Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 405 Du Niang Is Listed

Chapter 405 Du Niang Is Listed
Jiang Hui originally hoped that "Some Years, The Girl We Chased Together" would be released globally simultaneously at the end of July, but it took a lot of time to coordinate with distributors in various countries, and the final date was set on August 8.

And a few days before the upcoming release, a small thing happened in the Internet world.

That is, on August 2005, 8, Du Niang was listed on NASDAQ in the United States.

According to the original history, on the first day of listing, Du Niang soared three times on the opening day.The opening price was US$3, a 66% increase from the issue price of US$27; the closing price was US$144, a 122.54% increase from the issue price; the intraday price even soared by 354%, reaching US$450.

Du Niang’s performance on the first trading day of its listing not only stunned all investors, but also made its market value reach 39.8 billion US dollars overnight, and created a “miracle” of Zhongtianchao Internet.

The first Chinese concept stock whose stock price breaks through $100; the first stock on the Nasdaq market whose stock price closes above $100 on the first day since Google; one of the top ten stocks with the highest earnings on the day of listing in American history; The company with the best first-day performance among listed foreign companies; a new stock with the strongest performance in the U.S. market over the past five years... Du Niang’s successful IPO can be said to have rewritten many records.

And in this life, when Du Niang purchased Hao123, several bets between Jiang Hui and Boss Li made Du Niang's development faster and stronger than in the previous life.The launch of applications such as Du Niang Encyclopedia and Du Niang Zhizhi has greatly increased Du Niang's traffic compared to previous lives.

The improvement in these data is reflected in the stock price.

Although the issue price was only $27 more than the original $32, reaching $20.00, the number of shares issued has increased by nearly [-]%, which is equivalent to a [-]% increase in valuation compared to the previous life.

Even though the valuation has risen by 76%, the opening price of Du Niang on the first day of listing reached 165 US dollars, and the closing price reached 200 US dollars. It even broke through [-] US dollars during the day, which stunned a group of people who eat melons.

On the first day of listing, the market value of Du Niang was more than 50 billion U.S. dollars, which was equivalent to 400 billion yuan.The market value of nearly [-]% of the shares held by Jiang Hui has reached [-] billion yuan, which has increased dozens of times in more than a year, which can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

Before the closing of the trading day, Boss Li delivered a passionate speech.At 4:[-] p.m. that day, Nasdaq even asked Boss Li to ring the closing bell of Nasdaq. Du Niang's crazy performance made the audience applaud her warmly.

Originally, Boss Li invited Jiang Hui to attend the listing ceremony, but the United States was too far away, and Jiang Hui thought it was too tiring to go back and forth, and the jet lag was too hard, so he refused.

The crazy performance of Du Niang's listing and the underestimated issue price before listing are actually full of contradictions.But, when you think about it seriously, it makes sense.

On the one hand, Wall Street always looks differently at China’s companies. Internet companies with the same content and scale are at least twice as expensive in the United States as China’s.So it is not surprising that Du Niang is underestimated.

On the other hand, many investors who have tasted the sweetness from Google are looking for the next Google.Obviously, in their eyes, Du Niang is the "next Google" that meets their requirements, so Du Niang's crazy performance on the day it went public.

The listing of Du Niang created a group of rich people.

The first to bear the brunt is Du Niang's largest shareholder, the American venture capital investor, DFJ, who holds more than 2000% of the listed company's shares. It is undoubtedly the biggest winner of Du Niang's listing in the United States.As Du Niang's largest investor, although the company invested a lot of money in the initial stage of Du Niang (September 9), it is nothing compared to the current market value of tens of billions of RMB.

In addition to various venture capital companies, it is the management and employees headed by Boss Li.

In the previous life, Du Niang had nearly 240 million-worth employees, 50 million-worth employees, and seven billionaires after going public.But now Du Niang's market value is [-]% higher than in her previous life. There are more than [-] employees worth millions, more than [-] employees worth tens of millions, and nine employees worth hundreds of millions.

Although it will take at least half a year for these options to be cashed out, they are still only wealth on paper.But Du Niang had so many local tyrants at once, which still caused a great sensation in the Internet circle of China.

The reason why there are so many local tyrants at once is that Du Niang has always implemented an employee option system, which means that the early entrepreneurial employees will naturally become Du Niang's "shareholders" after working for Du Niang for a period of time.

As Du Niang's shareholder, Jiang Hui has a good understanding of Du Niang's option-related information.At the beginning of Du Niang's establishment, the option allocation plan was formulated and perfected. In April 2004, Du Niang internally carried out a stock split, with one split for two, and the stock options of all employees were doubled.More than 4 people who owned shares in Du Niang but left due to various reasons, were successively retrieved by Du Niang's human resources department to sign legal documents and posthumously awarded double the shares after the split.These more than 10 original Du Niang employees who left Du Niang or even went abroad may never have imagined that one day Baidu Niang Human Resources Department would search for him all over the world and give them this wealth worth millions.

In the next few days, the headlines on the Internet were basically about Du Niang.

"Three Reasons for Du Niang's Stock Price Rise".

"Where to go after madness".

"Du Niang made Chinese Internet companies look forward to listing and refraining from acquisitions."

"Du Niang showed Wall Street the charm of China."

"The listing of Du Niang made Boss Li worth nearly tens of billions."

"The company with the highest market capitalization in China Internet".

"The Internet ushered in the peak of development"


All kinds of articles flood the Internet, most of which are full of praise for Du Niang.Of course, it is not without discordant voices.

Martin, a well-known Wall Street analyst, said in an interview: "Du Niang brought us back to the Internet bubble period. The last time we saw the stock price of an initial public offering company rise by more than 200% in the first trading day was from 1999 to 2000. During the year. Even Google, which has performed miraculously in the stock market in the past year, only rose by 18% in its first trading day.

According to the financial data released by Du Niang in the prospectus, the price-earnings ratio of Du Niang's stock has reached more than 2000 times, while the price-earnings ratio of Google's stock is 75 times, and Yahoo's is 70 times.Du Niang's price-earnings ratio is very abnormal. If there is another technology and economic crash, Du Niang will be the first to be out. "

No matter what other people think, Jiang Hui will definitely not easily sell Du Niang's shares to cash out.Although it seems that the market value of more than 50 billion US dollars is quite high now, you must know that after more than ten years, Du Niang's market value once reached 800 billion US dollars.

The current more than 50 is just a fraction, how could Jiang Hui sell it so easily.The shares of Du Niang and Penguin are all Jiang Hui plans to hold for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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