Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 404: Big Data Era

Chapter 404: Big Data Era

The commissioning of the first data center of Guanghui Data Center Co., Ltd. marks that Guanghui Group has entered a new stage in its data analysis capabilities for its Xiaonei, Meituan, Tudou, YY Live, Guanghui Weibo and other companies.

According to Jiang Hui's hope for Guanghui Data Center Co., Ltd., the company will focus on building its own data center to provide data storage services for the group companies.Then carry out big data analysis and research, and at the same time start research and development of cloud computing, and strive to launch the "Glory Cloud" service in the second-generation product of the Glory mobile phone. Presumably this will also be a highlight of the Glorious mobile phone.

What exactly is big data?By definition, big data is a collection of data that is so large that it exceeds the capabilities of traditional database software tools in terms of acquisition, storage, management, and analysis. It has massive data scale, fast data flow, diverse data types and Four characteristics of low value density.

In Jiang Hui's view, big data technology is a forward-looking technology with strategic significance.It not only lies in the mastery of huge data information, but also in the professional processing of these meaningful data.In other words, if big data is compared to an industry, then the foundation of this industry is to have huge data information, but the key to achieving profitability lies in improving the "processing ability" of data, and realizing data through "processing". "value-added".

In order to master the huge basic data, in addition to Guanghui Group, there are various companies under its umbrella. They have accumulated a large amount of data, and the more important channel for obtaining it is through cloud computing.

In fact, big data is just an appearance or characteristic of the Internet at the present stage, there is no need to myth it or maintain awe of it.It's just that Jiang Hui promoted this concept in advance and considered putting it into practical use.

The information on the Internet can be said to be endless. If it can be supported by technologies represented by cloud computing, these data that seemed difficult to collect and use will gradually start to be easily utilized.Through the continuous analysis of data from all walks of life, big data will gradually create more value for human beings.

Unlike other companies in the Brilliant Group, Jiang Hui, the future Brilliant Data Center, recruits a large number of graduates from the Department of Mathematics to the company to provide strength for data analysis.

In fact, big data has always existed in people's lives, but the word "big" represents different content at different stages, on different occasions, and in different fields.

Since 2004, the University of Science and Technology of China has pioneered the "invisible funding" method among colleges and universities across the country, which is actually a real operation of big data.

In terms of specific operations, the University of Science and Technology of China, through the statistics of campus card consumption data, provides a living allowance of 60 yuan to men and women who eat more than 4.0 times a month, with an average cost of less than 3.7 yuan and 160 yuan per meal, and there are more than 400 people every month. Students are aided.

Although this kind of statistical analysis of data is not perfect, for example, some girls may reduce consumption in order to lose weight, resulting in some deviations in the results of data analysis.However, this trend is very good.

Extended to a larger field, the application will be more extensive.

The global retail giant Wal-Mart found in the analysis of consumer shopping behavior that male customers often treat themselves with a few bottles of beer when buying baby diapers, so they tried to launch a promotion that puts beer and diapers together.Unexpectedly, this move actually led to a substantial increase in the sales of diapers and beer.The data analysis results of beer + diapers are one of the classic cases of big data technology application.

There is also a more well-known and interesting case of big data analysis in later generations.The Taobao data platform shows that the most purchased bra size is B cup. B cups accounted for 41.45%, of which 75B was the best seller.Followed by the A cup, the purchase accounted for 25.26%, and the C cup was only 8.96%.Among bra colors, black is the most popular.Ranked by province and city, the girl with the biggest breasts is XJ.Using these big data, the cup situation of women all over the country was quickly analyzed.

Big data has a great impact on advertising promotion, public opinion analysis, shopping, finance, etc.Like Guanghui Group, almost all the netizens in the universe are users of a certain company or several companies under its own. If this information can be fully utilized, the effect will be earth-shaking.Not to mention anything else, the precise advertising and marketing alone is not what ordinary competitors do.After using big data, perhaps Guanghui Group's advertising fee of 1000 million will achieve better results than competitors' spending of [-] million.

"Shanyu, next, in addition to focusing on the hardware construction of the data center, you should also pay attention to software development and data analysis. Any missing piece will affect the company's strength," Jiang Hui said.

"Well, on the basis of recruiting my own analysts, I will also cooperate with the mathematics departments of Kyoto University, Teito Institute of Technology and other universities, and use their sufficient theoretical knowledge and a large number of human resources to achieve rapid improvement in the level of data analysis ", Flash Rain said.

"Your idea is very good. Colleges and universities are a cornucopia of unlimited potential, but they still don't know how to use their power. By helping them, we are also helping ourselves to achieve a win-win situation for both parties," Jiang Hui said.

"Yes, we provide funding, they conduct analysis, commercial results and patents belong to our company, academic achievements belong to the school, presumably many professors from the mathematics department will be interested," said Shan Yu.

In colleges and universities, it is relatively difficult for mathematics departments to obtain funding, at least not as easy as those for engineering majors.

The work of the Department of Mathematics is more of a basic research work, and often there is no output after investment, or even no output for several years.Even if something is researched, it often does not involve patents, and it is difficult to directly obtain benefits. Therefore, for the mathematics departments of most universities, it is actually a very good cooperation project to cooperate with Guanghui Data Center to study new data analysis theories .

To expand, the application of this research project is combined with business, and the algorithms required by various business functions are not necessarily the same. In the future, there will be demand for this project for a long time.

"Let's arrange it as soon as possible, find more schools to do it together, and don't be afraid to spend money. We will conduct research together from multiple angles," Jiang Hui said.

Now all companies of Guanghui Group have a relatively high demand for data analysis. Whether it is or Guanghui Weibo, they have accumulated massive amounts of data, but how to use these data is far from good enough.

(End of this chapter)

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