Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 403 Data Center Completion

Chapter 403 Data Center Completion
Just as Brilliant Films was rushing forward with the post-production of "The Girl We Chased Together" and its simultaneous global release, the construction of Brilliant Group's first data center was finally completed.

Guanghui Group's data center in Imperial Capital has been built for a year since its foundation was laid in the middle of last year, and after a year of construction, with an investment of more than one billion yuan, it is finally about to be put into use.

At the beginning, this data center was jointly funded and constructed by Xiaonei Network and Guanghui Investment. However, considering the consideration of business overall planning in the future, this data center will be uniformly planned and managed by Guanghui Data Center, and the investment of Xiaonei Network will also be transferred to Shares of Brilliant Data Center.

The construction of a data center is a capital and technology-intensive project.With the current profitability of, it is bound to be unable to support the construction boom of Guanghui Data Center. At that time, the shares held by in Guanghui Data Center will inevitably be continuously diluted.

According to Jiang Hui, when the construction of the first data center is completed, the construction of the new data center will also start at the same time.

For a long time, China's data center services have been mainly provided by basic telecom operators and network-neutral data center service providers.In terms of market size, due to their control over network resources, basic telecom operators have always occupied a large proportion of China's data center service market, accounting for about two-thirds of the entire market.

But for basic telecom operators, data center services are not their core business, and business revenue only accounts for 1%-3% of the overall total revenue. Data center services are mainly used to support their core business - network broadband services.Moreover, in order to maintain their independent network coverage, different telecom operators do not do a good job in data handover in the areas they take over from each other.Not only that, inter-provincial connections on the same network may be slow, because telecom operators in various regions deliberately reserve limited network bandwidth resources to meet local customer needs.In addition, the data centers of basic telecom operators usually only provide their own network interfaces, and customers' network connections are also limited by their network coverage.

The network-neutral data center service providers provide customers with data center services by building their own data centers or renting the data centers of basic telecom operators.Compared with the data centers of basic telecom operators, network-neutral data center service providers are not limited to the network and provincial boundaries of a single telecom operator, and can provide balanced and fast network connections.

However, because self-built data centers have high requirements for technology, capital, and venues, many domestic data center service providers provide data center services to customers by renting the entire or part of the data centers of basic telecom operators.

Generally speaking, the future trend is that the gap between network-neutral data center service providers and basic telecom operators will gradually narrow, and the status of the industry will be improved. Presumably, the construction of Guanghui Data Center will greatly accelerate this trend.

According to the data center construction plan that Shanyu reported to Jiang Hui, several super-large data centers and a batch of small and medium-sized data centers will be built in the future.

Super-large data centers focus on climate, environment, energy supply and other factors, especially for disaster recovery and other applications that do not require high facts, and are given priority to construction in areas with cold climate and sufficient energy. Adequate secondary area for construction.This is mainly for the future big data era, which can be used for self-use or rented out.

The small and medium-sized data centers focus on factors such as market demand and energy supply.Encourage small and medium-sized data centers, especially small and medium-sized data centers that are oriented to local areas and focus on real-time applications, to be flexibly deployed in areas close to users' locations and with convenient energy access according to market demand.

In Jiang Hui's view, forward-looking investment estimation, reasonable data center design, and stable and reliable data center operation and maintenance are the fundamental factors that determine the healthy development of data centers. The three are interdependent.The worst thing about Jiang Hui is the forward-looking investment estimation, and the rest must be solved by technical personnel.

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to have a ceremony for the investment in the data center?" Shan Yu asked.

"Let's stop doing it. There was such a big battle when the foundation was laid. Now that it's built, it doesn't make much sense to build another one. We can manage it well," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, then I will lead the staff to simply celebrate inside the data center," Shan Yu said.

"Okay. In addition, as you mentioned in the report, in the future, the company plans to build six super-large data centers in Lingnan Province, around Shanghai, Beihu Province, Sichuan Province, Northeast and Northwest. I generally agree with the batch of small and medium-sized data centers, but we have to arrange the pace of construction,” Jiang Hui said.

Considering the demand for data usage and the future increase in land prices, Jiang Hui feels that it is necessary to acquire land in Shanghai and Shenzhen to build super-large data centers. It is not known whether the power consumption of the data center during the peak period can be met.

"Understood, we are going to give priority to launching the construction plan of Shenzhen City. We communicated with them in the early stage, and they are more cooperative with us in terms of land and energy supply," Shan Yu said.

In 2005, although the economy in Shenzhen was relatively strong, it was still incomparable to what it would be ten years later, so the investment in the construction of the Brilliant Data Center was still very active.

"Yes, the land should be taken down as soon as possible. I estimate that the land price will gradually rise, so even if it is taken down and left for a year or so, it is better than taking it later," Jiang Hui said.

The real estate market of the Celestial Dynasty has been rising continuously for the past two years. Although from the perspective of more than ten years later, the price of cabbage is still rising no matter what, but it is rising after all. It is better to spend less money. After all, Guanghui Although the group's valuation is high, it does not have much real cash and basically relies on Brilliant Games.

"Okay, if this is the case, then I think we can take all the land according to the plan. Anyway, many places do not require a one-time payment for the land purchase. The general requirement is to start construction within one year or even two years after the purchase of the land. First Not to mention that we do plan to start construction in the next two years, even if we want to delay it, we can achieve our goal by extending the construction period and avoiding the government's requirements on the start time," said Shan Yu.

"I think your plan is feasible. At present, there is no money in the account of Guanghui Data Center. I will ask the group to inject [-] million yuan into you as a start-up capital within the next week, and continue to inject more than [-] million yuan every month until the meeting is satisfied. Our data center construction needs,” Jiang Hui said.

As an enterprise with the Internet as one of its cores, the importance of the data center cannot be overemphasized.

(End of this chapter)

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