Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 367 Chapter 1 Emperor Capital

Chapter 367 Returning to the Imperial Capital Together
No matter how gluttonous time devours everything, we must strive to gain our reputation while this breath is still alive, so that the scythe of time cannot hurt us. — Shakespeare

After eating the seafood feast, Bai Xue took Jiang Hui to a nearby park.

"I'm so sleepy, why don't we call it a day today. Let's find a hotel nearby to have a rest. I just want to stay at night," Jiang Hui said to Bai Xue at around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Bai Xue blushed, probably knowing what bad idea Jiang Hui was planning, but she didn't refuse.

Today is the Lantern Festival, before Bai Xue and her parents broke the news about their relationship, it is not suitable for Jiang Hui to go to her house for dinner.So at six o'clock, Jiang Hui sent her from the hotel to the intersection where he picked her up in the morning.

"Honey, I'm sorry, I want you to eat alone tonight," Bai Xue said.

"It's okay, it's just for one night, so how do you go to the airport tomorrow?" Jiang Hui said.

"I guess my dad will insist on taking me to the airport, but I try my best to convince him to let me go by myself, then you can come and pick me up," Bai Xue said.

"Okay, follow your command," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

After arriving at the designated intersection, Bai Xue took the initiative to kiss Jiang Hui goodbye.

"Honey, see you tomorrow." After saying that, Bai Xue got out of the car and went home.

After Jiang Hui watched Bai Xue disappear at the intersection, he drove back to the hotel, not interested in playing alone.

After having some casual dinner at the hotel, Jiang Hui sat on the balcony of the hotel and stared blankly.

After returning to the imperial capital this time, the work in 2005 will officially start.Although strictly speaking the New Year's Day is a new year, Jiang Hui is still used to distinguishing the year by the Spring Festival.

2005 is also a very important year for Guanghui Group.In the past year or so, Jiang Hui has basically been involved in the Internet industry, and has invested less money and energy in the industrial and entertainment industries.

Industry is the backbone of the economy.A strong economy can support a strong country, and industry is the foundation of a strong economy.The industrial revolution in Europe was supported by industry, and the rise of island countries was also supported by industry. The same is true for the United States.American companies engaged in aerospace, biomedicine, and information system core technologies and equipment, such as Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, and Intel, are all very powerful industrial companies.

This is true for countries, and companies are no exception.For Guanghui Group to gain a firm foothold in China and the world, it is not enough to rely solely on the Internet industry.Although the Internet, finance and other industries will still make the most money in the future, it does not mean that industry is not important anymore.

On the contrary, everyone is rushing to engage in the virtual economy, and the importance of industry will be more valued and supported by the state.Think about it, when the industrial companies under the Guanghui Group have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of employees, then the number of employees indirectly affected will definitely be hundreds of thousands or even millions. At this time, the social influence of the Guanghui Group will be greatly reduced. Unlimited magnification.

As for the entertainment industry, with the improvement of people's living standards, the market prospect is very broad, and this industry has no pollution, so it is a typical green industry.When environmental protection problems become more and more serious in the future, we will get strong support from governments at all levels.

In addition, in the next few years, the integration of the Internet and the entertainment industry will create an exciting new world.In Jiang Hui's view, Internet companies will strive to connect the new world of the Internet into the ecosystem that has been in operation for many years by virtue of their accumulated technology.The Internet will have a disruptive impact on the entertainment industry.

The Internet's subversion of the entertainment industry first comes from changes in channels.Tudou is the most obvious.The significance of digitization to culture is not just an additional communication channel, but the birth of thousands of new channels.The generation who grew up on the Internet will become accustomed to using the Internet to consume social networking, games, music, film and television, animation, and literature.Driven by the concept of "pan-entertainment", cultural resources in these fields will be freely transferred between different sections.

The layout of Guanghui Group in places such as, Guanghui Weibo, Guanghui Games, Guanghui Film and Television, Tudou, Douban, Aofei Animation, and Diandian Chinese Network can be said to be based on "pan-entertainment".

In the new year, as long as Jiang Hui increases the layout of Guanghui Film and Television in movies and TV dramas, he can activate the entertainment industry chain of the entire group.

What Jiang Hui lacks most is excellent film and television creativity. "Struggle", "The Girl We Chased in Those Years", "Love Story in the Imperial Capital", "Partners of the Heavenly Dynasty", etc., are enough for Guanghui Film and Television to spend a few years comfortably and happily.

After Guanghui Film and Television has firmly established itself in the entertainment circle of China, various variety shows from later generations can be brought over. "Where Are We Going, Dad", "I'm a Singer", "The Voice of Heaven" and so on, the development of these programs is of great benefit to Guanghui Group's layout in the entertainment industry and the promotion of its own industrial products.

Jiang Hui kept thinking about these issues on the balcony, until Bai Xue sent a text message asking what he was doing, and then he took his thoughts back from the infinitely divergent space.

The next day, it was his father's driver who took Baixue to the airport. I don't know how much Baixue spent to persuade her father to give up the idea of ​​taking her to the airport in person.

"Honey, wait for me at the intersection outside the hotel, I'll ask the driver to take me directly," Bai Xue said in a text message.


On the other side, after Bai Xue said goodbye to her parents, not long after she got into her father's driver's car, "Master Li, you don't have to take me to the airport directly, it's a long way. I just happen to have friends who want to go together At the airport, you can just drop me off at the designated place."

"No, the leader specifically ordered me to send you to the airport. How can I go back to the airport when you get off the bus halfway?"

"You don't want to go back to work so quickly. After I get off the car, you go home and rest for a while, and then go back to work after lunch. My dad asked me and said that he had sent me to the airport. Besides, I will tell my parents when I get to the airport. Yes, and they won't ask you any more."

"Is your friend reliable?"

"No problem, you don't have to worry."

"Okay then, but you must tell your father when you arrive at the airport. You'd better tell me too, or I won't know what's going on."

"No problem, I won't cheat you."

"Then where did you say you drove the car?"


After Jiang Hui received Bai Xue, the two chatted and drove to the airport.Jiang Hui from the Wuyang branch of has already informed them to arrange personnel to go to the airport and leave the car for a meeting.

As the plane slowly slid off the runway and rushed into the sky, Guanghui Group ushered in a new round of development peak.

(End of this chapter)

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