Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 396 The College Entrance Exam is Coming

Chapter 396 The College Entrance Exam is Coming

Once the management of ATL is settled, the acquisition of ATL by Guanghui Group is basically completed, and the rest is nothing more than signing the contract and going through the process.

Considering that the battery business will become bigger and bigger in the future, especially when the era of new energy vehicles comes, the demand for batteries will be huge, so Jiang Hui put ATL under Guanghui Technology, not Guanghui Investment. .

Guanghui Technology currently exists as a parent company.It is currently called Guanghui Technology Co., Ltd., which can no longer represent the image of the entire group, so Jiang Hui plans to re-register and change it to Guanghui Group Co., Ltd. as the controlling parent company of the entire group.

At present, there are two kinds of views on group companies: one is that the parent company often controls or dominates many companies. The determinism and stabilization of this control relationship has formed a group with the parent company as the core and many subsidiaries. A united and consistent overall activity, this group is a group company.Although the company laws of various countries also stipulate the overall issue of the group company, this is only limited to certain aspects, such as group accounting and settlement, etc. The main legal relationship is stipulated separately for the parent company and the subsidiary company.Second, in the practice of my country's economic system reform, some core enterprise organizations of economic integration in enterprise groups have also been called group companies.For these concepts, in China's authoritative CPA exam, it is also mentioned in one stroke, without in-depth exploration.

In Jiang Hui's view, group companies actually refer to capital as the main link, parent companies and subsidiaries with legal personality, and some subsidiaries without legal personality. Normative, a consortium of enterprises with a certain scale.

The acquisition of the game company has been completed, the acquisition of the battery company has been completed, and the next focus is on the acquisition of mobile phone related industries such as cameras.As for the auto parts industry, it is estimated that it will be much better to wait until the financial crisis, because basically European and American companies and island countries do well in this area, and the acquisition cost is too high now.

In this kind of busyness, most of May has passed.

"Jiang Ping is about to take the college entrance examination, and her results in the last few tests are quite good. Have you thought about which school she will go to in the future?" Bai Xue said.

Since Jiang Ping came to the imperial capital last summer vacation, Bai Xue and Jiang Ping have more connections than Jiang Hui, an older brother. This future sister-in-law has completely taken care of Jiang Ping.

And after Jiang Ping took targeted tutoring in English and mathematics last year, her grades improved significantly.Judging from the results of the recent monthly exam, there is no problem in passing the heavy exam.

It is not like the current college entrance examination volunteers are almost always reported after knowing their scores more than ten years later.At present, there are three ways to fill in the report before the college entrance examination, to fill in the report after the college entrance examination before the results are announced, and to fill in the report after the college entrance examination results are announced, and Lingnan Province currently belongs to the first one.So in May, you need to make sure to fill in the volunteers.

Before the college entrance examination, it is very risky to fill in the volunteers according to your simulated results and usual results, which is why the words "miss" and "dark horse" are so popular.Filling in the volunteer application is like filling in the lottery number. A good test is not as good as a good report.

It is definitely better to fill out the volunteers after the college entrance examination is estimated than before the college entrance examination.If you wait until the results of the college entrance examination and the scores for each batch of admissions are out before filling out the application, the risk will definitely be smaller, and students will be more confident.But there is also a problem. Wait until the results of the college entrance examination come out before filling in the volunteers. Everyone knows that there may be a situation where many people apply to the same school because they all think that their scores can be admitted to this school, so they all apply. , it may make the admission score of this school suddenly become very high, and also many people will not be admitted.

The advantage of filling in volunteers with knowing scores is that you feel at ease and confident, and it doesn't make you panic like assessing scores.It is very good for candidates with high scores. They can know their rankings after knowing their scores, and they can directly report to the school, but it is not good for candidates who are above the middle. A poor school, so many opportunities will be missed.

As for Jiang Ping, given her current level, if she was asked to fill it out by herself, she would probably only dare to fill in the general key universities, and would not dare to apply for higher schools.But Jiang Hui knew that Jiang Ping's grades would definitely be much higher than her actual level after she revealed some of the question types for this year's college entrance examination, so the first batch of colleges that Jiang Hui selected for her were all relatively good.Of course, to be on the safe side, Jiang Ping was asked to tick the box to obey the deployment.

Anyway, it doesn't matter what major Jiang Ping studies, Jiang Hui thinks it doesn't matter. There are so many companies that can arrange for her, and there is always a position that suits her.

"It must be for her to come to the imperial capital. The National People's Congress next door to us, our school, Jiaotong University, Aeronautics and Astronautics University and other schools are the first choice. The second choice is to fill in the Nationalities University, the First Normal University and the like." Jiang Hui said.

"Will Jiang Ping feel a lot of pressure if you do this? Because I heard from her that she feels that she is only about [-] to [-] points higher than the current level of the main line, and cannot reach the scores of the first batch of colleges you chose. ", Bai Xue said.

"Don't worry, I'm here. If it doesn't work, when Guanghui Group donates a sum of money, Jiang Ping will definitely be able to go to college," Jiang Hui said.

"That's true, with your brother here, you don't have to worry about how to fill it out," Bai Xue said.

"Recently, you have called her a lot. Girls have a common language, so don't stress her so much. I will also talk to my parents and let them treat Jiang Ping calmly. Don't inadvertently increase Jiang Ping's feelings. pressure," Jiang Hui said.

"Yes, the college entrance examination is about ten days away. During this time, it is enough to relax and take good care of your body," Bai Xue said.

Every year during the college entrance examination season, while students are nervously preparing for the competition, parents are also anxious. It is also a new wave of schools paying full attention, the media frenziedly building momentum, and businesses seizing business opportunities.

During the two days of the exam, the news about the loss of the admission ticket, the exam room of one person, the concealment of illness at home to help the child's college entrance examination, and the relay of love to the exam room will always swarm in, attracting a lot of discussion.This shows that all aspects of society are concerned about the college entrance examination.

It can only be said that for most people, the college entrance examination is too important.The college entrance examination is the only way for most students to pursue their dreams.

Although, the refutation of this sentence is becoming more and more fierce nowadays, and the voices that think that the college entrance examination is unfair and the opportunities are seriously unequal due to factors such as uneven educational resources and regional discrimination have always been difficult to calm down.

For Jiang Hui, it doesn't make much sense to discuss these things, as long as Jiang Ping takes the college entrance examination well.

(End of this chapter)

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