Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 525 GPHONE is offline

Chapter 525 GPHONE is offline

Some people say that Shenzhen City only has summer and winter. Although it is already October, the weather in the imperial capital has turned cold, and the long legs of the girls are gradually being covered.But here in Shenzhen City, the sun is still scorching hot, and the temperature is over 30 degrees, which doesn't feel like autumn at all.

"Boss Jiang, everyone is almost here," Liao Yun said.

Originally, more than 500 people were arranged for the off-line ceremony, but it is estimated that more than 1000 people attended today.The local media in Shenzhen almost came out in full force, and the leaders also stepped on the spot to the scene. Jiang Hui personally stood at the door of the company to greet him.

"Okay then, tell President Dai to get ready to start," Jiang Hui said as he walked towards the venue.

Today's off-line ceremony will be presided over by Dai Fuqian. Of course, it is inevitable to invite relevant leaders, construction parties, and supplier representatives to speak.

"Respected leaders, guests, and friends from the media, good morning! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend the inauguration ceremony of Guanghui Mobile's Shenzhen factory and the offline ceremony of GPHONE." Under Jiang Hui's gesture, Dai Fuqian Start today's ceremony.

"The day before yesterday, our company held a press conference in New York. Mr. Jiang personally showed the epoch-making mobile phone product GPHONE. This mobile phone is a glorious mobile phone. It took two years to complete the design and development under Mr. Jiang's personal leadership. It is the world's first mobile phone. The most beautiful phone, it's the most powerful phone in the world, it's the most user-friendly phone in the world. We firmly believe that it will redefine the phone...".

"Today, we are about to witness the mass production of this great product. Here, I would like to thank the leaders at all levels of Shenzhen City for their strong support for Guanghui Mobile..."


Dai Fuqian's speech lasted more than ten minutes, and then he invited relevant leaders to come on stage.The bridal sedan chairs were carried by everyone, and after a lot of beautiful speeches, Dai Fuqian announced that GPHONE was officially offline.

One after another products pass through the production line and are sent to a temporary stage.All the guests came to take a group photo.

YY Live and conducted a live broadcast of today's event.

Various comments from netizens also maxed out the comment area of ​​the live broadcast.

"This is not a mobile phone production line, it's a money printing machine."

"Yeah, I just checked the official website, and the cheapest GPHONE costs 2888 yuan, so expensive."

"Satisfaction, you didn't see that people in the United States sell it for $399, which is more expensive than ours, okay? When did it become cheaper to buy a mobile phone in China than in the United States? This is also thanks to Guanghui mobile phones. Otherwise, if you change to another company, the US sells it for 399 US dollars, and the domestic estimate dares to sell you 4000 RMB.”

"Yes, the domestic price is actually cheaper than that of the United States, a conscientious enterprise."

"By the way, why hasn't Brilliant Mobile announced the launch date yet? It's already offline, and the price has also been announced, but it doesn't tell us when it will start selling. I'm so anxious to wait."

"A dick with a salary of only 2000 yuan a month, how long does it take to save to buy a GPHONE?"

"Sell your kidney."

"It's hypocritical, now the so-called high-end phones of Nokia and Motorola are not cheaper than GPHONE."


Huaqiang North was established in 1998. After nearly 20 years of development, it has become the largest distribution center for electronic products in Tianchao. Among the more than [-] business units, it not only includes electronic products such as electronics, communications, and watch accessories, but also expands Joined the clothing, department stores, insurance and other industries, and the limelight was the same for a while.Some people joked that when aliens made UFOs, they probably bought goods from Huaqiangbei... It can be seen that the business district here is very strong.

In Jiang Hui's view, Huaqiangbei is really a very magical place. People who like it gather here every day to "Taobao".Here is known as the largest electronic city in Asia, so all kinds of vendors, all kinds of traffic, people from all over the world, all kinds of commodities, fish and fish are mixed, and the overall quality and culture are low.

Here, you can buy products of the same kind in specialty stores that cost as much as two to three thousand yuan at a price of several hundred yuan. Of course, these are just counterfeit products.However, many people are just for the purpose of playing, more for the momentary novelty.

At this moment, a cottage factory in Huaqiangbei.

"What I just showed you is the press conference of Brilliance Mobile. Today, their company held the GPHONE offline ceremony in Shenzhen. Do you have any ideas?".

"Brother Wang, I think this GPHONE should be very interesting, the price is so high, we have a lot of room to imitate."

"Brother Wang, I think there is a problem with the imitation of this mobile phone, that is, the screen and the operating system, which we have not touched so far."

"I would say that the most troublesome thing is those apps. The most important thing for GPHONE to be so attractive is to have these various applications."

"I think you are all thinking in the wrong direction. What is the most attractive thing about GPHONE? Its appearance is so beautiful that it doesn't look like a mobile phone. It is estimated that a lot of girls will fall in love with it. But for us, the appearance is the most attractive. easy to imitate".

"But if the only appearance is not good to use, it is estimated that not many people will buy it."

"Will you buy a [-] one? If you take it out, will anyone know that yours is a counterfeit phone? Others just need to be able to make calls and send text messages."

"I think this is fine. If you buy a mobile phone that looks like two or three thousand for five hundred, there are still a lot of dicks who are interested."


At noon that day, Brilliance Mobile held a thank-you luncheon at the nearby Shangri-La Hotel, attended by journalists from Gee Media.

Although with GPHONE's product power, few journalists will speak ill of it, but dealing with these uncrowned kings is only good and not bad.Maybe one day you will have the time to ask someone else.

Jiang Hui didn't even give a speech at the off-line ceremony, so Jiang Hui didn't even bother to go on stage for this thank you banquet.After staying at the scene for a while, I was ready to slip away.

In the past few days, I flew from China to the United States, and then flew back from the United States to China, and the jet lag has not yet reversed.

Yesterday, I was still thinking about today's event, and suppressed my sleepiness to confirm the contents.Now that the event is over smoothly, Jiang Hui can't wait to go back to the hotel and get some sleep.

The Guanghui Group has more and more properties in Shenzhen City, and Jiang Hui plans to ask Zeng Qingying to help him find a few villas, so that he will not need to stay in a hotel when he comes to Shenzhen City.

When Jiang Hui was reborn, the housing prices in Shenzhen were on the same level as those in the imperial capital and Shanghai. Even including the suburbs, the average price was more than 5 yuan. This is really not something ordinary people can afford.

Now in 2006, from time to time, some people on the Internet will ridicule the suffering of house slaves, as if it is a wrong choice to take on debts to buy a house.

In another ten years, few people will talk about and ridicule house slaves.

Because with the rise of housing prices, the house slaves of those years have become the rich generation!

(End of this chapter)

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