Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 417 5 million years

Chapter 417 Ten Billion in Ten Years

After explaining his views on Internet+, Jiang Hui introduced his views on the online game industry and e-commerce in Mayor Xu's exchange.

As an emerging industry, online games can create a huge GDP every year, and our country is still significantly behind the world in this industry.The development of online games can drive the continuous innovation of IT technology. In Jiang Hui's view, a country with advanced IT has a well-developed online game industry, and vice versa.

Of course, online games are not without problems.Minors and even some adults are addicted to online games all day long, abandoning their studies, losing their ideals, ignoring their health, and becoming more and more out of touch with the real society. These are some problems caused by online games.

But you can't give up eating because of choking.Jiang Hui believes that the correct attitude towards online games should be: establish and improve the legal system for online games, legally prevent minors from entering this field, strengthen supervision and management of Internet cafes, restrict and classify the content of online games, and strive to Ensure that the industry develops in a healthy direction and maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses.

As for e-commerce, this has been a topic that has been mentioned since the Internet entered China.But it really began to enter the field of vision of the common people, that is, in the past two or three years.

E-commerce usually refers to a wide range of commercial and trade activities around the world, under the open network environment of the Internet, based on the browser/server application mode, buyers and sellers conduct various business and trade activities without meeting each other, so as to realize online shopping for consumers and merchants. A new type of business operation model for online transactions and online electronic payments, as well as various business activities, transaction activities, financial activities and related comprehensive service activities.

At present, the best ones doing this are eBay and Alibaba.However, as more capital enters this field, the future competition will become more intense.Guanghui Investment, a subsidiary of Guanghui Group, is already in the express delivery industry, and sooner or later it will enter the e-commerce field.

After talking for nearly an hour, everyone finally entered the core topic of this meeting.

"Mr. Jiang, as far as I know, the headquarters of the Guanghui Group's companies are all located in the imperial capital. Although the imperial capital has great advantages in politics and culture, in terms of economic development, Shenzhen City has little potential. It is not weaker than the imperial capital, have you considered transferring the focus of Guanghui Group to Shenzhen City? We will give strong support to Guanghui Group in various aspects such as taxation, land supply, and household registration," Mayor Xu said.

"Mayor Xu, thank you for your support. I will stop beating around the bush with you. I will share my true thoughts with you frankly. Regardless of overseas branches, Guanghui Group now has nearly [-] companies in China. Most of them are in the Internet industry. At present, we have no plan to shift our focus from the imperial capital. Guanghui Group’s goal is to become a leading group with balanced development in the Internet industry, cultural industry, and physical industry. company," Jiang Hui said.

"Our group has achieved good results in the Internet. It can be said without humility that Guanghui Group is now the largest Internet company in China. In terms of cultural industries, our Guanghui Film and Television and Aofei Animation Lighting Company are also gradually developing. We strive to become a leading company in China. However, in terms of the physical industry, we have not yet achieved much. However, our group has basically completed the research and development of drones, and is promoting the mobile phone project. In the future, we will continue to Continue to enter other physical industries,” Jiang Hui said.

"In terms of civilian drones, they were mainly toys in the past. I don't know what the positioning of Guanghui Group's drone project is?" Mayor Xu asked.

"Glory drones have no plans to enter the toy industry. Our drones are high-end and practical. At present, the glory drones have basically been finalized and are planned to be launched globally within this year. The initial focus is on aerial photography. , Some time ago, the filming of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" by Guanghui Film and Television under our group used drone aerial photography, and the effect was very good. Another TV series that is being filmed - "Struggle" , also used a large number of glorious drones for aerial photography, and it won’t take long for Mayor Xu to see the effect of aerial photography,” Jiang Hui said.

"Even if the aerial photography works well, the market demand for this area is not great," Mayor Xu asked.

"If you only look at the current domestic market, this is indeed the case. However, our Guanghui drones mainly promoted foreign markets in the early stage. Due to various reasons such as aviation control and economic development level, the demand for high-end drones abroad is very high. Big. I am confident that the output value of Brilliant drones will exceed [-] million within next year, [-] billion within five years, and [-] billion within ten years," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, you have never failed since you started your business. I believe the UAV project is the same. Besides, UAVs do not have a great demand for land, so we will meet your land use requirements as soon as possible. At the same time, you The president of Brilliant Data has already discussed with us about the data center construction project, and we will cooperate with Brilliant Group to complete the relevant procedures as soon as possible. However, what is the Brilliant mobile phone you mentioned just now? It is not convenient for the party to elaborate What about it?" Mayor Xu said.

"To Mayor Xu, I have nothing to say, but I hope that this aspect of the content will not be published in the newspaper. Our group is currently developing a new type of mobile phone, which is planned to be launched next year. The current project is in full swing. But , we haven’t decided where to put the production site. Glorious mobile phone will be one of the most important businesses of Guanghui Group in the future. Although everyone does not know that there is such a product, I believe that Jianghui will have a strong presence in the mobile phone market in the future. Very important position", Jiang Hui did not say too much about the specific content of the Brilliance mobile phone, but only briefly introduced the relevant situation.

"I have seen your intended land use requirements. As a brand-new project, we are a little embarrassed to occupy such a large plot of land. After all, no one has ever seen a Guanghui mobile phone," Mayor Xu said.

"If it takes ten years for the glorious UAV to achieve an output value of 2008 billion, then it only takes three years for the glorious mobile phone. By 5000, I am confident that the output value will reach [-] billion, [-] billion within five years, and [-] billion within ten years. Of course. , This number is believed by no one in us except myself, and I understand Mayor Xu's doubts," Jiang Hui said.

"5000 billion in ten years? Although I still have confidence in Guanghui Group, such a large land demand is not something that I can decide on my own. Besides, you have not paid all the land purchase price immediately, and it is easy to be said to be in the land. Land hoarding. If Mr. Jiang can transfer the headquarters of some companies under the Guanghui Group to Shenzhen, then this matter will be better advanced,” Mayor Xu said.

(End of this chapter)

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