Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 516 The grand ceremony is about to begin

Chapter 516 The grand ceremony is about to begin

Chen Yanping is 28 years old this year, and has been in Tianchao Youth Daily for six years.Although she looks quite handsome, but in TV stations and newspapers, there are many beauties, and appearance alone is definitely not enough to get ahead.

Since her family has no background, although she graduated from a famous university, she was just a soy sauce role in the newspaper office a few years ago.But an interview changed her circumstances.

It was a winter in 2003. Chen Yanping followed editor Xiaoguan and photographer Ma Ge to an old rental house next to Imperial University of Technology, and made an exclusive interview with Jiang Hui, the founder of

Originally, this was just a very ordinary interview, which was not even favored by other old employees of the newspaper, so it was thrown to such an interview team composed of reporters who had just joined the company for a few years, plus an intern editor and photographer who was sitting on the bench .

However, no one expected that such an interview subject would rise rapidly in the next few years like a scam.Xiaonei, Brilliant Games, Meituan, YY Live, Tudou, Brilliant Payment, Brilliant Investment, Douban, Autohome, Qunar, Brilliant Weibo, Brilliant Video, Brilliant Data Center, Brilliant Drone, etc., and None of the current Guanghui mobile phones is vegetarian.

Jiang Hui, who has created many star companies, is a college student who is still in college and a rural college student with no family background. He is rising like a star.Although he attracts the attention of countless people, he is usually very low-key, and it is difficult for various media to have the opportunity to interview him.

But Jiang Hui, or the entire Guanghui Group, was almost responsive to the Tianchao Youth Daily's interview requests.Of course, the premise is that the interview is hosted by Chen Yanping.

This attitude of Guanghui Group has made Chen Yanping's status in Tianchao Youth Daily constantly rising, especially in the past year.The enterprises under Guanghui Group have developed rapidly and made frequent moves, and they are already the well-deserved overlords of the Internet in China.

Even the three-person team that originally interviewed Jiang Hui became a popular group in Tianchao Youth Daily.The editor Xiaoguan has already become a regular, and the photographer Ma Ge has also been equipped with the latest photography equipment of the newspaper.This time, Brilliant Mobile was in New York for the development conference, and was responsible for the round-trip air tickets, accommodation, etc. When inviting Tianchao Youth Daily, it specifically hoped that Chen Yanping's team would be in charge.Otherwise, the opportunity to go abroad without paying a penny from the newspaper would not be her turn.

Generally speaking, in this case, each media of Brilliant Mobile usually invites one reporter to participate, and only a dozen or so well-known Internet and traditional media are invited to participate.However, everyone knows that the Tianchao Youth Daily has a strong relationship with the company. When confirming the invitation list, Lin Zhen, head of the group's public relations department, specially added two places to the Tianchao Youth Daily on the list.

"Sister Ping, this is the first time for me to go abroad," editor-in-chief Xiao Guan said while packing his luggage.

The Guanghui Group booked the air tickets for the reporters of the Celestial Media on the same day, and the public relations department of Guanghui Mobile specially arranged a person to lead the team.

The imperial capital and New York are both big international cities, and there are multiple direct flights between the two places.But even so, the fastest flight now generally takes a little more than 13 hours to arrive.

"It's the first time for me to go to the United States after work," said Chen Yanping, sitting down and fastening her seat belt.

"It's Mr. Jiang's loyalty, who has been taking care of us for so many years," said Ma Ge, a photographer sitting in the back row.

"Yeah, every time there is any important news, they will tell us first. I think I was able to change from an intern to a full-time employee, and I was able to successfully pass the internship period, thanks to Mr. Jiang's blessing." Xiaoguan said with emotion Said.

"The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. I used to think that this was just a phrase, and few people could really do it. But after getting to know Mr. Jiang, I feel that I have changed a lot," said Ma Ge .

"That's right, and because of this, Guanghui Group can grow bigger and bigger. None of the mobile phone companies in China have gone to the United States to develop conferences, right?" Xiao Guan said.

"I really haven't heard of it. Don't talk about the press conference. I guess there is no company here that can sell mobile phones to Americans. It doesn't make sense for them to go to the United States to develop a press conference." Chen Yanping thought for a while and said.

"This time, Brilliant Mobile has chosen to release its first mobile phone in the United States. Based on what I have known about Mr. Jiang over the years, I always feel that they are holding back their big move," said Ma Ge, resting his chin with his right hand.

"It's not just as simple as putting the press conference in New York. Didn't you see the address of the press conference? The New York flagship store of Brilliance Mobile is located on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. They even built a direct-sale store. There seems to be no one in China. Did you notice it?" Chen Yanping said.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this. So the launch event of Brilliance Mobile in New York is really not to gain attention. They really plan to sell their products to the United States." Xiaoguan patted Said his own head.

"Haha, if you had thought of everything, you would no longer be an editor now, and you would have been a reporter long ago," Ma Ge said jokingly.

The trio of Chen Yanping, Xiao Guan, and Ma Ge have been working together for many years, and they are very familiar with each other, so they naturally speak more casually.

"By the way, Miss Ping, I heard that the agency is going to rate you as a senior reporter, is it true?" Xiaoguan said.

"It hasn't been announced yet, so it's hard to say," Chen Yanping said implicitly.

"What hasn't been announced yet? In our unit, the unannounced information is often the most accurate. Xiaoguan, do you think we should take this opportunity to kill her?" Ma Ge said with a smile.

Under normal circumstances, in public institutions like the Tianchao Youth Daily, any personnel changes or job promotions are often spread before the official announcement.Although sometimes gossip is flying all over the sky, it may not be accurate.However, the news that Chen Yanping was promoted from a reporter to a senior reporter can spread, and it is often not groundless.

"Before I left the country, the host had a talk with me. It should not be officially announced until the end of the month. Then I will treat you to a big meal," Chen Yanping said.

"Wow, really. Congratulations, Miss Ping," Xiao Guan said.

Xiao Guan, who is only 24 years old this year, has been in Tianchao Youth Daily for almost three years, but he is obviously a relatively simple person, and he is not very clear about the morals of the workplace. Only after listening to Ma Ge's words did he know the meaning behind these gossips .

Although the journey was time-consuming, several people chatted in low voices, and arrived in New York very quickly.

New York, the grand ceremony is about to begin!
(End of this chapter)

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