Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 523 Can Production Be Enough?

Chapter 523 Can Production Be Enough?
After Jiang Hui finished his demonstration, Dai Fuqian took the stage to explain the sales arrangement of GPHONE and other matters.

For a long time, the products of big international brands such as Nokia and Motorola have been distributed by the national general agent, and then the agent goes to the secondary distributors in various places, and the secondary distributors distribute to the third, or even the fourth, and finally reach the users.

Hierarchical agency system is a channel strategy for foreign mobile phones to dominate China's mobile phone channels.This relatively stable supply chain is facing integration.With the market share of domestic mobile phones rising steadily, foreign manufacturers have begun to adjust.

With the rise of Gome and other large shopping malls and the rapid development of e-commerce, mobile phone sales will become more flexible.

In later generations, for example, oppo and vivo basically use offline stores as the main sales method. If you walk in second- and third-tier cities or small counties, the mobile phone stores you see are basically these two stores.

Apple, on the other hand, focuses on directly-operated stores, and cooperates with e-commerce and operators to sell products. There are also other channels, but relatively few.

And like Xiaomi, in the early days, it was basically based on online sales.

It is difficult to say which method is the best among these methods, only the one that suits you is the best.

Jiang Hui already had a plan in mind which solution Brilliant Mobile would choose.

"Hello everyone, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional Chinese festival. The origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival is related to agricultural production. Autumn is the festival of harvest. The interpretation of the word "Autumn" is: autumn is the day when crops mature. Mid-Autumn Festival in August of the lunar calendar, crops and various fruits come one after another. Mature, in order to celebrate the harvest and express joy, farmers use the Mid-Autumn Festival as a festival. Simple understanding, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival to celebrate the harvest. I believe that in such a festival, after listening to Mr. Jiang's introduction about GPHONE, Everyone has gained a lot," Dai Fuqian said as he stepped onto the stage.

Fortunately, Dai Fugan did not use too many poems to describe the Mid-Autumn Festival, otherwise the translators would probably go crazy.

I don't know when it started, Christmas and other foreign festivals quietly emerged around us and became more and more popular.Whenever Christmas comes, TV, radio, newspapers, and the Internet are flooded with various Christmas messages; people happily forward various text messages expressing blessings to wish each other a Merry Christmas.

Jiang Hui didn't like this very much.In Jiang Hui's view, every nation has its own traditional festivals as cultural identity ceremonies.As the most meaningful days of national survival, development and transformation recorded by various nations in their own development history, although they have different origins, different meanings, and people celebrate various ceremonies and activities, they all reflect the and inherit the unique values ​​of their respective national cultures.There is no need to blindly praise other people's festivals.

When choosing the time for the press conference, Jiang Hui deliberately chose the Mid-Autumn Festival. In the future, Guanghui mobile phone conferences can consider choosing the Mid-Autumn Festival.

When discussing the speech draft with Dai Fugan in advance, Jiang Hui had already decided to let foreigners know about the Mid-Autumn Festival at this time, making the Mid-Autumn Festival the most familiar festival for foreigners, which can be regarded as indirectly promoting the traditional culture of the Chinese dynasty. .

"Everyone already knows that the place where we are now is the New York flagship store of Guanghui Mobile. Within this year, we plan to build twelve such flagship stores around the world, and will further expand the scope next year. Then our first batch of All the products will be sold in the directly-operated stores of Guanghui Mobile. Before the new sales policy is announced, all Guanghui mobile phones purchased through other channels will be counterfeit,” Dai Fuqian continued.

At present, the production capacity of Brilliant Mobile's Shenzhen factory is limited, and it is impossible to maximize the production capacity when it is first put into production. It needs to be gradually increased, so Jiang Hui thinks that it will only be sold in direct sales stores in the early days.Of course, we can gradually cooperate with various operators, and we can also cooperate with e-commerce platforms such as Jingxi, but this is all in 2007.

"Due to the limited initial production capacity, we will give priority to providing products to customers who have already pre-ordered products based on the situation of online reservations. For pre-orders, you only need to log in to the official website of Guanghui Mobile in advance and pay one dollar to complete the reservation," Dai Fuqian continued.

In later generations, appointment sales have been played badly, and even become a means of "hunger marketing" for some manufacturers.In order to make their products look more popular, some manufacturers will reserve some of them themselves, which is equivalent to swiping data.

But Jiang Hui definitely doesn't like these methods. GPHONE's products are so powerful that he doesn't even bother to adopt these solutions that may ruin his reputation.

The reason why reservations are also introduced is mainly because there are only twelve directly-operated stores in the first batch, and how many goods to deliver to each store. If there is reservation information, it will be much more accurate.

Immediately afterwards, Dai Fuqian continued to explain the situation of Glory mobile phones, and the press conference ended smoothly.


Celestial Internet.

"Hasn't the selling price of Tianchao been announced?".

"The price is not the problem. The problem is that there is no Guanghui mobile phone direct sales store in the whole province where I am. Do I have to fly to the Shanghai stock market to buy it?".

"As soon as the GPHONE comes out, with this appearance, what you buy is not a mobile phone at all, but a work of art. Guanghui mobile phones will not worry about selling at all. This is why people are not in a hurry to expand sales channels?".

"The press conferences all go abroad. It seems that they want to earn some money first."

"We have always imported other people's high-tech products, and now there is finally a product that can be reversed."

"In the future, there are really only two types of mobile phones. Except GPHONE, the rest are other mobile phones."

"It's really powerful, okay? My current computer is only used for a few things."

"It's not just the hearts of Nokia and Motorola that have been hurt by the Brilliant mobile phone. I don't know how computer giants like IBM, Dell, and Hewlett-Packard feel about it?"

"Ask the same question, ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​the giants in the computer industry."


Fuji bran.

"Have you heard of the Brilliant mobile phone?"

"I heard that their factory is near our factory in Shenzhen."

"What do you think of their new GPHONE?".

"A very remarkable product. Based on my understanding of the mobile phone industry for so many years, consumers should like it very much, especially the appearance, which is definitely a classic existence."

"What is the production capacity of their factory in Shenzhen? Is there any plan to build a new factory?".

"I don't know the exact value, but it can be inferred from the scale that the maximum production capacity will not exceed 500 million. Considering that they may not necessarily maximize the production capacity as soon as they come up, the initial monthly production capacity is estimated to be 200 million."

"That must be in short supply?"

"should be".

"Let's get in touch and see if we need OEM? We also take this opportunity to learn about the processing technology of smartphones. I think this is the future development direction."


(End of this chapter)

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