Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 524 1 Road Run

Chapter 524

New York is an unparalleled entertainment city in the world. New York City is home to many world-class galleries and performing arts venues. New York has museums full of world-class art and historical exhibits. No city can match it in this regard. Comparable, and New York is also the city with the most skyscrapers in the world.

Jiang Hui didn't go to the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Broadway, Wall Street, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He just bought a few bags and perfumes at Prada and Dior next to the Guanghui mobile phone store, and then rushed to the The plane is back home.

Brilliant Mobile’s Shenzhen factory is ready for everything, but Dongfeng owes it to Jiang Hui and Dai Fugan to go back to attend the factory completion ceremony and the GPHONE roll-off ceremony, and they will be able to produce GPHONE continuously!

A new cash cow of Guanghui Group is about to be born!
"Mr. Jiang, there are a lot of media contacting our group today, and I want to participate in tomorrow's offline ceremony. I agreed without authorization," Lin Zhen said.

It may be that Brilliant Mobile is still a brand-new company, and the media didn’t know how to contact the people of Brilliant Mobile, so they all rushed to call the PR department of the Brilliant Group, or indirectly contacted Brilliant Mobile through Guanghui Weibo, Tudou, etc.

Guanghui mobile phone planted such a big bomb in New York, and the news spread in China very quickly.

No, as soon as Jiang Hui got off the plane, Lin Zhen began to report the situation in the car that picked him up.

Jiang Hui flew on the night of the 6th US time, which is equivalent to the morning of the 7th Tianchao; after more than ten hours of flying, it is already the night of the 7th.And the next day was the off-line ceremony, so a group of senior executives from Guanghui Group came to pick them up at the airport, so that they could report some work on the way.

Almost all the senior executives of the Guanghui Group companies came to the offline ceremony of the Guanghui mobile phone.After all, there are basically apps of various companies on GPHONE, which can be regarded as business related.

At the same time, Boss Ma from Penguin and Boss Li from Du Niang also attended in person to participate in the off-line ceremony of this epoch-making GPHONE.

"No problem, just add more media, and we'll even save on advertising fees," Jiang Hui said jokingly.

Based on the appearance and functions of GPHONE, in fact, there is no need for Guanghui Mobile to actively advertise. Reports from various media and comments from netizens are enough to let consumers know about GPHONE.Jiang Hui didn't plan to advertise anywhere, of course, some necessary marketing on Guanghui Weibo must be indispensable.

"Also, depending on the development, it is possible that the leaders of Shenzhen City will also attend tomorrow's ceremony," Lin Zhen said.

"No problem, it's not the first time our group has received the reception, just make preparations in advance."

In the last quarter of 2006, it is estimated that there will be news about Guanghui mobile phones everywhere. The launch of GPHONE, a product that looks like it came from an alien planet, will definitely attract the attention of countless people, and Shenzhen City, which is the headquarters of Brilliance Mobile, will inevitably receive a lot of attention. It is almost certain that relevant leaders will attend tomorrow's offline ceremony thing.

Speaking of which, in the remaining two months of 2006 alone, the output value of Guanghui mobile phones will be a very astonishing existence.A mobile phone is $399 and $499, and the average price is $449.

According to the current production capacity of Guanghui Mobile's Shenzhen factory, by the end of the year it will be able to produce about 300 million GPHONEs, which is equivalent to a value of 13.5 billion US dollars.

Of course, due to the relatively high profits of Guanghui Mobile and the direct sales stores abroad are all listed under the name of Guanghui Mobile (Hong Kong) Sales Co., Ltd., a large part of the profits are actually transferred overseas.

Even so, the output value of Guanghui mobile phones this year is 80 billion, which is only more than two months of output value.When the production capacity increases next year, there will be no expansion of 80 billion yuan a month.

Although Shenzhen's economy is very developed, in 2006, there were only a handful of companies with an annual output value of over [-] billion.And this company is also a world-renowned high-tech company, so apart from Huawei, other companies can really compete with Brilliance Mobile.

Therefore, as long as the leader is not stupid, he will definitely participate in the roll-off ceremony of Guanghui mobile phone tomorrow.Who would be stupid to be a leader of this level?

"Mr. Jiang, in addition to tomorrow's ceremony, there are many media interview requests, and many TV stations want to invite you to do programs. I made a list. See if you want to choose a few and see you after the offline ceremony tomorrow." See you?" Lin Zhen handed Jiang Hui a list and said.

"I have already agreed to the Tianchao Youth Daily's request for an exclusive interview. For other newspapers and magazines, you can arrange for Mr. Dai and Wang Mengyu to meet them."

"Okay, then I will discuss it with Mr. Dai later."

"Mengyu, the construction of directly-operated stores in various places needs to be accelerated so that we can arrange the launch time more flexibly."

Brilliant mobile phone has not officially announced the time to market until now.According to Jiang Hui's idea, it would be best to arrange the press conference with Apple on the same day.It can be regarded as a dismount to others.

In the previous life, Apple held a press conference on January 2007, 1. Now that it is stimulated by Guanghui Group, it is hard to say whether Jobs will adjust the relevant schedule.

Of course, if Apple hasn't announced the launch date by late December this year, then Jiang Hui won't worry about it anymore, and just arrange to go public around New Year's Day.

"Understood, according to the plan, the decoration of ten stores can be completed in early December this year, and the renovation of all twelve stores can be completed by the end of December."

"You must pay more attention to the recruitment of salespersons in direct-sale stores. This is the most direct window of our company. After the recruitment is completed, at least half a month of training will be arranged," Jiang Hui said to Dai Fuqian and Wang Mengyu.

The first time Jiang Hui went to an Apple store in his previous life was the Apple store in Hong Kong Central. Jiang Hui was quite impressed by the staff there.Needless to say, they are generally handsome men and beautiful women. The rare thing is that they can basically speak English, Chinese and Cantonese, and their attitude is quite enthusiastic.

Of course, in addition to their relatively high quality, what's more important is that Apple's salary is also more attractive.

Brilliant Mobile is following the path of Apple in the previous life, so the construction standards of direct-sale stores are relatively high, and the salaries for employees are also very competitive.The estimated profit margin of Glory Mobile is relatively high, so naturally it will not deduct salary.

A group of people sat on Coster and talked all the way to the glorious mobile phone. At this time, the convenience of Coster was even more reflected.If you build a big Benz or a BMW sedan, the style is style, but it is not practical.

Going to the company so late is mainly because Jiang Hui wants to go to the scene to confirm the arrangement of the venue. If he asks questions again tomorrow, he will have no time to respond.

(End of this chapter)

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