Chapter 398

Weibo, which allows users to update information of no more than 140 characters.The service was originally Twitter (Twitter), founded by Jack Dorsey in March 2006 and launched in July of that year.In the next few years, it quickly became popular all over the world, and all the microblog companies in China imitated Twitter.

Regarding the origin of the name Twitter, Twitter is the sound of a bird. The founder believes that the bird call is short, frequent, and fast, which fits the connotation of the website, so he chose Twitter as the name of the website.

As Williams said, "It's another step toward the democratization of information. I firmly believe that if people can share information more easily, the future will be better."

Since June 2009, 6, since Twitter does not restrict people from uploading content such as violence, malicious slander, and rumors that are not allowed by the government, the mainland China cannot directly access the official Twitter website.From this point of view, it can be seen that it is very difficult for this type of website to truly be globalized without making changes on the road to globalization.

If Brilliant Weibo wants to go global, it will inevitably encounter similar problems.So Jiang Hui plans to change the name of Guanghui Weibo abroad to Twitter. At the same time, through some offshore companies, Guanghui Technology indirectly holds Twitter.

In this way, it can effectively avoid or respond to the special needs of different regions, and can also reduce the sensitivity of some foreign countries to Chinese companies in China.Comparing the companies controlled by offshore companies and the branches of China Corporation, the two concepts give people a different feeling.

Although the overseas branches of Guanghui Weibo are currently registered under the name of Guanghui Weibo, the product they launched is called Twitter, and then the company name is slowly returned to Twitter, so that the website can be launched without delay .


Tudou US branch: Twitter changes everything.

Meituan US Branch: Twitter, let the era of information democratization come ahead of schedule!

YY Live Stream Island Branch: Come to Twitter and feel the changes in the world!

Xiaonei Island Branch: You can play without friends, let's try Twitter.


Various advertisements began to be launched on the websites of overseas branches of companies such as Xiaonei, Meituan, YY Live, and Tudou, which also attracted the attention of many people.


Penguin Inc.

"Now several overseas websites such as are promoting the company Twitter. Is it the overseas version of Guanghui Weibo?".

"It should be, but I don't know why they changed their names."

"Weibo has too much influence on public opinion. Neither the United States nor the island countries want such a company to be in the hands of the Chinese people. So I guess Guanghui Weibo is also taking precautions, changing the face of overseas companies from the very beginning. Appear".

"It also makes sense, this is worth learning from Internet companies in China."

"I feel that I can't learn. Unless your things are the first in the world, otherwise you can't even think about developing. For example, if our company changes its name and goes to the United States to develop, what's the point?"

"That's right, the Internet industry of the whole Tianchao is also played by the Guanghui Group. Most of the company's ideas and businesses are the first in the world."


Yahu Island.

"Has Guanghui Group launched any new products? How do I see their companies are advertising for a company called Twitter."

"I also went to find out. It should be that Guanghui Weibo, a subsidiary of Guanghui Group, is entering the world."

"Brilliant Weibo? What company?".

"This is a subsidiary of Guanghui Group, a sister company of YY Live and Xiaonei."

"Is it the company founded by Jiang Hui from the Celestial Dynasty again?"

"Yes, the Guanghui Weibo company became famous earlier this year. Although it has only been established for half a year, their influence on China Internet is very huge at present."

"Jiang Hui is still so amazing. You go and see if they accept financing, and if you have the opportunity, try to participate in the financing of various companies in the Guanghui Group."

"Okay, I'll contact the Tianchao branch right away."


An American film and television company.

" contacted us and said that they want our artists to register Twitter accounts. What do you think?".

"I found out from people at Tudou that this thing already exists in China, it's called Guanghui Weibo. It can play a very important role in the promotion of enterprises and celebrities."

"Are you suggesting to accept the cooperative relationship proposed by Tudou?".

"Yes, this should be a win-win solution."

"What is the relationship between this company and Tudou?".

"It is said that it is a company with the same boss."


A YY anchor group in an island country.

"Have you seen the company's notice, saying that I hope the anchors will sign up for Twitter to promote themselves."

"Regardless of the publicity effect or not, there is no harm in registering."

"Yeah, I'm going to register too, and then I'll upload some of my latest photos for everyone to enjoy."

"I am going to share my daily live broadcast experience on it."

"I'm going to expose some wonderful audiences I met during the live broadcast on it."

"Hearing what you say, it seems that this Twitter is quite fun."


A forum on Tianchao Internet.

"I heard that Brilliance Weibo has started to enter the global market."

"Is it so fast? I feel that their company has not been established for a long time."

"I just came back from the United States the day before yesterday, and I don't seem to have heard that there is a glorious Weibo in the United States."

"I know this. Brilliance Weibo is called Twitter overseas. In the past two days, there have been many Twitter advertisements on the websites of and other American and Japanese branches."

"Brilliant Weibo uses different names at home and abroad, so I don't know if the accounts are compatible with each other."

"It should be able to be used universally. The accounts of various companies in Guanghui Group are now interoperable."

"Sohu Weibo and others are still in testing. I didn't expect that Brilliant Weibo has already started to enter and is still there."

"Don't compare Guanghui Group's companies with other Internet companies in China, there is no comparison."


Amidst the discussions, the overseas version of Guanghui Weibo, Twitter, was officially launched for markets such as the United States, Japan, and South Korea.

Originally, in 2006, Obvious, a start-up company founded by pioneer blogging technology founder Evan Williams, launched the Twitter service.In its initial stages, the service was just for sending text messages to friends' cell phones. At the end of 2006, Obvious upgraded the service. Users do not need to enter their mobile phone numbers, but can receive and send information through instant messaging services and personalized Twitter websites.

However, these services were charged at the beginning, which greatly limited the promotion speed of Twitter.Jiang Hui had already avoided these problems when he launched Guanghui Weibo. This time, he officially launched the overseas version of Guanghui Weibo-Twitter. is extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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