Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 379 Brilliant Investment with Sole Proprietorship

Chapter 379 Brilliant Investment with Sole Proprietorship

In the early days of Guanghui Investment, there were relatively many shareholders. Although Jiang Hui was the absolute majority shareholder, sometimes other shareholders would inevitably have doubts about certain investment behaviors. After capital injection and share transfer, it has now become a wholly-owned company of Jiang Hui.

From the current point of view, the [-]% stake in Facebook held by Brilliance Investment is the most valuable, and it will definitely be worth tens of billions of dollars or even hundreds of billions of dollars in the future.

In addition, Guanghui Investment has successively bought shares in several express companies such as Yunda, Zhongtong, and Shentong. Although most of them only have 200% or [-]% of the shares, when these express companies are listed, these shares will not be mentioned. It is also worth [-] billion.

In the next step, Guanghui Investment Jianghui will continue to increase investment in companies such as games and entrepreneurial Internet companies.Jiang Hui's positioning of Guanghui Investment is to be the Softbank of China.

In the next ten years, China's Internet industry will develop very fast, especially after Jiang Hui released the concept of Internet + in advance, and the government's support for the Internet is obviously stronger than in previous lives. China's current Internet technology The level has also reached the level of around 2006 in the previous life.All in all, Jiang Hui, a butterfly, accelerated the development of China's Internet for a year.

"Boss Jiang, this is the financial statement of Brilliant Games for this month. Do you really want to continue to transfer the [-] million to Brilliant Investment?" Bai Xue said.

Although Bai Xue is Jiang Hui's girlfriend, at work, Bai Xue tried not to make the relationship between the two seem so ambiguous, so although she didn't call Jiang Hui "Mr. Jiang" like other employees, she also made a "Jiang Boss". Boss" is a unique title.Now even He Ling followed Bai Xue and called Jiang Hui "Boss Jiang".

"Well, now is the best time to invest in Tianchao. Whether it is the Internet industry, or smart phones, drones, automobiles, robots and other related industries, all will usher in rapid development in the next ten years. If you miss this wave, you will not Already," Jiang Hui said.

"But look at you, Guanghui Technology, Xiaonei, Meituan, Guanghui Games, Guanghui Investment, Guanghui Weibo, YY Live, Tudou, Douban, Autohome, Qunar, Guanghui Film and Television, Aofei Animation, you don’t need to count them all. Now you hold more than ten companies. You are constantly increasing investment and establishing new companies. Can you manage it? Don’t tire yourself out,” Bai Xue said.

It's not that I don't know, it's a shock.Jiang Hui found that there are quite a few companies under his umbrella. Fortunately, each company has gradually entered the right track. For companies such as and, Jiang Hui is only the chairman of the board and no longer manages daily affairs.That is to say, the future core enterprises such as Brilliant Payment, Brilliant Games, Brilliant Investment, and Brilliant Weibo, as well as newly established companies such as Brilliant Film and Television. Jiang Hui is still serving as the general manager, but many daily operations are also authorized to the deputy general manager.

At this time, you can see the benefits of the equity given before.Although it seems that the value of those shares will be very high in the future, after the core managers hold the shares, their enthusiasm and sense of responsibility for managing the company cannot be compared with the managers who only receive salaries. It can be said that there are gains and losses.

If Jiang Hui only wants to start one or two companies, then it must be best to keep all the shares in his hands. After all, only Jiang Hui himself knows the future value of these companies best.But now there are more than a dozen companies, and there may be dozens or even hundreds of companies in the future. If Jiang Hui still keeps all the shares in his own hands, many people will definitely leave their jobs to start their own businesses or be poached by other companies. Walk.

That's why Jiang Hui didn't stare at those seemingly very valuable one and a half shares.When the shares of these companies are listed, they may be worth hundreds of millions or more at one point, but the company’s development requires continuous capital increase and financing. It's only a few o'clock.

If you eat meat by yourself, you have to let the veterans who follow you drink some soup.

"Don't worry, I won't be tired. Do you think I am fatter than before?" Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Some people are more tired and stressed, and they are more likely to gain weight. No matter what, the body is the most important thing. Your current net worth is at least 100 billion, and no matter how much you earn, it is just a number. Lah," Snow White said.

"1 years is too long, just seize the day. Although I am not short of money now, but seeing so many promising industries, I still can't help but invest. This is not entirely for myself, but also for this The country. To put it bluntly, the amount of money has reached our level. If we want to become stronger and go global, we must hope that the entire country can become stronger. Otherwise, how do those European and American countries want to deal with it? You can clean it up however you want, and the company can only run wild inside the Celestial Empire," Jiang Hui said.

"So besides making the Internet bigger and stronger, you are now starting to engage in drones and mobile phones? Drones are relatively rare, but I think the current experience in the mobile phone industry is already very intense. Do you still want to squeeze into it? What’s more, whether it’s Nokia or Motorola, or domestic mobile phones such as waveguide have already done well, as newbies, can we do better than others?”

Bird mobile phone, the fighter in the mobile phone.

While maintaining its domestic leadership, Bird is actively entering the international market.Since 2004, the export has achieved rapid development. The export of Bird brand mobile phones has covered five continents and more than 60 countries and regions, including France, Italy and other European developed countries, as well as various international brand giants such as Russia, India, Mexico and Brazil. contested market.

In 2005, Bird, relying on its keen market insights, integrated communication, audio, video and other cutting-edge technologies, launched the MP4 series of mobile phones first, leading mobile phones into a new era of mobile entertainment of "camera, listening to music, and watching movies". It is another major move of Bird in the field of mobile entertainment after launching the MP3 series of music phones.It can be said that now Bird mobile phone is the most famous among domestic mobile phones, so it is no wonder that Bai Xue will mention it.

"What Brilliant Mobile needs to do is not how to compare with Nokia, Motorola, and Bird; what we want to do is to subvert the current mobile phone industry. In my eyes, the current mobile phones are all the same, and they are just the same when they change. It’s nothing to look at. I hope that Guanghui Mobile will lead the next mobile phone trend and make it a benchmark in the industry,” Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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