Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 416 Surprise Investment

Chapter 416 Surprise Investment

The Internet conference is over, Jiang Ping has started school, and her parents have returned to their hometown. "Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together" was also officially taken off the shelves, and eventually the global box office reached [-] million, almost half of which was obtained in the international market.

This is currently the best box office of a domestic film. Although it cannot be said that there will be no successors, it is indeed unprecedented.

To make such a movie, the cost was 4000 million. Of the 2 million box office, Guanghui Film and Television received more than 5.00 million yuan. Excluding the big red envelopes given to the director and actors at the end, Guanghui Film and Television basically earned [-] million yuan.This is a gain of [-]%.

There is a famous saying: Capital avoids turmoil and disputes, and its nature is timid.This is true, but not the whole truth.Capital is afraid of no profit or too little profit, just as nature is afraid of a vacuum.Once there is a proper profit, the capital will be bold.If there is 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is 20% profit, it will be active; if there is 50% profit, it will take risks; for 100% profit, it will dare to trample on all human laws; With a 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime, even risking hanging its head.If unrest and strife bring profit, it encourages unrest and strife.Smuggling and the slave trade are proof of that.

Some of these words were said by Marx, and others were said by a British trade unionist. No matter who said it, Jiang Hui thinks it makes sense anyway.

Brilliant Films has stimulated the domestic film market in advance, and more investors have begun to pay attention to film investment.I think the competition in the film market will be more intense in the future.

After handling some matters of the group in the imperial capital, Jiang Hui took Shan Yu, Li Shigui, Tang Minghua, Dai Fuqian, Guan Weidong, Pan Wei and others to Shenzhen City.

When I went to Shenzhen this time, there were quite a lot of messy things to talk about.Land use issues for data centers and Brilliant drones, future land use for Brilliant mobile phones, and the acquisition of Oufei Guang by Brilliant Investment.Fortunately, Bai Xue didn't come with her, otherwise Jiang Hui would have broken his promise and would have no time to accompany her to the scenic spots.

It's not the first time for Jiang Hui to come to Shenzhen, but every time he comes, he feels that things have changed a lot.

Shenzhen City was established in 1979. In its 26-year history, Shenzhen City has made its due contributions to the Celestial Dynasty: first, it has blazed a trail and accumulated experience in innovation and development; second, it has explored the path of reform and opening up and created a relatively sound market mechanism; the third is the establishment of the economic development model at the speed of the Shenzhen market; the fourth is to prove the correctness of creating a special economic zone with iron facts.

More than ten years later, the economic scale of Shenzhen City has even surpassed Wuyang, the provincial capital, with strong development potential. This is why Jiang Hui regards Shenzhen City as another center of Guanghui Group, second only to the imperial capital, and its status is higher than Wuyang and Shanghai. city.

This time, Guanghui Group was led by Jiang Hui to visit Shenzhen City. Flash Rain, as a pathfinder in the early stage, had already communicated the investment intention of Guanghui Group with Shenzhen Municipal Government. Therefore, Jiang Hui and his party received a warm welcome and reception from the Shenzhen Municipal Government. .

According to the investment scale of Guanghui Group, a data center alone is more than one billion yuan, and Guanghui drones are at least a few hundred million yuan. The future output value of Guanghui mobile phones is even more amazing.Such a big project took the initiative to come to the door, and Shenzhen City must have warmly received it.

"Mr. Jiang, I have heard of your name a long time ago. I really appreciate the two words you put forward, positive energy and Internet +. China has achieved good results in economic development over the years, but we also need to Objectively see that there are still various problems in the society, and all kinds of positive energy are especially needed. As for Internet +, I think this concept is especially suitable for Shenzhen Stock Exchange. I plan to include it in the government work report next year The content of this aspect,” said Mayor Xu of Shenzhen City.

"Thank you to Mayor Xu. Mayor Xu has contributed a lot to the rapid economic development of Shenzhen in recent years. I personally recognize the development model of Shenzhen and intend to increase the scale of investment in Shenzhen," Jiang Hui said.

"For high-tech enterprises like Guanghui Group, we welcome and support them very much. If Mr. Jiang has any needs, he can ask me at any time. We will do everything possible to solve various problems for the company and escort the healthy development of the company." Mayor Xu said.

After meeting and exchanging pleasantries for a while, Shan Yu introduced the situation of the group on behalf of the Guanghui Group.When the leaders heard that the current valuation of is at least 100 billion yuan, and's Tianchao company alone is at least [-] billion yuan, they were taken aback.You must know that in addition to these two well-known websites, Guanghui Group is also well-known all over the country on Weibo, Meituan, YY Live, Guanghui Games, etc. From this point of view, Guanghui Group is really a giant.

Some leaders who are familiar with Penguin even asked the secretary to ask Penguin's senior management how they view and evaluate the Guanghui Group.The reply I got was that Guanghui Group is a Chinese Internet leader that is larger than Penguin and has a bright future.

This evaluation was beyond the expectations of many leaders.You must know that when Penguin went public, it was the Internet company with the highest market value in China. Although it has been surpassed by Du Niang, it is still the second-highest company in market value.The leader of such a company can humbly admit that Guanghui Group is the leader of Tianchao Internet. In addition to the humility of the business leader itself, it shows more about the deep position of Guanghui Group in the industry.

"Mr. Pan, although the Internet industry has been developed for ten years, it can still be regarded as a new industry. What do you think of this industry?" Mayor Xu asked.

"Mayor Xu, I'm not very good at answering this question. If you say too many good things, it's a bit like a queen mother-in-law, but you can't say bad things," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Haha, it's okay, just tell the truth," Mayor Xu said.

"Then I'll just talk about it casually. First of all, the Internet industry is a sunrise industry, and the future output value is measured in trillions. Next, I still want to mention Internet+. I have always firmly believed that Internet+ is the future of the Internet. development direction,” Jiang Hui said.

"Under the influence of Internet +, the cross-border integration of the Internet and traditional industries will become more extensive and profound. Traditional industries will develop in depth towards intelligence, digitalization, and networking. The pace of Internet development will be further accelerated. Process, product sales and other whole-process penetration. Traditional industries integrate upstream and downstream resources of the industrial chain through Internet technology, carry out pilot projects in key areas such as raw materials and equipment manufacturing, and accelerate innovation and breakthroughs in production processes. At the same time, traditional industries will also play the role of information flow , promote the development of network and information technology in R&D, design, production, sales, service and other links..." Jiang Hui saw that everyone was listening carefully, so he talked continuously for ten minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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