Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 397 Chapter 399 Can't wait to expand Weibo

Chapter 397 Chapter 399 Can't wait to expand Weibo
May is hot and humid, and many people say it is like steaming.

But I sit in a secluded hall, and my mind is comfortable.

Open the window to face the West Mountain, and the wild water level clears the pond.

The pampas grass between the water chestnut and the lotus, the beautiful colors depend on each other.

The secluded birds are shaded by Jiamu, and the waterfowl turn over from time to time.

Documents can be discussed, and the wind is as quiet and fragrant as silk.

This is almost bliss, but it is difficult for the common people to know.

Although Guanghui Weibo was established less than half a year ago, its development speed is astonishing.At present, there are more than 3000 million users in China, and it is still increasing.You know, there are only a few hundred million Internet users in China now.

Adhering to the consistent characteristics of the Celestial Dynasty, when something becomes popular, a large group of people will flock to it.

The popularity of Brilliant Weibo naturally attracted the attention of countless Internet people.

Since last month, companies such as Netease, Sohu, Penguin, and Sina have begun to test their own microblogs or announce plans to launch them.Following the upsurge of group buying on and the upsurge of live broadcasting on YY Live, Brilliant Weibo has set off another upsurge in Weibo.

Brilliant Weibo currently accounts for 90.00% of the Weibo market. As long as you don’t risk your life, other companies have no chance to surpass Brilliant Weibo.

Brilliant Weibo is certainly not indifferent to the reaction in the market.

"Mr. Jiang, the Japanese and English versions of Guanghui Weibo have been developed, and the registration of the island branch and the US branch has also been completed. We can announce the launch of the overseas version of Guanghui Weibo at any time," said Lu Yang and Guanghui Weibo. Several ministers came to Jiang Hui's office together.

As Jiang Hui's buddy in a dormitory, and one of the first group of people to follow Jiang Hui, Lu Yang finally made it through. He was promoted from the head of the marketing department of Xiaonei to the deputy general manager of Guanghui Weibo.

Although Brilliant Weibo has only been launched for less than half a year, after the Spring Festival, the development department has started to prepare for the overseas version simultaneously.This is also related to the fact that companies such as and are still developing smoothly. Most of the subsidiaries of Guanghui Group have entered or are preparing to enter overseas markets and are taking the international route.This is quite different from other Internet companies in China at present.

"How do you plan the personnel arrangement and office location of the US branch and the island country branch?" Jiang Hui said.

"The office is located next to, and will help. For personnel, we would like to send a group of people from China in the early stage, and then recruit some local staff," Lu Yang said.

Jiang Hui currently serves as the general manager of Guanghui Technology, Guanghui Games, Guanghui Payment, Guanghui Investment, Guanghui Drone, Guanghui Weibo, etc., but human energy is limited, and it is impossible to manage all the details of the company.So more often, Jiang Hui just grasps the general direction, and the company's vice president leads everyone to make specific proposals.In the future, these vice presidents will gradually be promoted to general managers.Jiang Hui mainly serves as the general manager of the group company and the general manager of a few subsidiaries, such as Guanghui Mobile, Guanghui Auto and Guanghui Payment.

"Since everything is ready, let's launch the overseas version the day after tomorrow. Today and tomorrow, you will discuss with the overseas bases of the group companies about assisting in the promotion," Jiang Hui said.

Guanghui Group currently has branches of Tudou and Meituan in the United States, and has a special relationship with Facebook; in Japan, it has branches of Xiaonei, Tudou, YY Live, and Meituan.These companies are all leading companies in their own fields, and they are perfect for the promotion of Guanghui Weibo.

Tudou, in particular, has a close relationship with many film and television companies and has met many celebrities, and the Tudou Open Class Channel, which has partners in various famous universities, has also met a large number of famous scholars.Celebrities, scholars, if these people can register to use Guanghui Weibo, it will be of great help to expand the users of Guanghui Weibo.

"Okay, we have already communicated with companies such as Tudou, and several of our companies can promote each other. Overseas, companies such as Tudou are currently more famous than Guanghui Weibo, but judging from domestic development trends , Soon Brilliant Weibo will be able to overtake. So from an overall point of view, it is a mutually beneficial thing for each company to use its own platform to help promote its sibling companies," Lu Yang said.

Although companies such as,, and Guanghui Weibo are all wholly-owned or holding subsidiaries of Guanghui Technology, regardless of whether the shareholding composition of each company is not completely the same, or considering the opinions of employees of each company, the relationship between each other It is best to cooperate with each other for mutual benefit, and the way of giving but not gaining is destined to be short-lived.

Although publicity resources do not have a clear price like real objects, they are actually like advertising fees.If you advertise on CCTV and a small local TV station, the price will definitely be different.Similarly, the price of publicity resources of companies such as Xiaonei and Tudou is certainly not comparable to companies such as Qunar and Autohome.

"It's fine if you coordinate well. The globalization of Brilliance Weibo is a very important part of the group's globalization. We must make a big hit so that followers lose confidence in catching up with us," Jiang Hui said.

Although Brilliance Weibo was launched on January 2005, 1, thanks to Europe and the United States looking down on the Chinese Internet market, there are currently no follow-up websites in foreign countries. Otherwise, the internationalization of Brilliance Weibo may have to be added out of thin air. Some twists and turns.

The Internet began in 1969 with the Arpanet in the United States.It is a huge network connected in series between networks. These networks are connected by a set of common protocols to form a logically single huge international network.

Because the Internet originated in the United States, and the early development of the Internet in the United States was indeed far ahead of other countries in the world.The early days of China's Internet development were basically built by imitating American companies, so it is normal for Silicon Valley to look down on China's Internet.Therefore, Silicon Valley rarely pays attention to the development of China Internet. Looking back many years later, the development of China Internet has already been at the forefront of the world.

In the previous life, it would take a few years for the Internet of China to start to spread to the world.Unlike manufacturing companies that have repeatedly encountered obstacles when going overseas, China Internet companies have achieved unprecedented breakthroughs in their development, which not only opened up another broad market for the development of the entire industry, but also drove the pace of "going global" for the entire China Enterprises, which is even more important. The most important thing is that a Chinese business model and even an export channel for culture have been established.

With Guanghui Group, China Internet is still on the road at least three or four years ahead of schedule.Even Du Niang, Penguin and other companies have begun to enter the island country, the United States and India and other markets, and a trend has gradually formed.

(End of this chapter)

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