Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 406 Released in Those Years

Chapter 406 Released in Those Years
The impact of Du Niang's listing is much higher than last year's Shengda, Penguin and Ninth City, and it can be regarded as a complete wave of Chinese Internet companies going public in the United States.At the same time, the attention of various funds to the Internet has further increased. Companies under the Guanghui Group such as and continue to receive various financing inquiries.

The Tianchao Internet market is booming.

At the same time, Brilliance Films' first theatrical film "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" is finally going to be released globally simultaneously.

Brilliant Ticketing has been fully developed, and a week ago, it has cooperated with and Brilliant Weibo to launch the activity of registering to receive vouchers.And the first movie to enjoy the voucher discount is "In Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together".

In August, there was no movie that the Celestial Dynasty could get out of. This year, major film and television companies are still only focusing on the Spring Festival, so "Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together" unexpectedly got a screening rate of nearly [-]%.

The so-called screening rate is actually the screening space a movie enjoys in a theater. The higher the screening rate, the more screenings it will have.It is like the lifeline of the film, which largely affects the box office performance.

Under normal circumstances, the operating hours of theaters are from 10:24 am to 2:15 pm (except for special events such as midnight shows). If the average film is calculated as 20 hours, and the interval of 5-6 minutes between each film is deducted, one screen can be used every day. 2500-1.25 games can be shown.China currently has about 1.5 screens, and the total number of screenings throughout the day is between 1.35 and [-], with a median value of about [-].

This amount is relatively small compared with the 3 to 10,000 yuan screens and 20+ movies per day in later generations, and the box office of the entire Tianchao is only about [-] billion.

In this market environment, if a film can occupy more than 30% of the film schedule, it means that it has a daily screening volume of 4000 shows, which is regarded as the blockbuster level of this era; on the contrary, if the film schedule rate is below 5%, it means that every day Its screening volume is less than 1000 games, so it can only be regarded as a small and medium-sized film.

"Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together" was able to get [-]% of the filming rate. It is an accident, but it is not an accident.

Many people may have encountered this kind of embarrassment: when you walk into a movie theater and see the screens at the ticket counter are densely packed with movies, but there are only a few movies you want to watch—either at 10 am or At 11 o'clock in the evening, some theaters don't even have a show.I believe that many people will silently say "Damn!" in their hearts.

For a movie to meet the audience, it first needs to be evaluated by the theater manager: what time slot to arrange, how much capacity the theater has, and so on.It can be said that the theater manager controls the power of life and death in the first day of film scheduling in a single thought.For film producers and distributors, to make a film impress the audience, the theater manager must first be impressed, because the theater manager is also an audience.

And Brilliant Films' "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" gained a very good reputation when theater managers were invited to try it out.Of course, relying on this alone is definitely not enough. After all, a good reputation does not mean a good box office.

The most important thing is that when Brilliance Ticketing cooperated with brother companies such as, it has sold more than 200 million tickets.According to the current number of screens, even if the screening rate reaches 200%, the [-] million is enough for four or five days of theater screenings, and this does not take into account the audience who buy tickets on site.

For theater managers, it is not impossible for a movie to be played for four or five consecutive days at close to full capacity, let alone forty percent.


The evening of March 2005, 8.

"Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together" was officially released globally simultaneously.

Unlike other film and television companies, Guanghui Film and Television did not hold the premiere of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", but directly screened it.

The main purpose of the premiere of the new film is to convey information including the release time, the main creative situation of the director and actors, and the selling points of the film.In a mature film environment, such as Hollywood, the above information is conveyed to the audience through various channels before the premiere.In other words, although Hollywood also has a grand premiere, the premiere is by no means the only focus of the promotion of the new film.

What Guanghui Group lacks most is various publicity resources. Before the film was released, it had fully publicized "Those Years" through, Guanghui Weibo,, Qunar, Autohome, Guanghui Payment, and Guanghui Games. , The Girl We Chased Together", it doesn't make much sense to have another premiere, it's better for the main creative staff to go to various places to meet fans separately, and change the way of publicity.


Outside a movie theater in Zhongguancun, the imperial capital.

"Are there any tickets for "Those Years"?"

"I'm sorry, it's fully booked today."

"What about tomorrow? Do you still have tomorrow's?"

"There are only a few left for tomorrow, but they are all on the side of the first row."

"Isn't there a better position?".

"It's gone for a few days".

"Then you can join the game."


A movie theater in People's Square, Shanghai.

"Didn't I ask you to buy tickets in advance, now there are no tickets, what do you say?"

"I didn't expect so many people to watch the movie today. Why don't we watch "Those Years"?".

"The scores of the other films on Douban are all below five, who will watch them?"

""Those Years" is newly released, and it is not necessarily better than other movies."

"Good or bad, at least this is the first movie starring my favorite dream band, I must see it".

"Then I'll go and see if anyone has transferred movie tickets."


A movie theater in Dongshankou, Wuyang.

"Hello, is your ticket transferable?".

"I only have one, so if I transfer it to you, I'll read all of it?".

"I paid you 100 yuan to buy your ticket. Now, if you have a membership card, a movie ticket is only 45 yuan. Even if you are not a member, it is 60 yuan. You can earn at least 40 yuan."

"One hundred and fifty, one hundred and fifty, I will bear with it for a few days and then watch it, and sell you the ticket."

"One hundred and fifty is too high, at most one hundred and two."

"Deal, sell you."


After the full publicity of the Guanghui Group and the efforts of the Navy, "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" has become the hottest movie in the summer in China, bar none.

In addition, Jiang Hui has invested as much as 2000 million in ticket subsidies in Guanghui Ticketing, which is enough to ensure that the film and television can attract enough audiences to watch in the cinema.

Brilliant Films and Television's series of promotional techniques directly confused other film and television companies. They have never experienced this kind of overwhelming publicity on the Internet, and they have no way of inferring the effect of this kind of publicity.

More importantly, ordinary companies and ordinary films do not have so much capital and strength to allow so many Internet giants to help you promote them.

This is just a pack of wolves tactics belonging to the Guanghui Group, which cannot be learned by others.

(End of this chapter)

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