Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 414 Another Internet Conference

Chapter 414 Another Internet Conference

一年一度的天朝互联网大会又在帝都举办了。 2005年9月1日至3日,2005天朝互联网大会(第四届)在国际会议中心召开。

After several sessions of development and the rapid expansion of China's Internet market, it has become the largest network exchange and cooperation event in the Asia-Pacific region.To a certain extent, it has become the annual wind vane of China's Internet development in terms of policy, management, and technology.

Another large group of people from the Guanghui Group was invited to participate in this conference. Xiaonei, Tudou, Meituan, Guanghui Weibo, Guanghui Games, Guanghui Payment, YY Payment, Autohome, Qunar and other companies received more than One hundred invitation letters, it is estimated that Guanghui Group is the group with the largest number of participants in this Internet conference.

This time, Tang Wenwen, Fang Dawen, Chen Hu, Zhou Benqiang and others were invited by the organizer to give speeches in the sub-forum. Originally, Jiang Hui was also invited to give a lecture, but Jiang Hui was not very interested in it and refused.

Although Jiang Hui did not speak on stage, the theme of Zhou Benqiang's speech "Internet + Will Continue to Show Power" basically revolved around Jiang Hui's concept of "Internet +".

"In 2005, a period of new development opportunities, various market segments showed many new trends and new characteristics that were quite different from previous years. The Internet industry formed many new trends in the integration of different industries such as communication, media, and entertainment. growth point, and in many sub-industries that are increasingly subdivided and value chains are expanding, the Internet also has many new development possibilities... " Zhou Benqiang said.

At the opening of the conference, the Tianchao government also released the latest statistics on netizens: The Ministry of Information Industry stated that the total number of Tianchao telephones has reached 7.08 million, ranking first in the world, and the scale of the electronic information industry is also among the top in the world. The number of people surfing the Internet has reached 1.03 million, ranking second...

This conference also has some relatively new ideas.For example: "ZeroZero Venture Capital Research Center predicts that in 2005, the overseas IPO market will continue the upsurge since 2004. The main driving force for the overseas IPO market, especially the US market, will come from high-tech industries such as the Internet and basic software. Affected by this, coupled with the rise of China's various professional websites, next year there will be more China Internet companies with more distinctive characteristics entering the international capital market... ".

Another example: "The halo of the portal website's listing has faded: Last year, TOM, known as the fourth largest portal website in China, suffered a heavy blow from the market as soon as it went public. On the first day of listing on the Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market, the stock price fell by 3%. On the Daqo market, the stock price only rose by 0.2% on that day. Since then, TOM's performance has not improved, and the stock price has been hovering below the issue price.

In fact, the failure of TOM can be seen as a transformation of the listing characteristics of Internet companies, that is, the IPO of Internet portals has been difficult to arouse the interest of investors.After the Internet bubble burst in 2000, investors became more critical of Internet companies' IPOs.Industry status, clear business model and stable growth of profits have become the key criteria for investors to judge a listed Internet company.As early as 2000, in order to survive the Internet depression period, the three major Chinese portals were listed one after another.Today, these three companies already have outstanding profit performance, most of the market share and unshakable industry status in the Tianchao portal.Therefore, as TOMO, the fourth in the industry, once again landed on NASDAQ, prudent investors can't help but wonder whether the Chinese market can accommodate the existence of so many portal networks... ".

In addition, as the general manager of, Tang Wenwen also expressed his opinion: the Internet economy started with the old three, namely portals, search, and mail; later it developed into the new three, namely games, text messages, and instant messaging.I personally have a point of view, I think it is the second generation of the Internet, which is the grassroots Internet.There will be several focuses here, one is Weibo; the other is professional websites, such as Autohome or Tudou; the other is social networking sites. These three directions will develop into three highlights of the next-generation Internet.

Today, why do I say that the power of the grassroots is relatively strong and can be linked together?We say that any economy has a 20-80 principle. In the past, we only focused on the 80% part, because this is a big enterprise, in short, it is big.There are still [-]% of the departments that are not paid attention to.But now the Internet may focus on [-]% of small and medium-sized enterprises, connecting them through the Internet to form a very powerful economic driving force... ".

All kinds of speeches flooded the Internet of China, and several major portal websites opened special topics to report on this conference.

In addition to Guanghui Group, there is another company that is on the cusp of this conference, and that is Du Niang, which just went public last month.

"The story of Du Niang is not a story of getting rich overnight. In the past six years, I have encountered all kinds of things. The whole process is very difficult. When the search engine is not favored by others, others think it is not important, and the search is not important. Now we are competing with the most powerful Internet companies in the world, such as Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google. We face very big challenges and difficulties at any time, and there are also great risks. Du Niang has today, the search engine market The position of No. [-] in share is not easy to come by, it is indeed through a lot of hardships and hardships, and took a lot of risks to get to this position..." Du Niang's boss Li responded through this meeting After a while, there was a lot of disturbance from the outside world.

Jiang Hui was watching the progress of the meeting the whole time, but he didn't feel much from other people's speeches.

Jiang Hui feels that the entire Internet has become popular again. After ten years of hard work, the influence and depth of the Internet have greatly improved compared to before. Now the capital is also very enthusiastic, so the excitement is very high, and the whole society is paying attention. It's a great time for IT and the Internet.

At this time, Jiang Hui felt that compared with ten years ago, innovation and technology became more important for competitiveness.Because of the explosiveness of the Internet, when a product comes out and can be used by an unlimited number of people, many followers immediately rush in.

At this time, in the competition of many products, the quality and quality of products become very important. In the new round of competition, technology and products are the most important.

In the previous life, in the end, BAT was able to stand at the highest peak of the Chinese Internet because they attached great importance to technology research and development.Among them, Du Niang lags behind Penguin and Alibaba, because in the later stage of development, Du Niang put more energy on advertising and marketing, and was slowly thrown away by Penguin and Alibaba.

(End of this chapter)

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