Chapter 542 Making a Festival

Holidays refer to important days worth remembering in life.It is a kind of folk culture jointly created by the people of the world to meet the needs of production and life, and it is an important part of the world's folk culture.

Every nation and region has its own festivals.Some festivals originate from traditional customs, such as the Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival.Some festivals originate from religion, such as Christmas in Christian countries.Some festivals originate from commemorating someone or an event, such as Dragon Boat Festival, National Day and so on.As time goes by, the connotation and celebration methods of festivals are also changing.

In later generations, the festival that ordinary young people are most concerned about, besides the Spring Festival, is probably "Singles' Day".

The origin of Singles' Day has always been a mystery, and there are various speculations and theories.Among them, the statement that Singles' Day originated from campus culture is relatively credible, but it is impossible to test who first proposed it.

And Jiang Hui first came into contact with "Singles' Day" in his previous life, it was the "Jinggong Singles' Day" of Imperial University of Technology.It is said that the idea of ​​"Singles' Day" first originated in 1992 at Imperial University of Technology. In order to pass the upcoming weekend, several students came up with the idea of ​​finding a girl to socialize.The next day, a poster saying "Jinggong Singles' Day" was pasted at the entrance of the cafeteria, and the term "Singles' Day" came into being after that.

The other name "Double Eleven" corresponding to "Singles' Day" has a different meaning.

Double Eleven originated from a promotional event held by a certain treasure mall on November 2009, 11. At that time, the number of participating merchants and promotional efforts were limited, but the turnover far exceeded the expected effect, so November 11 became a large-scale event held by a certain treasure A fixed date for the promotion.

Near November 11th, as the majority shareholder of Jingxi Mall, Jiang Hui came up with the idea of ​​letting Jingxi hold the "Double Eleven" event.

"Old Liu, how many orders are there in Jingxi every day?" Jiang Hui called Liu Qiangxi to his office and asked.

"Now there are more than [-] orders every day, which is several times higher than last year."

According to the original history, Jingxi will only break through [-] daily orders in the middle of next year, and break through [-] by the end of next year.Now that Guanghui Group has become a shareholder, the publicity channels and capital situation are very different, and it is normal for the development speed to be advanced by a year.

"Can the courier handle it?"

"Since Mr. Jiang recommended those courier companies to cooperate with us, there is no problem with the delivery, but I am still not satisfied with the speed of delivery. Even in the imperial capital, it often takes two or three days to reach the customer. Some even take four or five days, five or six days, the efficiency is too low.”

"Is this basically the status quo of the express delivery industry in China?".

"Yeah, so I'm also considering whether we should build our own logistics in the west of Beijing."

"In this way, I suggest that we use November [-]th to hold a promotional event, and make Singles' Day in the eyes of young people a promotional event for Jingxi Mall. In terms of logistics, it happens that is already promoting the construction of its own logistics. , At present, several first-tier cities such as the Shanghai stock market are already laying out, let meituan logistics first provide logistics support for our Double Eleven activities, what do you think?".

Although Jiang Hui said that the Guanghui Group would not interfere with Liu Qiangxi's daily operations of Jingxi, Liu Qiangxi was very happy to accept this suggestion, which was clearly considered for Jingxi.

"Singles' Day? Promotional session? This is a great idea. Originally, our Jingxi users are mainly young people, and Singles' Day is also popular among young people. As a man-made festival with Internet characteristics, I think it is very It is suitable as a regular promotional festival in the future of Beijing West," Liu Qiangxi said bluntly.

"I hope to turn Double Eleven into a carnival feast for Internet shopping, so that Tianchao Internet will leave a strong imprint in the west of Beijing," Jiang Hui said.

"No problem. Although there is only the last week of preparation time left, since all of our products are self-operated, it is too late to start preparations now."

"Although it is self-operated, you can coordinate with the manufacturer, tell them our activity plan, and ask them to give us a special discount. Or we can reach an agreement with them. If the sales exceed the quantity, we will increase the discount. ".

"I think this will work. Mr. Jiang, I think so. Since this is the first time for us to hold Double Eleven, our focus is to make the event bigger and increase its popularity. As for making money, it is secondary. Yes. That’s why I’m preparing for this event, Jingxi doesn’t earn a penny, and all feedback is “hey consumers”.

"No problem. If you have this awareness, I have more confidence in the development of Jingxi. The Internet is a field that first grabs the market and then makes money. As long as there are enough customers, you can always find a place to make money. way of".

"Thank you Mr. Jiang for your understanding and support. Jingxi will definitely make the investment of Guanghui Group get enough and rich returns."

"By the way, let me give you another suggestion. This promotion, try not to directly use discounts in the form of discounts. That's too low-level. We can combine various forms such as full discounts, flash sales, red envelopes, and lottery draws to deepen consumer awareness. Interact with the platform to attract more users to join this activity.”

"Well, I'm thinking that we can actually cooperate with to introduce the form of forwarding red envelopes or forwarding coupons to attract some new users to Jingxi."

"It's very good. You have to fully open your brains and bring out the influence of the Double Eleven shopping event. Let the Chinese netizens not know about Double Ninth Festival and Halloween, but only remember Double Eleven."

In later generations, for many young people, the festival that will be seriously prepared, in addition to the Spring Festival, may really be Double Eleven.

As soon as November entered, everyone began to add things to their shopping carts, started to grab coupons and grab red envelopes, planned to buy those things, and calculated when they could kill their ideal items in seconds.

On the night of November 1th, I stayed up until the early morning, just to grab low-priced and pleasant products in the first minute of Double Eleven.

Slowly, Double Eleven has really become a carnival festival for businesses and consumers.Not only e-commerce is celebrating this festival, but even brick-and-mortar stores are taking advantage of this trend to promote.

If this carnival unique to the Chinese dynasty can come from the hands of Jingxi, it will greatly improve the brand of Jingxi.

In the future, when foreigners want to report on the Double Eleven carnival, when they introduce this festival, they will mention that it was first proposed by Jingxi Mall in 2006 and promoted to the entire Chinese Internet. That must be a good feeling.

This is a bit like first-rate companies making standards, second-rate companies making brands, and third-rate companies making products. Beijing West sets industry standards.

(End of this chapter)

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