Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 380 Mobile R&D Team

Chapter 380 Mobile R&D Team
Curve overtaking is a common term in motorsports, which means to use a curve to overtake each other.Now this term has been endowed with new connotations and is widely used in various fields of political, economic and social life, among which "bend" is understood as some changes in the social process or some key points on the road of life.

In fact, Jiang Hui does not agree with the concept of overtaking on curves.Although in car competitions, overtaking opponents in curves is often the most exciting and aesthetically pleasing moment, so that people do not make statistics on whether there are more overtakes on curves or on straight roads, ignoring that most car accidents are also caused by What happened in the corner, for which many players sacrificed their lives, including the first-generation car god Senna.Under high-speed driving, overtaking is obviously "dangerous over opportunity".If the safety issue cannot be handled well, the car will be destroyed in an instant.In fact, in the World Formula One Championship, the probability of overtaking on curves is not higher than that on other occasions, and overtaking occurs more often in pit stops and straight roads.

To be a real enterprise, you must surpass your opponents on the track.Enterprises should avoid detours as much as possible, and adopt "cutting corners and straightening out" through strategic adjustment and resource integration to avoid major turmoil.What enterprises and merchants need is steady development, not extreme aggressiveness. The future Brilliant Group, especially after 2017, has lost Jiang Hui’s gold finger, and should abandon the idea of ​​overtaking on corners, and should do it well in a down-to-earth manner. enterprise.

However, in the smart phone industry, under the bug of Jiang Hui, it did give the Guanghui Group the opportunity to overtake in a corner.

There must be a huge difference between smartphones and current feature phones.

The biggest advancement of the smart machine is that it combines almost all services of mobile phones, audio and video playback and other personal data processing.The emergence of smart phones allows most users to complete what they want to do without having to bring a lot of other devices.

The software and user interface of smart phones are almost completely different from those of ordinary phones.Ordinary mobile phones are installed with software, smartphones have processors, and smartphones are more like desktop microcomputers.Smartphones are more personalized, and most of them are touch-screen. When users want to input something, the keyboard will come out automatically.

In addition, one of the biggest features of a smart phone is that it can install various applications.These applications can provide various functions, such as games, maps, entertainment, navigation, news, weather forecast and so on.With these applications, the functionality of smartphones has been greatly expanded.

The development of later generations has proved that the future of mobile phones is dominated by smartphones.

No one knows the importance of smartphones to Guanghui Group better than Jiang Hui.Under Jiang Hui's strong promotion, the Guanghui mobile phone project team was quickly formed.Some of the personnel come from the backbone of each company in the group, and some are recruited from other mobile phone companies by entrusting headhunters.

For Guanghui mobile phones, the simplest and easiest to highlight its own characteristics is the appearance design.

Jiang Hui thought about it again and again, and brazenly appropriated the shape of the iPhone 4.However, Jiang Hui is not good at art, and naturally he has no way to design the shape directly, but Jiang Hui only needs to draw the design concept and the general outline.

"Mr. Jiang, Mi Gang said that you called me here today to show me the shape of your mobile phone?" Wang Mengyu looked at Jiang Hui suspiciously.

For the little beauty from Huaqing University's art department that he met on the train, Jiang Hui had already pulled her into his company last year and put her in the Guanghui game for training.With the establishment of Brilliant Mobile this time, Jiang Hui transferred Wang Mengyu to the mobile phone project team.

"Yeah, what kind of eyes do you have, can't I know how to design?" Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"It's not that I don't believe you. Mr. Jiang, I admire your sensitivity to the development of the Internet, but designing mobile phones? You should forget it," Wang Mengyu said.

Wang Mengyu is now a senior and will soon graduate, and she has decided to stay in Guanghui Group.Since I have less contact with Jiang Hui at work, I haven't fully seen the scene where Jiang Hui scolded Fang Qiu in the company, so talking to Jiang Hui is still the same as when I first met, more casual.But Jiang Hui likes this kind of casualness very much. The so-called high places are too cold. If you have few friends because you have made the company too big and too strong, it will be even more pitiful.

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Sit here and take a look at these pictures first." Jiang Hui took out some outline sketches of his own flowers and said to Wang Mengyu.

"Let me take a look. Huh? Is this a mobile phone? It's so beautiful." Wang Mengyu walked to Jiang Hui, looked at the pictures and said.

"This is what I imagined the Brilliance phone to look like. I drew the outline, and I'll leave the details to you," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, you are awesome. I take back what I just said. I think you can do anything except have children," Wang Mengyu said.

"Of course, how can a man say he can't do it?" Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Boss Jiang, are you molesting me? Sister Ying is watching from the side. Be careful Boss Bai will make you kneel down on the durian at night," Wang Mengyu said with a grimace.

Zeng Qingying, as Jiang Hui's secretary, knew each other on the train like Wang Mengyu, so Wang Mengyu and Zeng Qingying talked freely after all.

Fortunately, both Jiang Hui and Zeng Qingying are easy-going people after all, otherwise Wang Mengyu's temperament, if he really went to another company, he would probably suffer a loss.

"Just say what you say, don't drag me into it," Zeng Qingying said beside her.

"Now is the time to test your level. This is just an outline drawing. I hope you can perfect it into a specific plan. I hope everyone will be shocked when they see this shape. We will It fully demonstrates the simple, elegant, and high-end appearance of the Brilliance mobile phone, making people want to buy it back when they see it," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, give me half a month, no, give me a week, and I will definitely give you a perfect look," Wang Mengyu said with a rare serious face.

These outlines given by Jiang Hui shocked Wang Mengyu a lot, and also opened another door for Wang Mengyu.The little girl felt as if she had touched something else.

Inspiration is such a wonderful thing.

Einstein said: Success equals 90.00% nine perspiration, plus one percent inspiration.There is also the second half of this sentence, which is ignored by many Chinese people and not mentioned in textbooks, that is: the 1% of inspiration is the most important, even more important than the 99% of sweat.

These paintings by Jiang Hui have given Wang Mengyu a lot of inspiration. Maybe a generation of design masters in the future will rise soon.Jiang Hui really wanted to see how far Wang Mengyu could go.

(End of this chapter)

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