Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 519 Redefine the mobile phone

Chapter 519 Redefine the mobile phone
The latitude of New York is roughly located at about 40 degrees north latitude, which is similar to the latitude of the imperial capital of China. However, New York is located on the west coast of the Atlantic Ocean and is affected by the warm Gulf Stream of the Gulf of Mexico and the North Atlantic Current. Cities have similar climates.

Jiang Hui is wearing a black T-shirt today, which was uniformly customized by Guanghui Group. He is wearing a pair of jeans and a pair of imperial cloth shoes. It is not fashionable at all.However, in this beautiful flagship store of Brilliant mobile phones, Jiang Hui, standing on the temporary small stage, seemed to have a different kind of grandeur.


"Boss Jiang is so handsome today," Xiao Guan said while sitting in the audience, looking at Jiang Hui who was about to speak on stage.

"Please, we are here to attend the press conference today, not to watch the concert, can you be more serious," Chen Yanping said helplessly.

"This does not affect our purpose today."

"Media reporters from many countries have come here today, don't make me feel ashamed of acting like a nympho."

"Hey, why do I feel that Sister Ping is actually more fan of Jiang Hui than I am? Last time I went to your house, I saw that the screen saver of your computer at home is all Jiang Hui's photo."

"Are you looking for a beating?" Chen Yanping was a little bit embarrassed to get off the stage, and said, thumping Xiaoguan lightly.


At 10 o'clock sharp, Jiang Hui began to speak.

"People have many ways to live. People will express their deep gratitude in different ways. But I think one of them is to create a beautiful thing and share it with everyone," Jiang Hui said in his opening speech. Instead of using various traditional "welcome styles", we directly started to cut into the theme.

“You’ve never met these people, you’ve never shaken their hands, you’ve never heard their stories, you’ve never told them your own. But it takes a lot of energy and love to create something, and it’s The behavior itself conveys something, and it is also a way to express our deep gratitude to others. Therefore, we need to be true to ourselves and remember what is really important to us," Jiang Hui said in Chinese, Simultaneously translated by several translators into English, Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish as well as Portuguese and German.

"Today, Guanghui Mobile will redefine mobile phones!"

"I've been waiting for this day for years."

"Glory mobile phone is a newcomer in the mobile phone industry, but what I want to say is that the glory mobile phone is at least three years ahead of other mobile phones. We can abandon all kinds of complicated keyboards and only use multi-touch screens to operate our mobile phones. Today I bring you the GPHONE".

Jiang Hui held up a prototype of GPHONE, and a photo of GPHONE was simultaneously displayed on the screen behind the stage.



"Oh, my god!".

"So beautiful"!
"Is this really a phone?".

"Glory Mobile wants to redefine the mobile phone, not to mention anything else, the appearance of the GPHONE alone is worthy of this sentence."

"Seeing this mobile phone, why do I feel that the one I am carrying now is like a brick."


At this moment, the spotlights were shining on the entire stage, and reporters from all walks of life got up frantically and pressed the shutter from various angles.

"George, hurry up and call the newspaper and ask them to reserve the front page for tomorrow," the New York Times reporter said to his assistant.

"Okay, I also think this GPHONE deserves to be on the front page, it's really amazing."


YY Live.

"Wow, what a surprise."

"This can no longer be simply described as a surprise. This is not a mobile phone, it is simply a work of art."

"Where can I buy this phone?".

"I can't wait to change my phone."

"I wish GPHONE a big sale."

"Redefining mobile phones, Jiang Hui is always good at creating miracles."


"The front and back of the GPHONE are made of glass mirrors, and the sides are made of stainless steel. It looks like a beautiful classic Leica camera," Jiang Hui continued to introduce the product.

"This is the thinnest mobile phone in the world, only 9.3mm. I don't think there are other consumer products that can do this. There are only 5 buttons in this phone, which are volume up and down keys (two), power off and on button, mute button and home button, indirect appearance with classic shape, GPHONE is like a work of art. Well, this is the appearance design of our GPHONE. This is the first part."

"Next, I'm going to show you the most special feature of GPHONE, which is also the core of GPHONE's redefinition of mobile phones. Please be quiet." Jiang Hui is about to start demonstrating GPHONE's video playback function, music function, making calls, sending text messages and emails.

The foreign version of GPHONE has WIFI function and supports 3G network.

"Those here who have used topato, please raise your hands? Well, you can put it down. I am very pleased that most of you have used topato, so let's take a closer look." Jiang Hui clicked on topato on the phone screen, GPHONE quickly logged into the topato app, and then Jiang Hui clicked on the play button of "Breaking Bad".

"In the future, everyone can watch the video they want to watch at any time wherever they go, without having to guard a bulky Sharp TV or IBM computer."

Jiang Hui is deliberately trying to attract hatred. For GHPONE, hatred is the most feared thing.As long as it can cause topics, the promotion of GHPONE will do more good than harm.

"Look again, everyone. Next, I'm going to log into my Twitter. I'm going to send a message to tell everyone that I'm greeting you at the GHPONE press conference," Jiang Hui said to everyone while operating his mobile phone.Jiang Hui's every operation step can be displayed on the screen.

"Okay, I have finished sending. You can log in to your laptop and follow my twitter to see if I just successfully sent a message? Is this application interesting? In the future, you can send me a message anytime. Quickly spread the pictures and texts you want to share anywhere, I firmly believe that this will be a world-changing application," Jiang Hui said loudly.

"Everyone no longer thinks that GPHONE is a dispensable product, right? Don't rush to answer, we have more exciting content waiting for you."

"This is our GSTORE. The potato and Twitter I showed you just now belong to the products sold on GSTORE. Of course, as a consumption for the first batch of customers, our first-generation product Jianghui installs Guanghui Group by default. Various applications, for everyone to use for free for half a year."

In foreign countries, it is a matter of course to pay to use various software, so Jiang Hui does not intend to let go of this big market. Presumably consumers who have used it for free for half a year will have no way to leave those apps.

This is like after using the WINDOWS system, everyone no longer wants to use the DOS system.Brilliant mobile phone, redefining the mobile phone, is no joke!

(End of this chapter)

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