Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 370 Game Live Streaming on YY

Chapter 370 Game Live Streaming on YY
"Devil Pippi" is a contracted anchor of YY Live. Before that, his performance was only so-so, and the number of fans was less than [-].

Since the development of YY live broadcast, it has slowly expanded into several types such as show live broadcast, game live broadcast, and food live broadcast.Although under the influence of Guanghui Group, Tianchao now has several companies engaged in live broadcasting business, but the leading position of YY Live Broadcasting in the industry is unshakable.

Recently, Daji, the mage hero of "Glory of the King" cosplay "Glory of the King", played the game live. Because he was very similar to Daji in the game, it attracted hundreds of thousands of netizens to watch it online, and quickly became popular. The world's number one beauty coser".During the live broadcast, netizens frantically swiped gifts, equivalent to more than 10 yuan.

The Daji actor "Devil Pipi" is a third-year student. In addition to playing games on live broadcasts, she is also a cosplay enthusiast.In the past few days, "Devil Pippi" appeared in the live broadcast room in Daji's costume, while playing live games, while restoring Daji's classic quotations "Oh, Daji is about to be played badly", "Come and play with Daji", etc., Interact closely with friends.

During the live broadcast, a netizen nicknamed "Shun Qi Natural" suddenly swiped the most expensive gift "Dream Castle" on the YY live broadcast platform (a "Crystal Castle" is equivalent to 5000 yuan), and the anchor "Devil Pipi" said in surprise: "It seems that I have found Daji's King Zhou." He took the initiative to exchange contact information, and made an appointment to open the black king together.Netizens in the live broadcast room were envious: "Having money is self-willed!"

"Devil Pippi" is just a representative of YY's live broadcast, or a relatively successful representative of the female anchors who live broadcast "Glory of the King". YY live broadcast also has many female anchors who rely on live broadcast games to become Internet celebrities, and they can be said to have gained both fame and fortune.

At present, the average number of daily active users of YY’s game channel has exceeded 50. Under the guidance of Jiang Hui, YY live broadcast encourages anchors to produce creative and differentiated live broadcast content. These high-quality anchors will become the objects of platform support. In addition to content, YY Live will also continue to launch high-quality diversified content to create a "one-stop" content platform.

In Jiang Hui’s view, YY Live’s game live streaming business and Brilliance Games complement each other. “Glory of the King” can achieve such a good result, and YY Live has also made a lot of contributions.Using live broadcasts to promote games has multiple advantages.

First of all, the game live broadcast has a continuously updated user group, accurately positioned users, and a large user base, which can attract more users to the game.In addition, the game live broadcast can directly and effectively display the game, and can have a richer form of interaction to attract users.Furthermore, game live broadcasts have a higher possibility of word-of-mouth transmission. For example, live broadcast users will say to their friends, "I saw a fun game on XX live broadcast."At the same time, the live broadcast also has some fan effect. Some netizens will play games in order to play with the anchor, which makes the game have more community effect and stickiness.

Of course, the promotion of the game cannot completely rely on live broadcasts. After all, live broadcasts also have problems such as anchor instability and user mobility.All of these require platforms such as and to help publicize, promote and make up for it.

"Jiang Dong, currently the number of users of YY live broadcast in China has exceeded 800 million, and there are more than 600 million in island countries, plus more than 300 million in South Korea, and more than 200 million users in other Asian markets. The overall number of users has reached 2000 million, the company has basically reached a balance of payments," Chen Hu said.

"Live broadcasting, as the next outlet for content in the Internet era, has an unlimited future. Grasping the wind direction is crucial to the long-term development of YY live broadcasting. We must accurately grasp the development trend of the live broadcasting industry, so that YY live broadcasting will continue to become a leading diversified industry in the entire live broadcasting industry. On this point, I hope that YY can keep abreast of the development of its opponents," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, but in recent months I do feel that the competition in the live broadcast industry is getting bigger and bigger. In the past two months alone, at least five or six live broadcast companies have been established. It is said that Shengda Games and Ninth City are also preparing to Launched the game live broadcast business; and NetEase is preparing to enter the live broadcast business on a large scale,” Chen Hu said.

In the 70s, a meteorologist named Lorenz in the United States explained the theory of the air system, saying that the occasional vibration of the wings of a butterfly in the Amazon rainforest may cause a tornado in Texas in the United States in two weeks.Under the influence of Jiang Hui, the "butterfly", many changes have taken place in China's Internet.China's era of Internet video, Internet live broadcast, and Internet group buying has come ahead of schedule.

"There are more and more live broadcast sites, but there are relatively few influential anchors in a short period of time. In order to cope with the competition for anchors, YY Live must carefully consider how to launch some platform star-making plans to attract and cultivate High-quality anchors. At the same time, we can consider deepening cooperation with the anchors of the YY live broadcast platform, adopt a method similar to that of a partner, and use a new model to break the old problems of traditional anchors’ sharing and vicious competition, and continue to become the biggest winner in the anchor resource war”, Jiang Hui Said.

"Well, it is true that some anchors have been poached by other platforms recently. I will immediately formulate corresponding plans to prevent our high-quality anchors from being snatched by other platforms," ​​Chen Hu said.

"With the rapid development of China's Internet in the past two years, netizens' demands for expression in words and pictures have been satisfied to a large extent, while online video and live broadcast are due to their interactivity, uncertainty, timeliness, direct impact, etc. Elements, it is easier to attract the attention of netizens. The group is also deploying a new generation of mobile terminals. In the next few years, YY live broadcast is expected to usher in a new round of development peak. In the past few years, you should lead YY live broadcast to practice internal skills. When it takes off, people surpass it," Jiang Hui said.

If and are the first companies that Jiang Hui plans to go public, then YY Live is the second group of companies that are going to go public.According to Jiang Hui’s plan, and will go public in 2006, and Guanghui Group’s smartphones will be launched at the end of 2006. After two or three years, when smartphones have a certain penetration rate, it will be YY Live. Time to go public.As for websites such as Qunar and Autohome, when they go public depends on the market conditions, but for core companies such as Brilliance Games and Brilliance Payment, Jiang Hui has no plans to go public.

In a short period of time, it is better to plan the development of the group's cash cows first. As long as the group is not short of money, the listing time of each subsidiary can be delayed appropriately. After all, Jiang Hui knows that every company under the group , Ten years later, they will all be Internet giants with a market value of tens of billions or hundreds of billions.

(End of this chapter)

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