Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 369 Scary gold-absorbing ability

Chapter 369 Scary gold-absorbing ability
After dealing with the matter of Xiaonei, Jiang Hui went to the group's cash cow—Glory Games to see the situation since the launch of "Glory of the King".

"Mr. Jiang, this is the revenue of "Glory of the King" in the past half month. The situation is very gratifying," Geng Shuangshuang, the finance minister of Brilliant Games, said to Jiang Hui.

Earned 200 million on the first day of launch.

On the second day of launch, the income was 300 million.

On the third day of launch, the income was 500 million.

On the seventh day of launch, the income was 1000 million.

On the 15th day of its launch, No.'s revenue exceeded 2000 million.

In just half a month, "Glory of the King" has brought more than [-] million yuan in revenue to Brilliance Games. It is simply an invisible money printing machine. It seems that Brilliance Games, a cash cow, has even higher gold content.

"This month, the development team of "Honor of Kings" will receive an extra two months' salary as a special bonus, and the rest of the company will get an extra month's salary," Jiang Hui said.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Jiang for everyone. At present, the daily revenue of "Glory of the King" exceeds 2000 million. According to the calculations of us and the marketing department, there is still room for growth in this revenue," Geng Shuangshuang said.

"Oh, how much revenue do you expect this game to achieve?" Jiang Hui said.

"It should be no problem to exceed 3000 million per day on average, and maybe break through 4000 million in good times," Geng Shuangshuang said.

If it exceeds 3000 million per day, it is one billion a month, and this is not counting the revenue of other products of Brilliant Games.After the online game development is completed, apart from the newly invested server cost, other maintenance costs are not very high.As for the promotion cost, although it is a big one, most of the promotion of Glorious Games is done on the group's brother companies, so it can be said that the meat is rotten in its own pot.

""Honor of Kings" is our company's first online game. According to the current industry situation, the life cycle of a good online game can often reach four to five years. But we can't just put eggs in one basket Here, the finance department and the marketing department will take the lead to start the development of the next online game as soon as possible," Jiang Hui said.


Brilliant Games is not a listed company and has no obligation to publish financial statements.However, experienced opponents can still estimate the approximate revenue of "Glory of the King".

ninth city.

"Our "Miracle" has performed a bit poorly in the recent period."

"Yes, last year in 17173 (China's most influential online game professional senior portal website in 2004) Tianchao online game market survey, "Miracle" swept No.7 in all 1 rankings and became the favorite of Tianchao players. The online game has made a significant contribution to our company's earnings. The stock surge after the company went public last year was also due to the good performance of "Miracle". If shareholders know that our "Miracle" has started to decline, it may affect the stock price ah".

"Over a period of time, the number of users of online games is relatively fixed. I read the survey of the marketing department. Recently, the most played game in major Internet cafes is the newly launched "Glory of the King" by Guanghui Games. "Brought a big impact."

"I have also played "Glory of the King". The operation is very simple, and many novices can quickly get started. In addition, their graphics are exquisitely produced, and the companies under the Guanghui Group have vigorously promoted it. In a short period of time, It is indeed the biggest opponent of "Miracle".

"Except for several major portal websites and Du Niang, the most influential companies on the Internet now are probably all owned by the Guanghui Group, such as Xiaonei, Tudou, YY Live, Meituan, and Guanghui Games. The location is favorable and the people are harmonious."

"What I'm most worried about is that Brilliant Games will vigorously enter this industry after tasting the sweetness of online games. At that time, our pressure will be even greater."

"Although "Glory of the King" adopts a free model, those props are selling very well. Not to mention other things, the skins of the heroes alone are enough for them to make a lot of money. We probably calculated that "Glory of the King" "The daily revenue should have exceeded [-] million, or close to it."

"Online games are huge profits. As long as there are good products, the money will come too fast."

"Yes, so the competition in the future will definitely become more and more fierce."


Penguin game.

"How about it, have you calculated the revenue of "Glory of the King" yet?"

"It has been calculated, but this data is changing every day."

"Let me take a look, daily revenue of 500 million? Daily revenue of 800 million? 500 million? Why is there such a big difference, which one is your calculation?"

"These are all calculated by us. We believe that the revenue of "Glory of the King" has been increasing every day recently, and it should have reached [-], or even more."

"That is to say, "Glory of the King" adopts a free-to-play game, but the model of item charging is feasible."

"Yes, this model can attract a large number of users to play. As long as you play, you can't help but spend money to buy items. I think this method is better than selling point cards, and it should become an online game in the future. mainstream approach".

"Well, if this is the case, then our products should also be developed towards this model."


Victory Games.

"Have you heard that the number of players of "Glory of the King" has exceeded 1000 million, and the highest number of online players has exceeded 150 million, setting a new domestic record."

"The company's high-level executives have been in frequent meetings these days, which is probably related to the popularity of "Glory of the King"."

"Sure, our company has always set the record for the highest number of online players in China's online games, and the so-called record-breaking is our own record. Now a brilliant game pops up, breaking many of the company's records one after another. For the record, it's no wonder the leaders aren't nervous."

"It is estimated that it will become more and more difficult for our company to secure its position as the number one online game player in Tianchao."

"Yeah, didn't you see that the company's stock has been falling in the last week? Although the decline is not particularly large, it has never been seen since the company's listing for a consecutive week."

"In the past, some people made fun of Brilliant Games, saying that they only played simple web games, but now they are fine, and they were beaten directly by someone."

"It's easy to fight the country, but it's hard to defend the country. Our company took the lead and became the leader of Tianchao's online games in just a few years. When it went public last year, it was still the company with the highest market value in China's Internet industry, but the high place is too cold. I don’t know how many companies are trying to pull us down.”

"Let's see what new countermeasures the leaders have. It's useless for us little friends to worry about here."


(End of this chapter)

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