Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 388 Struggle Casting

Chapter 388 Struggle Casting
He Ling and Jiang Hui finished talking about "The Girl We Chased Together" and "Struggle" before leaving Jiang Hui's office.She set up a crew in Guanghui Film and Television in advance, ready to start the film at any time.

As for the selection of roles, after Jiang Hui told He Ling some of his requirements, he didn't follow up in detail. He just handed it over to He Ling and the director, and let Jiang Hui go through it again after it was finalized.

He Ling has been interested in music, dance and other arts-related matters since she was a child. Jiang Hui found the right person for her to be the deputy general manager of Guanghui Film and Television.

A few days later, Jiang Hui gave He Ling the script outlines of "The Girl We Chased Together" and "Struggle".Jiang Hui has already written the storyline and some key points, and let the screenwriter team of Guanghui Film and Television fill in the rest.

At present, although the film and television and drama markets seem to be very lively, they still cannot get rid of the dilemma of "shortage of screenwriters" and "shortage of scripts".The decline in original creativity of screenwriters has become a bottleneck restricting the development and prosperity of the entire screenwriting industry and even the cultural and entertainment industry.

The status of screenwriters in China has always been low. Although there are many, the number of excellent screenwriters is very small.It is impossible for Jiang Hui to provide scripts to Guanghui Film and Television all the time, so in order to solve the problem of lack of excellent screenwriters, Guanghui Film and Television set up a screenwriting group to imitate the United States and create scripts in the form of a team.

In fact, the entire cultural and entertainment industry of Tianchao is in an era of drastic changes, and the screenwriter industry, no matter the "big coffee" or the newcomer, is facing a severe test: on the one hand, the "veteran screenwriters" have rich experience and often adopt a closed-door workshop style Production and creation, there is a certain gap between the new trend of popular film and television creation and the ever-changing social life; on the other hand, young screenwriters are more familiar with hot trends and have teamwork spirit, but they lack life experience and ideological accumulation.

Now Jiang Hui has written the outline of the script and supplemented the details for the young screenwriters in the company, which not only solved the script needs of Guanghui Film and Television at the present stage, but also cultivated his own screenwriting team.

The role of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" is relatively easy to choose. Besides, Jiang Hui also mentioned to let the Dream Band play it before, so He Ling probably discussed with the director Zhao Gang, and then decided to play the leading role. .Zhang Mengze played Shen Jiayi, He Qingquan played Ke Jingteng, Li Minghua and others played several other roles.

Some time ago, Brilliant Films signed a contract with a group of newcomers who graduated from the acting department of the Film Academy and the Drama Academy, so except for the four roles in the Dream Band, the others are all newcomers.However, "Struggle" needs more roles. In addition to using the company's new artists, the crew also began to select all suitable personnel from outside.

Considering that all members of the Dream Band participated in the performance of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", it may be difficult to coordinate the timing of "Struggle" at the same time, which is not conducive to the display of acting skills.So He Ling just arranged for everyone from the dream band to make cameo appearances in "Struggle", and the lead actor of "Struggle" needs to be searched again.

"Struggle" was originally a TV series produced by Didu Xinbaoyuan Film and Television Investment Co., Ltd., directed by Zhao Baogang, Tong Dawei (Lu Tao), Ma Yili (Xia Lin), Wenwen (Xiangnan), Li Xiaolu (Yang Xiaoyun), Wang Luodan (Milei), Zhu Yuchen (Hua Zi) and other starring roles.Now that Guanghui Film and Television wants to take it over and shoot it by itself, it is definitely impossible to shoot it completely according to the original team.

Jiang Hui had watched this drama twice in his previous life, and all the actors performed very well. Among them, Jiang Hui's favorite character was Mi Lai, starring Wang Luodan.However, it seems that among the leading actors, except for Zhu Yuchen and Wang Luodan who played Huazi, the acting careers of others are booming after "Struggle".This made Jiang Hui feel very regretful, so Jiang Hui specially asked the director to go to the acting department of the Imperial Film Academy to invite him to go with him. Wang Luodan is now a senior in the acting department, so there is a great chance to meet him.

When watching "Struggle" in the previous life, many people said that Mi Lai is so good, and he is also good to Lu Tao. Why Lu Tao doesn't like Mi Lai, but chooses Xia Lin.Jiang Hui couldn't figure it out at the time, but now that he has experienced a lot after being reborn, he gradually understands.

Jiang Hui felt that the essential reason was Lu Tao's personality and family background. It can be said that Lu Tao is a "Phoenix man".

In the play, Mi Lai gets drunk and lies on the hospital bed and says to Xia Lin: "I envy you very much, because you are poor and beautiful, Lu Tao can hold your hand and walk all the way, and you can see the future...".As a "Phoenix Man", Lu Tao is a very ambitious man. The source of his struggle is Charlene. He works hard to make money and work hard for Charlene to live a good life, because their family backgrounds and experiences are very similar. , so that the two people have a feeling of being in love with each other.

Being with Charlene, Lu Tao will have an inexplicable sense of responsibility. To make Charlene happy, to make Charlene think highly of himself, all his struggles come from getting affirmation of himself through Charlene's affirmation.Therefore, he felt that he could hold Xia Lin's hand and go on, just like Yang Xiaoyun and Xiang Nan, two children of similar maturity, who grew up in a slapstick married life, growing up together is the true meaning of love, Lu Tao I feel that being with Charlene can create a new life together.

But Mi Lai is a rich girl. She said that she envied Charlene to be poor, implying that she felt inferior to herself as a rich person. Why did she feel inferior?Because he and Lu Tao are not on the same starting line, everything that Lu Tao strives for is easy for Mi Lai, so Mi Lai cannot arouse Lu Tao's enthusiasm for struggle.Assuming that Mi Lai and Lu Tao are together, Mi Lai will be a good helper in Lu Tao's career. Unfortunately, Lu Tao is a dedicated person, and he needs a winner like Charlene to satisfy his sense of accomplishment.Obviously, Mi Lai's level is higher than that of Charlene. Mi Lai is also a dedicated person, but Lu Tao will not be a receiver, what he wants to do is a giver.This is the source of the contradiction.

After thinking about this problem clearly, Jiang Hui didn't intend to change the original version when he wrote the script.If everything was perfect, "Struggle" might not be so classic.

In the next period of time, Guanghui Film and Television became busy, and the two films were launched at the same time.This is different from the difficulty of filming two micro-films at the same time last year. Whether it is "The Girl We Chased Together" or "Struggle", the characters, props, and scenes involved are far more than "Father" and "Sunflower". Chao Shi", the difficulty is naturally higher by more than one level.

(End of this chapter)

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