Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 381 Preparing to go to the United States

Chapter 381 Preparing to go to the United States

As for the design of the Brilliant mobile phone, Jiang Hui gave it to Wang Mengyu.With his own hints and those outline drawings, Jiang Hui believed that Wang Mengyu would give him a satisfactory answer.

As for batteries, Brilliant Investment needs to act as soon as possible to acquire ATL. This will not only supply Brilliant drones, but also solve the battery supply problem for Brilliant mobile phones and Brilliant electric vehicles.

As for the display screen, as a display tool that displays a certain electronic file on the screen through a specific transmission device and then reflects it to the human eye, it has already been used on a large scale in computers, digital cameras, and mobile phones. of used.

As a product positioned as a smart phone, Guanghui mobile phone has no doubt about the importance of the touch screen.

At present, the relatively mature touch screen on the market is the TFT screen, which can be said to be the most widely used screen on the market. The full name of TFT is Thin Film Transistor, which means thin film field effect transistor.The screen has good color saturation, reduction ability and contrast, and has the advantages of mature manufacturing process, high output and low price.However, the disadvantage of the TFT screen is that it consumes more power, and when used as a touch screen of a mobile phone, the touch feel and sensitivity are not high, which is difficult to meet Jiang Hui's requirements for Guanghui mobile phones.

Considering that ordinary TFT screens cannot meet the needs of users, Jiang Hui thinks that Guanghui mobile phones need to directly focus on the IPS technology that will appear after TFT. The IPS screen is commonly known as "Super TFT". It is because IPS technology is added to the TFT screen. Advantages such as water pattern, environmental protection and power saving.The iPhone 4, iPhone 4s and other models that were popular all over the world in the previous life all used IPS screens.

As long as the IPS screen is fixed, the screen problem of Guanghui mobile phones will be solved within the next five years.As for the more advanced screens after IPS, there were plenty of solutions for the glorious mobile phones that were not short of money at that time.

At present, manufacturers of touch screens in island countries and South Korea are mainly monopolizing the market, and domestic manufacturers can produce some low-end products.In addition to giving financial support to some domestic manufacturers and making shareholdings, Guanghui Group will rely more on international suppliers in a short period of time.Fortunately, in a short period of time, the monopoly in this area is not so strong. Before, when Guanghui mobile phone chose a screen supplier, it could still pick and choose.

Troublesome chips and storage, the components that account for the bulk of the cost of mobile phones, are destined to make international giants eat their meat.

After arranging all the work of the Guanghui mobile phone project team, Jiang Hui planned to go to the United States to take down the operating system of the Guanghui mobile phone.

Although Guanghui Group has a relatively high level in computer-related industries, companies such as and have expanded their recruitment of a large number of technical personnel, and have even expanded the technology department and development department into research institutes, but in terms of operating systems, experience Still relatively lacking.Besides, Jiang Hui didn't feel embarrassed to compete with Google for resources, so he hurried to the United States to take down Android.

"Have you set a time to go to the United States? Arrange personnel to handle the visa as soon as possible," He Ling said.

"It's very simple. We have a branch of Tudou in the United States and we are a major shareholder of Facebook. There will be no problem with visas," Jiang Hui said.

"You are a rich man now anyway. I think you used to travel by yourself every time you went on a business trip. At most, you only added a secretary. This is too casual. Didn't you say that you want to find some security personnel? Has anyone chosen? ?” He Ling said.

"I heard you mean that you have a suitable recommendation, let's hear it," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"People are worried about you. You don't care at all. Although the law and order of the Celestial Dynasty is generally good, there are places where the sun doesn't shine. When you are unlucky, you will encounter some people who will die It's not surprising that you are here, that's why I asked you to get all the security personnel as soon as possible," He Ling said.

"That's right. In fact, I think the drivers and security of the company's executives need to be taken into consideration. After all, everyone's net worth is not low," Jiang Hui said.

Safety issues can be big or small, nothing happens if there is no accident, once the accident is removed, it is too late to regret.Jiang Hui felt that he had really neglected this aspect too much before. Not only did he not accompany security personnel, but he also did not provide security personnel for Bai Xue, He Ling, and his parents.This issue needs to be resolved immediately.

"I told you before that several members of the Dream Band, including my cousin, have a certain background. My cousin's uncle is an officer. I talked to her about the security issue, and she promised to help Ask her brother-in-law to recommend some people to come here," He Ling said.

"Are you from the army?" Jiang Hui asked.

"That's right. I'm looking for some retired personnel from the army and the armed police. Ordinary retired personnel are easy to find, but if you want to be bodyguards, it's better to have people with special skills. So I asked my cousin to find special personnel from the military region. Some special talents in the battle brigade and the armed police are in charge of security," He Ling said.

"As long as it is a talent, I want it. You can rest assured that sister Zhang, there is absolutely no problem with the remuneration, and these retired personnel will not be disappointed," Jiang Hui said.

Buying horse bones with thousands of dollars is not only applicable to the recruitment of company management personnel. In Jiang Hui's view, it is also applicable to the recruitment of security personnel.Although these security personnel don't show much effect in normal times, they are desperate at critical moments, so since Jiang Hui has made up his mind to recruit security personnel, he must accept their hearts.

"I know, I'll contact my cousin and arrange for you to meet with the security personnel recommended by him in the next few days, and we will settle it as soon as possible," He Ling said.

"Okay, do you want to ask Ms. Zhang and Uncle Zhang out for a meal, and thank him well?" Jiang Hui said.

"No, it's not an outsider. Besides, we are equivalent to providing a better way out for those people," He Ling said.

Although He Ling said so, in fact, those who are really capable will not worry about their way out, especially as there are more and more wealthy people in the Celestial Dynasty, the demand for high-quality bodyguards is also increasing day by day, but Jiang Hui also knows that He Ling is comforting himself , so there is no further entanglement with this problem.

"Okay, you and Sister Zhang confirm the time, let's go see," Jiang Hui said.

The Dream Band is currently the most popular band in China. As the lead singer of the band, Zhang Mengze is actually very tight on time, and Jiang Hui can't let Zhang Mengze greatly modify her itinerary for her own affairs.After all, understanding each other is the most important thing, and if you can't be given face by others, it's really impolite.

(End of this chapter)

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