Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 382 Security Team

Chapter 382 Security Team
Private bodyguards - protectors with professional qualities and abilities hired by citizens for personal and property safety.

From ancient times to the present, private bodyguards have always been considered as people who are capable of martial arts, wear weapons, protect property or maintain personal safety for others.Today, the exact definition of a private bodyguard is a protector with professional quality and ability hired by citizens for personal and property safety.In real life, employers refer to private bodyguards as "driver", "secretary", "assistant" and so on.

In today's society, industrial tycoons and business tycoons are escorted by private bodyguards, movie stars and singers are also escorted by private bodyguards, and heads of state and political dignitaries are even accompanied by private bodyguards. The importance of private bodyguards is getting higher and higher.

Zhang Mengze's brother-in-law introduced the first group of six members, and Jiang Hui met them at the dream band's studio.

"Jiang Hui, you've arrived so early. They're already in the conference room. I'll take you there." Jiang Hui and He Ling met Zhang Mengze as soon as they entered the studio.

"Today I shirked all other work, and came here to visit your studio, and meet my future security guard by the way," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Put it down, I've never seen you come to our studio on your own initiative, this time if He Ling hadn't chased you to confirm the security personnel, you wouldn't have come if you were so busy," Zhang Mengze said with a blank look at Jiang Hui.

"Sister, let's go to the meeting room first, let's get the business done first and then talk about other things," He Ling said.

"You girl, you're not married yet, your elbows are turning outward," Zhang Mengze said.

The three of them talked and laughed and came to the meeting room led by Zhang Mengze.

"Jiang Hui, let me introduce you. These elder brothers are all masters who have just retired. I chased my uncle many times before he was willing to recommend them to me. This is Pan Wei, who joined the army and served 11 years in the army. In [-], he won the championship of the military region fighting competition, which is extremely powerful," Zhang Mengze said.

"Mr. Jiang", Pan Wei stood up and greeted Jiang Hui with a smile.

It seems that Zhang Mengze has explained Jiang Hui's situation to Pan Wei and others beforehand.In fact, it is normal. The more high-end the business of private bodyguards is, the more they pay attention to two-way choices.You are willing to hire me, but I may not be willing to work for you.

"Brother Pan, sit down and talk, don't be restrained," Jiang Hui said.

"This is Lan Faqing, who is good at reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, and is proficient in English and electronic technology. He has the rank of second lieutenant. If he didn't want to change his job, my uncle wouldn't let him out," Zhang Mengze said.

"Hello Mr. Jiang!"
"Hi Lango!"

Then Zhang Mengze successively introduced the remaining personnel to Jiang Hui.It seems that Zhang Mengze is still very concerned about introducing security personnel to Jiang Hui. He is very familiar with the six people introduced by her uncle.

After some introductions, everyone got to know each other initially.Pan Wei, Lan Faqing, Zhang Hui, Lin Liangbiao, Zhong Gui, and Shi Chuanyin all came from rural or township areas in various provinces of the Celestial Dynasty.For them, except for Lan Fa's liquidation, the grassroots officers can return to their hometowns to arrange work, and everyone else can only get a retirement payment to find a job on their own.Although retired personnel with good skills like them can definitely find a good job; but the most likely thing is to go to a certain company as a security guard or a rich man or star's bodyguard.

There is also a big difference between a bodyguard and a bodyguard.There is a huge gap between Bill Gates' bodyguard and passerby A's bodyguard, both in terms of treatment and social status.

After Pan Wei and the others knew that they were recommended to Jiang Hui, they also investigated Jiang Hui's situation severely.The more they investigated, the more surprised they were. They didn't expect such a young man to have created more than a dozen successful companies. In just a few years, he was worth more than [-] billion yuan and had unlimited potential.So as long as Jiang Hui is not the kind of domineering person after meeting, they have the intention to stay.

From the standpoint of Pan Wei and others, although they are all very skilled, but to be honest, there are so many people in the Celestial Dynasty, and their skills are much better, but it is necessary to find someone who is very good in terms of salary, status, and future. A good place is really not that easy.

"I think everyone has a certain understanding of my situation. As for the job content, it is nothing more than driving, security, etc. You are all professionals, so I won't say much. In terms of treatment, the monthly salary for everyone is set at 1 RMB [-], and the bonus will be calculated separately; the company will fully take responsibility for any injuries or other special circumstances during work,” Jiang Hui said about the relevant treatment.

For these people, Jiang Hui is still very satisfied after the initial contact. As for the in-depth understanding, this needs to be done slowly in the future.

"Mr. Jiang, please take care of me in the future," Pan Wei stood up and said to Jiang Hui with a bow.

"Mr. Jiang, please take care of me," Lan Faqing and the others got up and said.

From this point of view, these six people have chosen to join the Guanghui Group.

"I'm going to set up a security department under Guanghui Technology, with a minister and a deputy minister temporarily. Discuss within yourselves and tell me the results. Make a list of what equipment you need, and I'll arrange personnel to purchase it. In addition, what do you Trustworthy comrades-in-arms can also be recommended to the company, I plan to equip the core management personnel of the company with drivers and bodyguards, and a lot of manpower is needed,” Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, we will sort out the relevant situation and report to you tomorrow. As for the recruitment of manpower, it is even easier. The few of us who are at least have been in the army for more than five years, and many comrades with good skills are now working. It's not very satisfactory, we will contact them later and report to you," Pan Wei and several others said to Jiang Hui after looking at each other.

It seems that Pan Wei and Lan Faqing should be more prestigious among the six people. Jiang Hui reckons that they are the head and deputy head of the security department.In fact, it's okay for Jiang Hui to appoint directly, but if he doesn't know the situation now, it's better to let them recommend him.

As the two departments under Jiang Hui's direct command, the Safety and Security Department and the Supervision Department are of special significance to the company.Jiang Hui hoped that the Security Department would become a pivotal department in the future, completing all kinds of related work arranged by Jiang Hui, even some special work.

After Jiang Hui met Pan Wei and the others, he originally wanted to have lunch with a few of them, but they were too busy to go back and think about their future work, so they politely declined.

Jiang Hui thought that Zhang Mengze had done him such a great favor, so he just took this opportunity to send a few songs to the Dream Band, and he stayed in the Dream Band's studio all day today.

(End of this chapter)

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