Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 520 1 big news

Chapter 520 A Big News
GPHONE's press conference is still going on, but the Internet has begun to boil.


At Stanford University, Thomson is the president of the Mobile Phone Enthusiasts Association. With a little money in his family, he is a mobile phone collector and loves to collect all kinds of mobile phones.

"Thomson, go to Topato to watch the GPHONE press conference," Sweet, a member of the association, called Thomson.

"GPHONE conference?".

"Yes, a product from Tianchao Guanghui Mobile is now holding a new mobile phone launch event in New York."

"An enterprise of China? Sorry, Sweet, I have no interest in mobile phones of China, thank you for your kindness."

"No, it's different this time, Thomson, you must check it out. This Guanghui phone is very unusual. Don't you like to send messages on Twitter, watch movies on potatoes, and go shopping on Meituan every day? These The companies are all owned by Guanghui Group, the parent company of Guanghui Mobile.”

"Xie Te, I still like to go to Facebook and Google every day. Is it possible that this is also from the Guanghui Group? Sweet, you have drunk too much, you are talking nonsense."

"I'm sorry, I'm going to disappoint you this time. I'm very clear-headed. Although Google is not owned by Guanghui Group, Google has just spent one billion US dollars to invest in potatoes under Guanghui Group. And, as far as I know, the major shareholder of Facebook is indeed It is a Chinese company, although it cannot be sure that it is the Guanghui Group, but the possibility is very high."

"Sweet, are you serious?".

"Of course, so I persuade you to watch the GPHONE press conference. Oh, my god, it's so cool. Thomson, I don't have time to chat with you, I'm going to continue watching the press conference."


"I believe that many people should have played "Plants vs. Zombies"? Or "Angry Birds"? Next, I will experience the new gameplay on GPHONE," Jiang Hui continued to introduce GHPONE.

While asking the companies of the Brilliant Group to develop apps suitable for Brilliant mobile phones, Jiang Hui also asked Brilliant Games to carry out secondary development of various current products and develop an Android version based on the PC version.

"Clear and smooth picture, great sound effect, simple operation. I think everyone can throw the Nintendo DS Lite (a portable game console developed and sold by Nintendo, which was very popular in 2006) in the trash can, What is that?" Jiang Hui said while operating the GPHONE.



"Steve, where are you?".

"What's the matter, Cook, you sound so nervous."

"I think you need to go back to the company right away, I say right away!", as the president of Apple, Jobs, as the president of Apple, and Cook, who is a subordinate under normal circumstances, would not dare to speak to him in this tone, but this time It's really special. In order to make Jobs pay attention to this matter, Cook used a commanding tone.

"What happened?" Jobs heard Cook's words and felt something was wrong.

"Our iPhone is finished, everything is going to be finished," Cook said to Jobs in a crying voice.

"Isn't it because the system is unstable, and there are still some problems with various functions? It's no big deal, just change it. Think about how we can develop a mobile phone that redefines a mobile phone smoothly."

Originally, on January 2007, 1, Apple's first-generation mobile phone will be launched.But until the day of the press conference, the Apple mobile phone has not been fully developed, the WIFI function is unstable, the machine crashes when running email and video at the same time, and various problems such as poor information have not been completely resolved.

So during the press conference at that time, Apple prepared several mobile phones, and also modified some software, and it can even be said to have made some fakes, just to avoid problems, so that Jobs' demonstration was barely successful.

"No, Steve, it's not our phone, we're still on schedule."

"No problem, what are you worried about?".

"I can't tell on the phone, come to the company right away, I'm serious, come to the company right away."


An Internet cafe in China.

"Wow, Angry Birds is so fun to launch on mobile?".

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

"YY Live is live broadcasting the press conference of Guanghui mobile phone GPHONE, and Jiang Hui demonstrated "Angry Birds" on GPHONE, which is very interesting."

"Is this really a cell phone?".

"I also find it unbelievable that it completely subverts all current mobile phone designs."


Jiang Hui's class group.

"Have you been watching the press conference of Brilliance mobile phone?".

"Watching it, I have completely admired Jiang Hui, and I can imagine a product like GPHONE."

"I guess the whole world will be full of excitement tomorrow. Look at Jiang Hui, he first stepped on Sharp, then stepped on IBM, and now he stepped on Nintendo. This is to make matters worse. What is that? Haha~ I guess Nintendo will Crazy."

"I said Jiang Hui stepped on all the mobile phone manufacturers first, okay, this is the most lively."

"It's true, the most anxious thing is to talk about mobile phone giants such as Nokia and Motorola."

"GPHONE is not like an ordinary mobile phone at all, just like a computer that can make calls."

"Is the computer as beautiful as GHPONE?".

"I was wrong, GPHONE is unique, and computers can't match it."


"Everyone is concerned about pixels now, but we want to ask a question, how can we take better photos? Pixels are a good thing, and the job of the camera is to take photos and adapt to low light shooting. Our GPHONE has 300 The 200-megapixel rear camera and [-]-megapixel front-facing camera, and the use of back-illuminated photosensitive elements, can provide better image quality in dark environments, and the improvement of photo quality in low-light environments will be very obvious. You see, this It’s a live photo that I take at any time now, and now I’m going to share it on my Twitter, so you can check the quality of the photo,” Jiang Hui continued.

The reporters in the audience have completely entered the mode of frantic work, some are constantly taking pictures, and some are typing the keyboard at high speed, passing the news of the press conference to their own websites and newspapers as soon as possible.All the people who came to the scene knew that they had caught a big news, a news that could shake the entire mobile phone industry, not just the mobile phone industry.


Brilliant Weibo.

"Huh? Did you find out that the account of Guanghui Weibo and Twitter seem to be interoperable."

"What's the fuss? Aren't the accounts of the companies under the Guanghui Group interoperable?".

"The key is the information Jiang Hui posted on Twitter, but I also saw it on his personal Weibo."

"I know this. In fact, you may not have noticed it. It is the news posted on Twitter or Guanghui Weibo. You can check the sync to the other platform. Of course, the premise is that you have logged in to the two platforms."

"That photo is so clear, is it really taken by a mobile phone?".

"Yeah, I didn't expect the camera effect of GPHONE to be so powerful."


(End of this chapter)

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