Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 530 Unprecedented School Recruitment

Chapter 530 Unprecedented School Recruitment

As a huge talent pool, colleges and universities can be described as "a wealth of talents, hidden dragons and crouching tigers".After several years of professional study, students have a systematic professional theoretical foundation. Although they still lack rich work experience, they still have many employment advantages, such as enthusiasm; strong learning ability; good at accepting new things; There are few rules and regulations; there is a vision for the future; and they are all young people, without the burden of family; they can devote themselves to work wholeheartedly.

More importantly, they are "fresh people in the workplace" like "blank paper", extremely malleable, and easier to accept the company's management philosophy and culture.Jiang Hui, who once came from a fresh graduate, is very clear about these characteristics of graduates, so he also attaches great importance to campus recruitment.

This year Guanghui Group's campus recruitment is done in a unified way. Basically, every time there are more than a dozen of them go to a school together, and at the same time, they take several lecture halls to hold presentations.

Relevant departments issued relevant notices in 1999, stipulating that "the activities of employers to recruit graduates from colleges and universities should be arranged on rest days and holidays after November 11 every year."

However, this provision is not a hard requirement.

Considering that the beginning of September is the last school year for graduates, more and more employers are entering the campus earlier and earlier for the consideration of recruiting high-quality talents, and getting involved in campus recruitment in advance through campus presentations active.

October is currently the busiest peak season for campus recruitment, and the climax will last until the end of November.

Around the Spring Festival, there is an off-season for campus recruitment. After the holiday, there will be a small climax in March and April, mainly vying for a group of graduates who failed the civil service examination and postgraduate examination.

Due to many reasons such as the expansion of college enrollment, it has become an indisputable fact that college graduates are under great employment pressure.In order to find ideal jobs, graduates generally adopt the strategy of "casting the net comprehensively and focusing on training".Companies are also expanding their scope of recruitment year by year.

Every time it comes to the golden autumn season, the students start to rush between the presentations of major companies, and some of them even travel thousands of miles across provinces to participate in the job fairs.Resumes come from all over the country through the Internet, flooding the recruitment mailboxes of enterprises.

Today is the briefing held by Guanghui Group at Imperial University of Technology, and it is also the first presentation held by Guanghui Group for large-scale campus recruitment this year.Relatively speaking, this time is a bit late, but in 2006, it was not like ten years later, and the recruitment of big companies was earlier than one.

Generally speaking, except for a small number of companies that start campus recruitment in September, most of them only start in October.

"Mr. Jiang, in order to cooperate with our seminar, Imperial University of Technology specially vacated the gymnasium to give us a special seminar for Guanghui Group, as the beginning of our campus recruitment this year," Liu Chujing said.

As the head of the HR department of the group, Liu Chujing is responsible for the overall arrangement of this campus recruitment.She is also in charge of the written test and initial interview, and Jiang Hui will only participate in the retest for some key positions.

This time, Guanghui Group’s campus recruitment arrangement is relatively tight. Starting from Teidu University of Science and Technology, seminars were held at Huaqing University and Kyoto University, and then went to Shanghai, Wuyang, Qingcheng and other places where colleges and universities gathered to hold seminars. .

"During the development of Guanghui Group, Imperial University of Technology gave a lot of support, and our campus recruitment will start from Imperial Institute of Technology in the future."

"No problem. This year we plan to recruit more than 2000 people on campus, and more than 3000 social recruits, with a total of about 5000 people. Even if all the graduates of Teito University of Technology come to our group, it is not enough. It is not a problem if the resources are properly allocated to Teito University of Technology. ".

Guanghui Group now has more than 5000 employees, but the companies are still short of manpower.For example, Guanghui Mobile and, doubling the number of staff can only meet the demand in a short period of time.

However, Jiang Hui didn't dare to take too many steps at once, otherwise the companies might not be able to digest and absorb these newcomers.

Therefore, we plan to recruit 3000 experienced people this year, and at the same time recruit about 2007 fresh graduates (entering the job in mid-5000), and then recruit 5000 people in the first half of next year, and directly recruit 2008 people during the campus recruitment in the second half of the year.In this way, by [-], Guanghui Group had at least [-] highly educated employees.


Guanghui Weibo: Guanghui Group has launched a recruitment plan for 36 people. The positions cover 72 disciplines and [-] majors. Please log on to the official website for details.

Xiaonei: super-high development speed, global business; rich job growth space, competitive salary.Guanghui Group has launched large-scale campus recruitment and social recruitment. Welcome to send your resume.


A dormitory at Imperial University of Technology.

"Obviously, haven't you already recommended graduate students? Why are you still sending your resume?"

"Isn't graduate school just to find a better job? If you have the opportunity to enter a key position in Guanghui Group, I think it's better than graduate school."

The original intention of graduate education is to cultivate high-level academic talents, but the increasingly cruel reality shows us that it is not the case.There are more and more phenomena that a supervisor brings a dozen or twenty graduate students.How is research possible?How to cultivate academic talents?
In addition, many people study for a graduate student with "impure purpose", just to find a good job.So if there is a good job opportunity after graduation, many people will choose to work.

"Hearing what you said, my enthusiasm for the postgraduate entrance examination has dropped. Even a top student like you who recommends graduate students is so optimistic about Guanghui Group, so I will also submit a resume."

"Actually, if you really want to go to graduate school, it doesn't mean that work is in conflict. You can go to graduate school on the job."

In Tianchao, graduate students are mainly divided into two types: full-time and part-time.Full-time postgraduates are recruited through the entrance examinations for postgraduates and doctoral students held by various institutions of higher learning. 2. On-the-job graduate students recruited by means of unified recruitment of on-job graduate students in January.

Although theoretically speaking, the diplomas are the same, but the gold content, each unit has a good idea when recruiting.

"Well, then I'll go see if I can join the Guanghui Group."


On the internet.

"The Guanghui Group has launched a recruitment plan for [-] people. It is too aggressive to recruit so many people at once."

"I didn't look at the ones upstairs. They don't recruit 7 people at once. And the campus recruitment inside will only start in July next year."

"There are still a lot of people recruiting."

"That's true".

"I heard that everyone in Guanghui Group is treated very well, so I'm so envious."

"The Guanghui Group is what everyone talks about: the children of other people's families."


(End of this chapter)

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