Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 415 Preparing to build a new data center

Chapter 415 Preparing to build a new data center
Until Jiang Ping started school, Bai Xue played with Jiang Hui's parents everywhere, and the relationship was even better than Jiang Hui's.

But after Jiang Ping started school, because military training was about to start, and Jiang Hui's parents were also thinking about the pig farm at home, and wanted to go home quickly, so Jiang Hui bought them a first-class cabin in Wuyang. A bodyguard was arranged to escort them home.

"Are you tired all this time?" Jiang Hui asked Bai Xue on the way back from the airport.

"It's okay, my uncles and aunts are easy to get along with, and Jiang Ping is with me, so in fact, I'm just a driver and tour guide," Bai Xue said.

Although Bai Xue said it easily, Jiang Hui knew that Bai Xue had lost two catties during this time.Running around various scenic spots every day is actually quite tiring. Besides, I have to maintain my image in front of my future parents-in-law, so I have always been relatively restrained. It is no wonder that I am not tired after ten days.

"I'm going to go to Shenzhen in a few days. You can go with me when the time comes. If we have a chance, we can sneak out and have fun together," Jiang Hui said.

"What are you doing in Shenzhen? Our group doesn't seem to have much business there," Bai Xue said.

"Not now, but there will be in the future. I plan to put the focus of Brilliant drones and Brilliant mobile phones in Shenzhen, and I will also arrange for Brilliant Data to build a data center there," Jiang Hui said.

"Just built a data center, are you going to start building a new one?" Bai Xue said.

"In order to achieve the best results in the construction of data centers, multiple places need to be built together to form complementarity and resource sharing. And now the group's data processing business is increasing very fast, and China's Internet is also developing very fast. We plan ahead A good data center can seize opportunities in the future,” Jiang Hui said.

Another important reason that Jiang Hui did not mention is that the land is too cheap now, and a large piece of land under the first-tier city circle is used to build data centers. After ten years, the equipment of the data center will also be replaced. At that time, we changed the place to build a new data center and sold the original land. It is estimated that the money would be enough to recover most of the cost of the data center construction.

"It seems to make sense. The server deployment speed of Brilliance Games has been getting faster and faster in the past two years alone, and the demand in the future is estimated to be even greater," Bai Xue said.

"Should I send you back first and then go back to sleep, and I won't go to the company today," Jiang Hui said.

"No, there are many things in the company that haven't been dealt with yet, I have to go and have a look," Bai Xue said.

"How does it feel to be the general manager? Is anyone bullying you? Tell me who dares to obey the instructions and I will teach them a lesson," Jiang Hui said.

"I was a little nervous at the beginning, but it will be fine slowly. Besides, you have already set the development direction of the company, and I just help you to watch it. As for the obedience and the infidelity, no one dares to have the courage to talk to me, the boss. It's hard for my real girlfriend," Bai Xue said with a smile.

"That's good, it seems that your role as the game queen is firmly established," Jiang Hui said.


After returning to the company, Jiang Hui asked Shan Yu to come over and report on the construction of the new data center again.

"How is the data center land use progress in several major cities?" Jiang Hui asked.

"Shenzhen has basically confirmed that it can sign a contract this time. The Shanghai Stock Exchange and Wuyang are still in communication, but they have already selected several land plots. We are still evaluating internally. It is expected that these two The month can be officially confirmed," said Shan Yu.

"To speed up the pace of land acquisition, I will ask the group to give you support in terms of funds. At the same time, you can also use the data center in the capital to go to the bank to apply for mortgage loans. I estimate that you should be able to loan out five or six billion yuan; When signing the land purchase agreement, try to be as flexible as possible in terms of the time of delivery of funds. In this way, we will have the opportunity to solve the data center land issues in several major cities such as Shenzhen, Shanghai, Wuyang and Jiangcheng at the same time this year," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, we have adopted a more flexible way to get the land in Shenzhen this time. Chairman Jiang, you said before that you hope to move the Brilliance drone to Shenzhen, so I will go with Dai Fugan and Shenzhen The market is talking about land acquisition. Data centers and drone companies are high-tech companies, and joint negotiations have allowed us to get a lot of favorable terms," ​​said Shan Yu.

"Well, that's pretty good. If the construction of the data center and drones goes well, I plan to start increasing the group's investment in Shenzhen next year," Jiang Hui said.

Although Brilliant Drones has already bought a factory in the Imperial Capital and started to produce drones, it is only a small transitional factory. In the long run, Jiang Hui is still planning to build a drone factory in Shenzhen, and Imperial Capital can keep a part of it. R&D function.

As for the Brilliance mobile phone, you can take down the land in a low-key manner first, and do a good job in the infrastructure of the factory building, and wait until the mobile phone is about to be finalized before installing the equipment.For the sake of confidentiality, Jiang Hui planned to build a factory for the production of the first generation of smartphones at the beginning of production, and then find a foundry to produce them at the same time after the launch conference.

"After several months of contact, I feel that Shenzhen is still a very dynamic city. Government officials are also very open-minded and active in attracting investment. I think Shenzhen is indeed a good place to invest," said Shan Yu. .

In Tianchao, the more economically developed the first-tier cities, the easier it is for ordinary people to go to government departments to do things. On the contrary, in the fourth- and fifth-tier cities, they have to find connections everywhere, so Jiang Hui plans to focus on Guanghui Group's main investment in the future. First-tier and second-tier cities should be developed, and some third- and fourth-tier cities with special significance should be considered.

"Well, after all, it is the frontier of reform and opening up, but the resources of universities are a little weaker," Jiang Hui said.

"Indeed, but Shenzhen's urban construction is good, and it is very attractive to talents, so although it does not have any colleges and universities, it has indeed attracted talents from all over the country to Shenzhen," Shan Yu said.

Shenzhen City was just a small fishing village before the establishment of the special zone. Almost all of the more than 1000 million people living in Shenzhen were once immigrants. It has indeed done a very good job in attracting talents from all over the country.

"Yes, so it should be a good choice to put data centers, drones and other projects in Shenzhen City. You should combine the experience and lessons learned from the data center construction of the Imperial City as soon as possible to determine the data center construction plan in Shenzhen City and strive for Construction will start immediately after the Spring Festival, and it will be put into use by the end of next year," Jiang Hui said.

"No problem, let's go and settle the land this time, and then we will make a plan before November, and construction can start in January next year if it is as soon as possible," Shan Yu said.

Jiang Hui talked with Shan Yu about other things about the data center construction for a while, and then went to deal with some other company affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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