Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 365 The Road to Domestic Animation Take-off

Chapter 365 The Road to Domestic Animation Take-off
The "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" series was an original animation work produced by Lingnan Original Power Culture Communication Co., Ltd. in the previous life. By the time of Jiang Hui's rebirth, a total of 15 TV animations and 9 animated films had been completed, including 2 live-action animated films.

Such a product is enough for Aofei to operate for four or five years.At that time, not to mention the income of the animation itself, it is estimated that the sales of dolls alone will be crazy.

"In the year 3513 of the Goat Calendar, on the Qingqing Grassland, the sheep and goats have flourished. There are small towns, schools, supermarkets, and beauty salons within the sheep and goats. All the sheep of the sheep and goats are living happily.

But in the forest on the other side, Big Big Wolf and his wife, Red Wolf, swallowed at a group of fat sheep. When Red Wolf saw the flock of sheep, he knew that her husband was right to take her away from the wolf group. The problem was Big Big Wolf. It's time to go to the other side to catch the fat sheep and let her have a feast of sheep and sheep..." Jiang Hui talked to Boss Cai about the script of the first part of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf".

Jiang Hui has already written the general story of the first part, and he only needs to fill in some content in the follow-up and use it directly.

"The clever Pleasant Goat, the beautiful and lovely Pretty Goat, the lazy and lazy Goat, the brave and lively Boiling Goat, the kind and honest Warm Goat, the slow and knowledgeable Goat, the hot-tempered Red Wolf, never say anything. Abandoned Big Big Wolf. Director Jiang, you are too powerful, every protagonist is designed so full, this animation will definitely be very popular," Boss Cai said while looking at the preliminary script.

"In the past, the lines of domestic cartoons were always full of all kinds of preaching. In "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", I think a lot of modern popular elements should be added. For example, the skillful use of Internet language, and the mosaic of characters' expressions should be funny and exaggerated. In addition, The emergence of modern tools, I think these are in line with the tastes of most young audiences," Jiang Hui said.

"Since cartoons are for children, they must have educational significance. This is basically the creed of domestic animation, and domestic animation like "Big Head Son and Little Head Dad" sticks to this point. There is nothing wrong with this , but if there is only education and less entertainment, it will be bad. So, Mr. Jiang, you hope that "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" will incorporate more Internet elements and cleverly integrate educational elements into the lines. I think this should be the future A direction for the development of domestic animation," said Boss Cai.

"Well, in terms of animation, the island country is doing the best, and we have to catch up," Jiang Hui said with a little emotion.

"From "Dragon Ball" to "Naruto", for more than ten years, countless animations from island countries have surpassed domestic animations by an overwhelming advantage. Don't give up, insist on making your own cartoons. This time, our Aofei's "Joyful and Big Big Wolf" must make domestic animation rise again, so as to live up to such a good script by Director Jiang, and to live up to the majority of domestic animation producers Persevere," Boss Cai said a little emotionally.

Since 93, Boss Cai has developed a toy handicraft workshop into a medium-sized enterprise with more than 500 employees.The toy industry is largely a reflection of the animation industry. Boss Cai has witnessed the changes in domestic animation over the past ten years, and he is also very worried about the sluggish domestic animation.So last year, after Jiang Hui took control of Aofei Animation, and Boss Cai proposed to engage in animation, everyone reached a consensus.

"In terms of animation production personnel, we need to increase the scale of training and introduction. The domestic technical level is still relatively average, and animation belongs to the cultural industry, which requires creative talents. Unfortunately, as far as I know, domestic training is mostly based on skills. Training, only training on software operation, basic knowledge, no practical training. At present, professional animation talents generally do not go to animation companies, and those who are still doing animation are mostly self-taught animation people,” Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, the level of domestic animation talents you mentioned is a compliment to them. Let me say that there are no animation talents in China at present, and even a few levels are bad. So since the establishment of Aofei Culture, there are now dozens of animation talents. [-] employees are basically imported from Hong Kong or island countries, but the cost will be much higher,” said Boss Cai.

"The development of the cultural industry is now vigorously encouraged in China, among which animation is even more encouraged and supported by the government; in addition, with the improvement of people's living standards, the entertainment industry will inevitably become more and more developed. So we don't need to be afraid to spend money now Every penny we spend now can be recovered several times or dozens of times in a few years," Jiang Hui said.

"I was a little worried before, but now that I see the script of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", I don't worry that the investment will be in vain," said Boss Cai.

"We can't put all our eggs in one basket. When starting the production of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", we must also consider other films," Jiang Hui said.

"Well, but the first half of this year is probably too busy. Let's focus on producing the first part of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", let the company's creative team practice their skills, and then slowly launch several projects at the same time. , Let Aofei completely become the leader of domestic animation", said Boss Cai.

"No problem, you can arrange the specific operation of the company, Mr. Cai, and I'll just wait for your good news," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

After talking with Boss Cai about animation for so long, Jiang Hui felt that should increase its investment in the animation channel.At present, most of the energy of is put on Paike Channel, Movie Channel, TV Drama Channel and Open Class Channel.There are very few animation products with copyright on Tudou. Most of the animation products are uploaded by users, which is definitely not enough.

Jiang Hui felt that it was necessary for Tudou to go abroad and go to island countries and other places to buy some online copyrights of animation.In addition, it is also necessary to strengthen the construction of Tudou's island branch. It should not only focus on China and the United States, but should be more diversified.

After reviewing with Boss Cai, Jiang Hui visited Aofei's toy production workshop and put forward some opinions of his own.In the evening, I will have another meal with Boss Cai, and this trip to Yangcheng basically comes to an end.

The air ticket back to the imperial capital is at noon the day after tomorrow, and tomorrow is the Lantern Festival, and Bai Xue has asked Jiang Hui to go to Haizhu City to have fun several times.So Jiang Hui planned to go to Haizhu City tomorrow, and return to the imperial capital with Bai Xue the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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