Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 517 All parties are moving

Chapter 517 All parties are moving
Brilliance Weibo, as the vanguard and important position in the propaganda field of the Brilliance Group, on October 10th, the official Weibo of all companies under the Brilliance Group collectively released a message: Brilliance mobile phones will be released at 4:10 on October 6th ( At 22:00 on October 10 (local time in the United States), the launch of the first product will be held at the Brilliance Mobile flagship store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York. Surprises are coming, so stay tuned! YY Live and Tudou will conduct a full live broadcast, welcome to watch!

Jiang Hui's glorious Weibo: Friends, I will personally bring you an epoch-making product the day after tomorrow. Let us witness this historical moment together!
Zhang Mengze's Guanghui Weibo: I heard that Mr. Jiang personally came to the stage to introduce the products of Guanghui mobile phones. It is so rare that the male god is willing to be exposed to the spotlight. How much love is full of love for Guanghui mobile phones?

Xu Yixin's brilliant Weibo: The big boss came on stage in person, and I'm going to New York too!
Du Niang’s Boss Li: Although I haven’t seen the true face of Lushan, our Du Niang has also cooperated in some development, and I feel a little unclear about the Brilliance mobile phone!expect!
Boss Ma of Penguin: Mr. Jiang is always good at creating miracles. I believe that under his leadership, Guanghui Mobile will also surprise everyone.


Jiang Hui, Boss Ma and Boss Li all have quite a few Weibo fans, not to mention Zhang Mengze and Xu Yixin.Coupled with the help of a bunch of artists under Guanghui Film and Television to forward it, the news that Guanghui Mobile will launch an epoch-making mobile phone product soon became the hottest news on Weibo.

Fans from all walks of life also left messages.

"I heard last year that Guanghui Group is going to make mobile phones, and it is finally coming."

"Boss Jiang stands on the platform in person? It's rare."

"I haven't seen Jiang Hui on Meituan's online listing, but this time I have to appear in person for the Brilliance mobile phone. I really love it."

"There are various legends about Jiang Hui circulating in the rivers and lakes, but there are not many photos of him. After this time, the situation should be different, right?"

"It's still Jiang Hui who has a lot of face, Boss Ma and Boss Li have turned into propagandists to help promote Guanghui mobile phones."

"I heard that Jiang Hui is the major shareholder of Du Niang and Penguin. It seems to be true."

"An epoch-making product? Now that the functions of mobile phones are very complete, what innovations can there be? I'm a little doubtful."

"Isn't it costly to hold a press conference in New York?".

"New York flagship store, Guanghui Mobile is going to sell its products to the United States?"

"This formation is very unusual."

"Our family, Xinxin, is indeed a good employee of Tianchao."

"It seems that there is a flagship store of Guanghui mobile phone in Shanghai that has been renovated."

"I remembered what I said above, and it seems that there is also a flagship store of Guanghui mobile phones in Guomao that is under renovation."

"On behalf of the people of Wuyang, I would like to tell you that there is also a flagship store of Guanghui Mobile in Wuyang that is being renovated, and it looks very tall."


Sony Ericsson Mobile China Co., Ltd.

Sony Ericsson mobile phone is a product of Sony Ericsson. Sony Ericsson, as a young international well-known brand, was born in 2001. It is a joint venture company with 50% holdings by Sony and Ericsson. Expertise in marketing and branding of electronic products and Ericsson's expertise in mobile communication technology, relationship with operators, network infrastructure construction, etc.In the era of feature phones, he was a giant that could not be ignored, but by the time Jiang Hui was reborn, he had completely faded out of the mobile phone circle.

"In the past two days, news about Guanghui mobile phones has been everywhere on the Internet. When did this company come out?".

"Glory Mobile is a company under the Guanghui Group. It was first known at the annual meeting of the Guanghui Group last year that they were also developing mobile phones, but now there are many companies that are planning to or are currently developing mobile phones, and there are not many people. Take them seriously."

"But this publicity is really not small."

"No way, Guanghui Group has too much influence on the Tianchao Internet. Whatever they want to promote, they can casually make netizens know."

"The limelight is so big, be careful to flash your waist."

"Those Chinese companies always like to brag and promote their own products with exaggerated words. There is no need to pay too much attention to it. We only need to pay attention to Nokia and Motorola."


Motorola Tianchao branch.

"Brilliant mobile phone actually went to our homeland to hold a press conference, let's hold on when we are full."

"What can you do with China's domestic mobile phones? Don't bother with them."

"These Chinese people have never calmed down to study technology. They always like to make some gimmicks, which makes people really uncomfortable."

"It's not your first time to come to China, we just stand aside and watch their jokes."

"Yes, it is an epoch-making product. We dare not use such words lightly. Is epoch-making so good?".



He Ling's house.

"Lingling, why didn't you follow to New York?"

"The company is busy with a lot of things, how can I get away?"

"Is the product of Guanghui mobile phone really as good as it is advertised? Don't ruin the reputation that Guanghui Group has accumulated with great difficulty."

"Dad, don't worry. When did Jiang Hui say something big? Every time he says something that others don't believe, it's better to prove that what he said is right?".

"Mobile phones have been launched for more than ten years, and it is very difficult to make substantial improvements."

"I have tried the prototype of the Brilliance mobile phone, it is definitely epoch-making. Dad, if you don't believe it, it's because you haven't really seen the Brilliant mobile phone yet."

"I said that your group is really serious. It's going to hold a press conference. You can't even see a photo of your mobile phone on the Internet."

"Isn't it a blockbuster if it doesn't make a name for itself?"

"Well, you are right, don't let me down, many companies are waiting to see your jokes."


Jiang Hui's hometown.

"I said, your son asked you some time ago if you want to go to the United States to play together, why don't you go?"

"He is going to work, not to play, what am I going to do?"

"You are always reluctant to part with this pig farm. Didn't your son ask you to live in the imperial capital?".

"Does he have a baby now, and how boring it is for us to live in the imperial capital."

"Didn't it mean that I have raised two Tibetan mastiffs, and it's not bad to take the dogs for a walk every day."

"I want you to go, I won't go, unless he has children."


The Brilliance mobile phone has not yet been officially launched, and it has caused a stir in all parties. Although there are some optimistic and some not optimistic.But in a few days, it must be another scene.

The Guanghui Group suddenly let out a long howl, the vegetation shook, the mountains and valleys echoed, and the wind blew and the water surged!

(End of this chapter)

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