Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 368 The New Stage of Xiaonei Network

Chapter 368 The New Stage of Xiaonei Network

After returning to the imperial capital, Jiang Hui started a busy life.Tang Wenwen from Xiaonei was the first to come.

After more than a year of development, is now the largest social networking site in China and even in the world. Its business covers China, island countries, South Korea, Russia, India, Vietnam and other countries and regions, with nearly [-] million registered users.The influence of Xiaonei has spread from China to the world, and its development speed is much higher than that of Facebook.

"Director Jiang, we are ready to open the registration authority of to high school students in Tiantian. This is our evaluation report," Tang Wenwen said.

"Have you done any specific investigation?" Jiang Hui asked.

"Yes, we did an online survey on the homepage of Xiaonei. More than 50 users participated in the survey. More than 50.00% of people agreed that Xiaonei. Up to 40.00% of the people expressed their opposition," Tang Wenwen said.

"What is the distribution of the part of the user group that expresses opposition?" Jiang Hui asked.

"More than [-]% of these people are college students, and most of them are graduate students," Tang Wenwen said.

Among the more than 2000 million users of Xiaonei in Tianchao, [-]% are college students, and the rest are college students who have graduated.

"Do you understand why they objected?" Jiang Hui asked.

"Yes, I don't really care about it because I am worried about affecting the user experience, and I am afraid that some users with relatively low cultural quality will flood into the Xiaonei network," Tang Wenwen said.

"Then what do those users who agree to open to high school students to register?" Jiang Hui asked.

"We have also learned about this part of the personnel, and there are various reasons. Some of them are because some of their classmates are still in high school, especially freshman users. Some of their classmates are repeating high school, or they have not gone to college. The website can accept high school students; in addition, some people think that Xiaonei is a social networking site, and the more users, the more fun, so they support the expansion of Xiaonei. Afterwards, they can search for more young and beautiful girls and add them as friends..." Tang Wenwen said.

"Expanding the user base should be a trend of social networking sites. In the early stage of development, in order to improve user stickiness and user experience, we strictly imposed registration authority cards. Now Xiaonei has been established for almost a year and a half. The number of domestic users The growth has been a bit sluggish, and it's time to let go of the registration authority," Jiang Hui said.

"Yes, judging from the development of island countries and South Korea, the release of registration authority is very beneficial to the increase in the number of registrations," Tang Wenwen said.

"Well, that's it. Tomorrow, Xiaonei will open the registration authority to all high school students of Tianchao. As for when it will be open to all users, we will see the situation later," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, then in India, Vietnam and other places, should we also extend the registration authority to high school students?" Tang Wenwen said.

"Let's go, let's increase the number of users this year, and we can consider going public next year," Jiang Hui said.

"Director Jiang, where do you plan to list Should we make preparations earlier?" Tang Wenwen said.

"Nasdaq, Internet companies go public there to raise funds," Jiang Hui said.

NASDAQ (English: NASDAQ), the full name of the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) is an electronic securities trading institution in the United States, owned by the NASDAQ stock market company and operational. NASDAQ is the abbreviation of the National Securities Association's Automatic Market Reporting System. Founded in 1971, it has become one of the largest stock markets in the world so far.

China's Internet companies prefer to go public on NASDAQ mainly because of the domestic listing threshold, listing costs and capital market capacity.

In China, even on the GEM, where A-shares are most easily listed, companies still need to meet certain rigid targets: consecutive profits in the last two years, with a cumulative net profit of not less than 1000 million yuan in the last two years; The annual operating income is not less than 5000 million yuan.Based on this standard, the vast majority of domestic Internet companies will be shut out of the A-share market. After all, many Internet companies occupy the market at a loss in the early stage, relying on concepts and prospects for financing.

The other is the time cost. The domestic IPO system is an approval system. When it is approved, the company's words are completely ignored.Considering that the time from review to issuance may be very long, the time cost is too high for Internet companies whose situation is changing rapidly.

Another problem is market capacity.At present, the overall market value of the domestic Shanghai stock market is relatively low, while the valuation of Internet companies is often relatively high. If Internet companies are listed in China, the impact on the market will be relatively large.

Unexpectedly, most Internet companies choose to list on NASDAQ, and Jiang Hui will naturally not stand out from the crowd and go to the Shanghai or Shenzhen stock market for listing.

"Well, then I will refer to Nasdaq's listing requirements as much as possible to make some adjustments to the company's operations and reduce subsequent listing obstacles," Tang Wenwen said.

"There is no need to deliberately cater to the listing needs. The most important thing is to see whether it is conducive to the development of Xiaonei. After all, listing is only a means, and development is the goal," Jiang Hui said.

Although Jiang Hui planned to let and go public for financing before the financial crisis and when the stock market was at its hottest, but now these two companies have a very good reputation in the venture capital circle. Therefore, Jiang Hui does not want Xiaonei to go public for the sake of listing.

"Understood, I will pay attention," Tang Wenwen said.

Xiaonei has developed to the present, has almost 100 employees, and is valued at more than [-] billion yuan.No matter in terms of employee size or valuation, is a very important company in China's Internet industry.

Xiaonei’s move to further open up registration permissions has made it more difficult for follow-up companies to catch up with Xiaonei.

In the past, because only college students were allowed to register and use the school intranet, it blocked what other netizens thought was outside.This has given some companies and individuals a chance to imitate Xiaonei to build a social networking site for all netizens.But after these follow-up companies found funds and developed their websites, they found that had gradually released registration permissions, and had already captured the best netizens in China.

Now that the registration authority has been further opened up, these companies can only think about it at night when they want to catch up with Xiaonei.

(End of this chapter)

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