selling comic copyrights to mid-stream animation platforms or publishers. Due to the strong scalability and radiation of animation content Widely, the derivatives market, mainly the sales of the toy market will also become the main source of growth in the animation industry’s revenue,” said Boss Cai.

"Mr. Cai is indeed a veteran who has been deeply involved in the toy industry for many years, and he can see it very clearly in this area," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Oh, there is no way. I suffered too much loss before. We make a toy as an OEM and earn one or two yuan. After the manufacturer buys the product back from us, the price is doubled and sold to consumers. The money is worthless." They earned it away. So last year, Chairman Jiang, you proposed that our company enter the animation field, and I immediately agreed," said Boss Cai.

"When I came to Aofei this time, besides visiting the company, the most important thing was to talk to Mr. Cai about the next step of animation development," Jiang Hui said.

"Does Mr. Jiang have any good ideas? I heard that you planned the products of Guanghui Games, and you also wrote the scripts of the micro-films of Guanghui Film and Television. Can Mr. Jiang also design an animation script for our company? Our company What is most lacking now is creative talents," said Boss Cai.

At present, people who are engaged in creation in China are often more distressed. After all, they often encounter many restrictions when creating, such as the legendary problem of "not being able to become a master after the founding of the country" and other problems that make people more troublesome.And the scale is even different from year to year. Today I think it is no problem to write a script, but it will not work tomorrow.

Especially for animation, because it still gives people the impression of children's works in China, so it is more restricted.For example, two students, a boy and a girl, may not be allowed to have a love story, otherwise they will be complained by their parents for "puppy love".The previously popular "I'm Singing Crazy" has encountered embarrassment in this regard.It is in sharp contrast to the fact that elementary school students will fall in love in today's reality.

And in order to pass the book, the animation creators can only write some very childish plots, so that the audience will not buy it after watching it. If they don’t buy it, the treatment of screenwriters will become worse. If it gets worse, no good professionals will be willing to join this industry. , which is equivalent to a vicious circle...

"Don't tell me, I really have some ideas. When I was at home a few days ago, I occasionally played with my uncle for a while, and I feel that the current domestic cartoons are nothing to sell. Especially the lack of the kind of animation that is suitable for all ages. If we make such a movie ourselves, it will be very popular," said Jiang Hui.

"Great, Mr. Jiang, can you tell me about the situation of this film?" Boss Cai said.

"No problem, the cartoon I'm planning is called "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", let's sit down and I will tell you about the plot," Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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