Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 408 Box Office Champion

Chapter 408 Box Office Champion
How long is the film running?You may have seen the one that was released less than a week after it was released, and you may have seen the one that has not been removed for almost two months after it was released.

Generally, film distribution companies will sign film distribution contracts with movie theaters, and the film release is basically one month.If the attendance rate of a movie is quite low within a week or three weeks, the movie theater and theater chain can decide to release the movie on their own. The issuer won't say anything either.

Guanghui Film and Television is currently only signed for one month. Generally, for a youth film like "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", it is not bad if it can last for a month with a good attendance rate.

And the box office of a movie is often the last one or two weeks before, and then it will slowly go downhill.Of course, there are also individual films that did not have a good box office in the first week, but they continued to rise in the later period.

According to normal circumstances, the first day of release will have a box office of more than 3000 million. Even if it is worse, the box office will definitely exceed [-] million in the entire cycle.This number has ensured that Guanghui Film and Television will make money.

Why do you say this?If the total box office of a movie is compared to a big cake, there are several eaters or players, not just the investors who produced the cake and profited from it.Brilliant Film and Television cannot directly get [-] million.

Specifically, if the price of a movie ticket is 100 yuan, the share generally follows the following ratio: 5% of the film special fund is handed over to the film authority, and then 3.3% of the business tax, and the cinema company responsible for the promotion and distribution of the film 7% to 16% of the box office, 50% to 63% of the box office for theaters that directly meet the audience, 35% to 43% of the box office for the producer (Bright Film and Television) and the distributor.

According to the film box office share ratio, the film producer (Bright Film and Television) that invests in the film and pays the cost can participate in about 40% of the total box office fee, and the industry-recognized investor can get a share of 33%.

That is to say, if the box office of a movie is three times its investment cost, the movie will not lose money.If the figure exceeds three times the cost of the box office, the investor will continue to share at a rate of 33%, which is the money earned.

The filming cost and publicity costs of "The Girl We Chased Together" have already reached 4000 million, and if the box office reaches 1.2 million, it will not lose money.Now it is predicted that the box office will be at least [-] million yuan, which means that the first movie made by Guanghui Film and Television will not lose money, and how much it earns will depend on the box office performance of subsequent movies.


After Guanghui Film and Television announced that "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" had grossed 300 million RMB at the global box office on the first day, it quickly caused a shock in the Chinese entertainment circle.

"Thirty-three million? Does this mean Japanese yen or Taiwan dollar?".

"When did the box office of domestic movies become so powerful."

"This number is definitely watery, how could it be so high."

"It's amazing Guanghui Film and Television. As a subsidiary company of Guanghui Group, it really didn't embarrass Boss Jiang."

"The Guanghui Group is really successful, and the major film companies are going to be nervous."

"Is it true that many stars are going to start winking at Guanghui Film and Television?"

"Dream Band needs to develop together in film, television and music. After this film, they are no longer just famous singers."

"The screenwriter is Jiang Hui, probably the most expensive screenwriter in history."

"The director is Zhao Gang. Although he has made a few micro-movies, he is a complete newcomer in the director circle, and he is about to flourish."

"Glorious Film and Television is going to make a lot of money."


When there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, the box office of "The Girl We Chased Together" on the second and third days also came out one after another.

The second day of screening: over 1800 million box office in mainland China, over 600 million in Taiwan (converted into RMB, the same below), over 500 million in Hong Kong, over 800 million in Japan and South Korea, over 200 million in Singapore and other regions, and more than 4000 million worldwide. The total box office exceeded RMB [-] million.

The third day of release: over 2000 million box office in mainland China, over 700 million in Taiwan (converted into RMB, the same below), over 600 million in Hong Kong, over 800 million in Japan and South Korea, over 200 million in Singapore and other regions, and over 4300 million worldwide. The total box office exceeded RMB [-] million.

In just three days since its release, the box office has already exceeded 20 million.This is already the hottest movie in China.You know, the box office of the entire Celestial Dynasty movie last year was less than 30 billion. Although there is an increase this year, it is estimated that it will not exceed [-] billion.A film from Brilliant Films and Television has grossed more than [-] million yuan in just three days after its release, which really makes other film and television companies envy and hate.

Such an outstanding box office performance must have attracted a bunch of film critics to analyze and comment, and various media reports.


Film Weekly reported: There is a very popular movie recently called "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years".The movie tells an ordinary story from the No.1 perspective: the hero Ke Jingteng and his gay friends also like the beautiful and well-behaved girl in the class-Shen Jiayi.For different purposes, they exhausted all kinds of means they thought were effective to express their love.They are ignorant, ignorant, full of yearning for love, and hope to be with the person they like.

However, time flies and years go by, until finally, none of them chased her.Many years have passed, and this group of old friends gathered together to see with their own eyes that the best heroine in their minds married an uncle who was much older than himself...


Du Niang news report: Yesterday, the author was dragged by his wife to watch a movie.To be honest, I haven't watched a domestic movie seriously for a long time.Luckily though, it's a movie worth going to the cinema for, alone or with two.

A tide called youth floods us.When the waves receded, we were soaked and sat on the beach together, watching our favorite girl waving her hands vigorously, stepping happily to the other end of life.The next wave will take away the beautiful footprints the girl left on the beach.But we are still here.The image of the girl engraved in our hearts will still be there.Undiminished pride, laughing at the past...


"Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together" received rave reviews, and the box office is also rising steadily.

Day 500: This day is Qixi Festival, and the box office broke through [-] million in one fell swoop.

Day 400: Forty-four million.

Day 500: This day is Saturday, and the box office has reached [-] million again.

Day 800: break through [-] million.

In the first week of its release, the global box office exceeded [-] million yuan, blinding countless people's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

If the box office in the past few days was influenced by the promotion of Brilliant Tickets, then the subsequent performance is completely influenced by the charm of the film itself.

(End of this chapter)

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