Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 532 Completion of Guanghui Building

Chapter 532 Completion of Guanghui Building
Just as Guanghui Group's campus recruitment was in full swing, the Guanghui Building, which had been under construction for more than a year, was finally completed.


Shining game.

"I heard that we have confirmed that we will move the office next week."

"Really? That's great. I heard that the Guanghui Building is very grand, and our office doesn't have to be as crowded as it is now."

"There is even a swimming pool, so convenient."

"Yes, all kinds of sports facilities and entertainment facilities are very complete."


"The Guanghui Building is completed, should our company move?".

"I heard that the company is going through the land purchase procedures. It should build its own headquarters in the future. It may not be relocated this time."

"How did I hear that the headquarters will be built in Shanghai?".


Brilliant Weibo.

"The company will be relocated next week, so I don't have to worry about booking a meeting room anymore."

"Yeah, such a large headquarters building, it seems to have face when entering and exiting."

"Can't wait to move tomorrow."


"Mr. Jiang, according to the overall layout, the General Affairs Department has arranged for the relocation of each company, please confirm," Tang Minghua said.

According to Jiang Hui's latest idea, except for the headquarters of the Guanghui Group and a few companies such as Guanghui Payment, Guanghui Games, Guanghui Research Institute, and Guanghui Data, which are located in the Guanghui Building, other companies will build their own headquarters buildings.

Although Jiang Hui has never thought about directly entering the real estate market, but the indirect land enclosure, building building, and buying shops have been going on.After all, the current house price and land price are too cheap in front of Jiang Hui, who has seen all kinds of high prices.

As for why he put several companies such as Guanghui Payment under his nose, the main reason is that Guanghui Payment, Guanghui Data and Guanghui Research Institute are related to the future development plan of Guanghui Group, and there is no room for loss.

As for Brilliant Games, it is because it makes too much money, even though Bai Xue is watching now, it is very reassuring.But it is always better to keep the cash cow by your side than to keep it far away from the sky high and the emperor.

For a business owner, the most important concern must be personnel and financial rights.With these two rights in hand, there is no need to worry about the company losing control.But if you keep a close eye on the few cash cows of the Guanghui Group, you will naturally not worry about any major problems in the group.

"Let's relocate according to the plan you made, and then you also have to collect the feedback from the employees after the relocation to see if you are dissatisfied with the new office environment."

Although the Guanghui Building is much larger than the Science and Technology Building, and the facilities are more complete, the distance between the two buildings is only seven or eight kilometers, which is not very far, but the entire group has more than 1 people. For the interns of the Polytechnic University, the relocation of the company actually had a more obvious impact on them.

In the past, the Science and Technology Building was right next to Teito University of Technology, so it was very convenient to go to work, and there was no need to worry about accommodation.After going to the Guanghui Building, although I can still go back to school to live, it is not as convenient as before.

Others will definitely have some problems of various kinds.Jiang Hui hopes that employees can go to work without resentment.

A company that Jiang Hui needs employees to be grateful for is not a good company, and a company that makes a bunch of employees resentful is also not a good company.

If you are really good to your employees, then the employees will be grateful to you from the bottom of their hearts, and you don’t need to remind them. Only the gratitude from the heart is real.Therefore, if the employees are not grateful to the company, Jiang Hui thinks it is normal not to complain about the employees.

If employees have resentment towards the company, the boss should conduct a deep review instead of angrily complaining to the employees: "How can you hate me, ungrateful thing!".

Jiang Hui firmly believes that if the enterprise is grateful to the employees, the employees will be grateful to the enterprise; if the enterprise is very grateful to the employees, the employees will be very grateful to the enterprise.Therefore, we have always attached great importance to employee compensation, benefits and other aspects.

"By the way, Mr. Jiang. About the interest-free housing loan you mentioned last time, I have already discussed a preliminary plan with various companies. Let me explain it to you this time."

Although the salaries of the Guanghui Group companies are very good, if the employees do not have a house, no matter how high the salary is, after a few years, the salary will not be enough in the face of the sky-high housing prices in the imperial capital.

Therefore, Jiang Hui plans to launch a preferential loan program for employees to buy houses, providing down payment for house purchases for eligible employees, so that employees who have just graduated can afford houses.

For the employees of Guanghui Group whose average age is less than 25 years old, if the company does not provide down payment loans, most of them will not buy a house so quickly, so they will definitely miss the best home buying window from 2007 to 2009.

In many cases, a person who has not graduated for a long time will not realize that real estate is an investment product and will appreciate in value.Instead, I feel that I am under too much pressure to buy a house now, and I will talk about it in a few years.

As everyone knows, after a few years, including the money saved for food and festivals, the houses that can be bought are smaller than those in previous years, and the pressure is even greater.

There is another problem. People who have not tasted the benefits of house price appreciation will not think about buying a second home even if they buy a house.On the contrary, those who have tasted the sweetness will desperately try to find a way to buy a second house, so these people have a great chance to buy a second or even a third house before the house price skyrocketed from 2015 to early 2017.

In the imperial capital, if you have two or three properties, you can basically pat your chest and say to your child: you rich second generations...

"Your plan is still a little conservative, and it doesn't have an obvious stimulating effect on employees. I hope your plan can make employees feel the impulse to buy a house after seeing it," Jiang Hui said after looking at the plan given by Tang Minghua for a while.

"But we feel that the houses in the imperial capital have risen a lot in the past two years. If we encourage employees to buy houses, if the house prices drop, it will be troublesome," Tang Minghua said worriedly.

"Now the average price in the imperial capital is just over [-] yuan. Counting several suburbs, the house price is only around [-] yuan. Do you think it is high?".

"It's really not low. The salary of our company's employees is higher, and it may not be so obvious. As far as the entire imperial capital is concerned, the average salary of each person is only 4000 yuan. To buy an ordinary 100-square-meter house in the urban area , It takes more than 20 years without eating or drinking, and such a housing price-to-income ratio is considered relatively high in the entire world.”

"Who first proposed this point of view?".

"A doctor in our group who came back from the United States put forward this point of view. Although he first mentioned this point of view, we think what he said is quite reasonable. The current housing price is too high, and it may fall to a reasonable level in the future. ".

(End of this chapter)

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