Perfection of Rebirth

378 Lock the target

378 Lock the target
"In terms of industrialization of polylithium batteries, there are currently about 10 competitive manufacturers. Foreign manufacturers mainly include Sony, Samsung, LG, etc., and domestic manufacturers mainly include TCL and ATL. According to reports, in the polylithium battery market, Sony occupies about 70% of the share. But with the rapid growth of other suppliers, Sony's share will drop to about 50%. Domestic mobile phone battery production technology is still relatively backward, and high-capacity mobile phone batteries mainly rely on imports from abroad ", Guan Weidong said.

"In the next few years, rechargeable batteries will occupy a larger market share, while the market share of primary batteries will become smaller and smaller. The popularity of camcorders, mobile and cordless phones, notebook computers and multimedia equipment, etc. will require more and more There are many rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable batteries are developing in the direction of environmental protection, light and thin, small energy, and higher density. Now the group invests in the lithium battery industry, which can be said to be the best time. It can not only meet its own product needs, but also sell it externally.” , Guan Weidong said.

"Then what suggestions do you have for specific investment directions?" Jiang Hui asked.

If it's just a survey report, anyone can do it.But how to give appropriate suggestions in combination with the investigation report is a test of human ability.

"We recommend the company to acquire ATL. ATL is the abbreviation of New Energy (Hong Kong) Technology Co., Ltd. This company was established in 1999. Although it is currently a wholly-owned company under the island country TDK Group, the company is completely independent from the headquarters. , but the funds were tight during the early entrepreneurial period, and the company’s entrepreneurs sold the shares to TDK. ATL is headquartered in Hong Kong. The company’s two wholly-owned subsidiaries that have been put into production in China are both in Guancheng. The polymer lithium-ion batteries produced by the company Safety and environmental protection, the products have passed CE, UL and other international safety certification. The company's sales network is distributed in China, the United States, island countries, Europe and Southeast Asia. After six years of development, this company has become a well-known electronic enterprise at home and abroad. mobile power supplier", Guan Weidong said.

In his previous life, Jiang Hui only knew about the company ATL through the explosion of Samsung's Note7. After a detailed study, he found out that this company is actually quite powerful.

At that time, there was a lot of noise about the explosion of mobile phones, and civil aviation even banned users from carrying Note7 on board.Samsung disclosed at the time that the Note 7 batteries that exploded were all produced by Samsung's own subsidiary SDI; while ATL produced batteries for the Note 7, there is no record of combustion and explosion accidents confirmed by the factory.For this reason, Samsung not only refused to recall Note 7 phones using ATL batteries, but also handed over more Note 7 battery orders to ATL.Through the Note 7 battery explosion incident, ATL once again proved its technical strength.

At that time, when Jiang Hui inquired about ATL's information, he found that in the field of consumer electronics, ATL's polymer batteries had become the world's number one.In addition to Samsung, mobile phone manufacturers such as Apple, Huawei, OPPO, ViVo, and Xiaomi are all using ATL batteries.At that time, Jiang Hui even took apart his Huawei mobile phone and looked at it. The battery was indeed made by ATL.

ATL is a lithium battery foundry company, the founder is the CEO of the company Mr. Zeng.Mr. Zeng graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University Ship Engineering in 1989, and was assigned to a state-owned enterprise in Fujian Province after graduation.It is said that after only three months, he resigned and went to work as an engineer in an electronics factory in Lingnan Province.

The name of this factory is Guancheng Xinke Magnetic Plant (manufacturing base under SAE).Now SAE is the world's largest independent hard disk head supplier.

In Xinke, Mr. Zeng met two other partners who founded ATL together.One is Mr. Liang, the executive president of SAE, and the other is Mr. Chen, Mr. Zeng's immediate boss.It is said that one day, Liang came to Zeng and asked him to help him look at a battery project. Although Zeng thought that lithium batteries could be made, he had no intention of joining. Later, Liang asked Chen to do Zeng's work, and then the three decided to start ATL.

In 1999, ATL was officially established and a factory was established in Guancheng. The main business direction is soft-pack polymer lithium batteries.Because Sony, Panasonic and other hard shell and cylindrical batteries had already done well at that time, ATL decided to develop the market through differentiated products.

That is, polymer lithium battery.

If the current ATL is a maverick, and the future ATL is a big one, then CATL, which was born out of ATL's power battery department, is a super big one.Almost all domestic auto companies except BYD have cooperated or intend to cooperate with CATL.

More than ten years later, with the introduction of various policies by the government to encourage new energy vehicles, major automobile companies have proposed their own electric vehicle projects, and the most important thing for electric vehicles is batteries.CATL is the largest battery factory in China, and even in 2017, some organizations predicted that in the next two years, CATL would become the largest car battery factory in the world.It can be said that when the era of electric vehicles comes, almost all domestic automobile companies are working for CATL.

As soon as Guan Weidong proposed such a company with great potential, Jiang Hui decided to take it down no matter what.You must know that Guanghui Group is not only considering the mobile phone project, the future automobile project will also have a very large demand for batteries, and at the same time, the drone project will also use batteries.

"Mr. Jiang, the original technology of ATL came from Bell Labs, which was later improved and launched. It is said that there is a little story in it," Guan Weidong said.

"Well, it seems that your investigation is quite meticulous," Jiang Hui said.

"Hey, it should be, there is no better platform in China than Guanghui Investment for me to play, of course I should cherish it.

After the establishment of ATL, the general manager of the company, Mr. Zeng, flew to the United States with funds and purchased the patent authorization of polymer lithium batteries from Bell Labs in the United States.This has also allowed ATL's technology to gain the favor of many major mobile phone brands.But after buying the technology, ATL found that the battery made by Bell's technology is easy to bulge and deform.When Mr. Zeng asked Bell's senior management again, the answer he got was that this was indeed the case, and Bell had no solution to this.At that time, more than [-] companies around the world purchased patent licenses, but none of them solved this problem, but ATL later solved this problem, which is also an important reason why ATL was able to develop later.

It is reported that Mr. Zeng couldn't sleep at night after returning from the United States, so he hurriedly studied how to solve this problem.Later, starting with changing the composition of the electrolyte, the company that produced the battery solution came up with seven new formulas, which eliminated the low-boiling chemical substances in the original formula, and the resulting battery would not be bulging," said Guan Weidong.

"Mr. Zeng, please go to the island country as soon as possible, and discuss with TDK about the acquisition of ATK," Jiang Hui said.

"Understood, but at that time, it may be necessary for the high-level executives of the island branch of YY Live and Xiaonei to help introduce some people related to the island, so as to facilitate better acquisitions," Guan Weidong said.

"No problem, I will let Tang Wenwen and Chen Hu fully cooperate with your acquisition work," Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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