Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 409 Douban Slowly Reveals Its Power

Chapter 409 Douban Slowly Reveals Its Power
Unlike most domestic films, Guanghui Film and Television's "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" was released simultaneously worldwide.Basically, the mainland and other regions account for half of the box office.This is also an important reason why the film was able to reach [-] million box office within a week of its release.

China's domestic films actually like to be titled "world premiere" and "global simultaneous release", but none of them have truly achieved "global".Even Guanghui Films' "The Girl We Chased Together" can only barely be regarded as a global simultaneous release, after all, it is only released in East Asia.

In Jiang Hui’s opinion, if a film is to be truly released globally, it does not mean that it will be shown in all countries in the world; but first of all, the United States, island countries, China, the United Kingdom and other countries should have it, so that it will appear worthy of the name. Actually some.

However, with the need for publicity, gradually, as long as there are films that are planned to be broadcast in more than two regions, they will associate themselves with the "global".

In addition to the reason of simultaneous global release, another very important factor for the popularity of "The Girl We Chased Together" was the strong promotion of the Guanghui Group.

Movies with youthful nostalgic themes are mainly aimed at people aged 15 to 35, and the proportion of Internet users among these people is the highest among all age groups. Even in this year, [-]% of Internet users in China are in this age group.Of course, the further you go, the lower this ratio will be.

For these target groups, when Xiaonei, Tudou, Meituan, YY Live, Guanghui Games, Guanghui Weibo, Autohome, Qunar, Guanghui Payment and other companies promote side by side, almost all netizens, as long as When you go online, you will see the promotion of the film.

This kind of publicity is unprecedented, and it is impossible for other film companies to do it.

Therefore, although Brilliant Films did not invest much publicity resources in traditional movie poster publicity places such as bus stations and subway stations, the number of viewers actually affected by the publicity is very large.

With the popularity of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", a website began to enter the field of vision of the audience and film and television companies, and that was

After more than a year of development, Douban now has more than 1000 million registered users. Although it has not achieved profitability, its influence is indeed increasing day by day.

Douban Movies, in particular, is now the largest and most authoritative movie sharing and commenting community in China. It has collected more than [-] pieces of information about movies and filmmakers. There are also many movie theaters joining, and it has gathered millions of people who love movies.

Over the past year or so, Douban’s overall user quality is still good. There is a comment section under each movie, and many high-voicing movie reviews are of very high quality. At present, there is no movie information website in China that has the accumulation and loyalty of Douban. user group.

"Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together" received a high score of 8.6 on Douban.With Jiang Hui's improvement, this score is 8.1 points higher than the previous life's 0.5 points.

On Douban, the movies with a score of 8.0 are very good movies, and those with a score of 9.0 are basically "The Shawshank Redemption", "Forrest Gump", "This Killer Is Not So Cold", "The Godfather" ", "Gone with the Wind" and "The Pianist on the Sea" are classic Hollywood movies.In all fairness, "Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together" is still far from this classic movie.

"In Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together" got a high score of 8.6 points on Douban. It's really not Jiang Hui, but Douban made some fake data. It's just that Douban's advertisements on, Tudou. Many netizens have realized that there is such a movie review platform.And it just so happens that this movie has more tastes from young audiences, so high-scoring reviews have become inevitable.

On the contrary, in order to prevent Douban's ratings from being unfair, Jiang Hui still took some protective measures for the data processing of the website to avoid the influence of human factors inside the website and the influence of external trolls.

First of all, the scoring process of Douban movies is done by machine, 1-5 stars are converted into 0-10 points, and then divided by the number of scorers to get the average score.There is no review in the middle, and no editors usually stare at it.The score update speed is also very fast. Every few minutes, the program will automatically re-run to include the opinions of the latest scorers.

At the same time, Douban has been "fighting wits and courage" with the water army. It can be said that the current movie ratings are "difficult to check".This process is mainly through the continuous adjustment and optimization of the program algorithm. After identifying which users have "abnormal ratings", they will first be included in the ratings preventively, and then deleted after confirming that they have been used.

These processing programs of Douban are actually a bit like artificial intelligence, but they are still relatively low-end.However, with the accumulation of data and the improvement of the algorithm of Guanghui Data Center, Douban will surely perform even better in this area in the future.

Due to the weak status of film critics in the country, they are easily influenced by film producers. Many film critics will be complained by the audience, which will lower the IQ of the people who eat melons.

Therefore, Jiang Hui hopes that more and more viewers will regard Douban as a "film reviewer" and make it a user habit to go to Douban to watch and score movies before they are released.

After all, in Tianchao, it is difficult for viewers to find a second scoring platform with the same user base and (certain) credibility.

With the support of Brilliant Group, Douban's monthly loss of one million is nothing, but several other similar platforms have made some compromises in this regard due to commercial reasons, and Jiang Hui doesn't want Douban to do the same.

Maybe one day, Guanghui Group will need to rely on the credibility of Douban.

Of course, not only Guanghui Film and Television has noticed the influence of Douban, but other companies have also known it.

"Jiang Dong, recently, our marketing department has received many contacts from film and television companies. Most of them want us to modify or block the comments of some movies, and some of them directly want us to modify the ratings." , Douban general manager Zhang Weiguo said to Jiang Hui.

"You sort out the relevant information for me, but don't make compromises. Fairness and justice are the most important factors for Douban to survive and expand its influence, and the most fundamental things cannot be lost," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, there are also some film and television companies who want to put Guanghui on Douban to promote their movies, do we agree with this?" Zhang Weiguo said.

"Don't have any advertisements for the time being, and wait until the time is ripe before releasing the advertising business," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, then I will continue to implement the countermeasures formulated when Mr. He was here," Zhang Weiguo said.

He Ling is now the general manager of Guanghui Film and Television, and has a very close relationship with Jiang Hui. Zhang Weiguo dare not act like an emperor and a courtier, and the company's development direction has also been continued.

(End of this chapter)

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