Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 518 What happened?

Chapter 518 What happened?
Guanghui Group is now considered an important Internet company in the United States.The hottest ones are Twitter and potato.Twitter now has more than 6000 million registered users, and almost half of the Internet users are using it; Potato also has more than 5000 million users, and the number of website visits is very high every day; Meituan is not far behind, although users The number is not as high as the first two, but it still has more than 3000 million users, and its daily turnover is not much less than that of Tianchao. Although YY Live has a normal business in the United States, it still has a number of regular users; at the same time, Guanghui Film and Television also has cooperation in the United States. The second season of "Breaking Bad" is already on the air; Brilliant drones also have offices in the United States, and the US market is currently the largest market for Brilliant drones; coupled with Android companies and Facebook, Brilliant The power of the group in the United States is not weak at all.

It can be said that among the top ten websites with the most traffic on the Internet in the United States, Guanghui Group occupies at least three, but these companies do not present themselves as the same group in front of American netizens.

Brilliant Group actually has so many companies in the United States, and Brilliant Mobile's half-time press conference in New York also has a great advantage over other Chinese companies.For things like inviting media reporters, if you ask a company that has no contact with the US market to do it, it really feels a bit dark and you can't find the north.However, with the participation of the group brothers and companies, we knew that we should invite those media to participate. The other party would usually send people to participate because of the face of Twitter, potato, etc.

The advantages of the Brilliance Group's aircraft carrier fleet operations have fully exerted their power in the preparation stage for the launch of the Brilliance mobile phone launch conference.Not to mention the Chinese media, Guanghui mobile phone can handle it by itself, and the rest of the American media, island country media, Korean media and some media in other countries rely on the strength of the brother companies of the Guanghui Group in various places.


The day before the Brilliance mobile phone launch event, on Fifth Avenue.

Few streets boast as many well-stocked, beloved shops as Fifth Avenue.Many of these stores have multiple branches and are world-renowned.Almost all imaginable famous stores can be found on this street. Rich goods, complete brands, high-end and high-quality have become the characteristics of Fifth Avenue in the United States, and the operation of brands has become a prominent feature of Fifth Avenue.

Such an avenue is full of pedestrians every day, and there is an endless stream.

"Linda, what do you think that store is for? It feels like science fiction."

"Which one?".

"It's the one with a big letter G, and it's all glass walls."

"It's such a beautiful building, is it difficult to sell some art?".

"Shall I go and have a look?"

"It seems that the door has not been opened yet."


November 10th at 6am.

"Yamamoto-kun, didn't the press conference start at 10 o'clock, why did you arrive so early?".

"This matter is something that President Sun of Softbank, the group's major shareholder, is personally concerned about. Let's find out in advance, and when the time comes to report, we will also be targeted."

"I heard that President Sun's Softbank has invested in many Chinese enterprises. Does this Guanghui Mobile also have his investment in it?".

"I don't know, but I know that Guanghui Group, the parent company of Guanghui Mobile, is a very powerful company. Have you ever used Xiaonei?".


"What about YY live broadcast?".

"Yamamoto-kun, I'll be an anchor occasionally, have you seen me?".

"Lily, you are overthinking. I see. Have you ever used".

"Of course I used it."

"Then I think you must have used NICO and Twitter too?".

"It is necessary. I update my status on Twitter every day. As for NICO, when I surf the Internet at home, I spend half of my time on NICO."

"Then do you know that these companies belong to Guanghui Group?".

"What? Are these all owned by Guanghui Group? Are these enterprises owned by Chinese people?".

"Although I don't want to admit it, the reality is cruel."

"My God, it turns out that the parent company of Brilliance Mobile is so powerful. No wonder President Sun greeted our editor-in-chief in person to arrange an interview for this press conference."

"Then do you still think it was wrong for me to come early?".

"Yamamoto-kun, I was wrong. I still have a lot to learn from you, please teach me in the future."


Chen Yanping and others also arrived at the conference site a little after nine o'clock.

"Sister Ping, Brilliant Mobile is such a big hand, to build such a large directly-operated store in such a place where every inch of land is expensive," Xiao Guan said in shock, looking at the magnificent flagship store of Brilliant Mobile.

"Jiang is always a person who handles big things, so how can he be petty?" Although Chen Yanping was also surprised, she was no longer a rookie in the workplace after all, and her emotions were better controlled.

"You guys go in first, I'll take a few shots of the exterior, I think this is also a very good publicity point", Ma Ge can't wait to start the "pat, pat, pat" mode.

"I am looking forward to the products of Brilliant mobile phones more and more. Not to mention anything else, no mobile phone manufacturer can match the design of this flagship store alone. A mobile phone that is worthy of this flagship store should not It's bad," Xiaoguan said excitedly, clutching his chest.

"I hope Brilliant Mobile can come up with a truly epoch-making product, otherwise I will lose face by inviting so many reporters today," Chen Yanping said worriedly.

"I have confidence in Mr. Jiang. The products of Guanghui Group have always been imitated and never surpassed. I believe that Guanghui mobile phones will also be imitated by others, but can never be surpassed."

"You girl, you are almost becoming Jiang Hui's die-hard fan."

"It is necessary. Every time there is a new development on Jiang Hui's Weibo, I have to comment as soon as possible."

"Well, being chased by stars is all about chasing stars, but it's good for you to chase entrepreneurs."

"Don't you think it's more forceful?".


When it was almost ten o'clock, most of the reporters had already arrived.Originally, Brilliance Mobile only invited about 500 media reporters, plus some other guests and employees of Brilliance Mobile, a total of less than 800 people.But judging from the situation at the scene, it seems that there are already [-] people present.

"Jenny, what happened there? So many people".

"I don't know, maybe which brand is doing promotional activities again."

"Should we go over and take a look, anyway, we have no purpose to go shopping today, just shopping."

"It's okay, let's take a look."


Brilliant Mobile's beautiful flagship store, with its lively scene, attracted many tourists to stay and watch, but without an invitation letter, tourists were not allowed to enter the store to attend the press conference.

(End of this chapter)

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