Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 543 I'm going to cause trouble again

Chapter 543 I'm going to cause trouble again

Jingxi Mall official Weibo: What do you do on Singles' Day?Go shopping at Jingxi Mall!
Immediately afterwards, the "Double Eleven Shopping Festival, go to Jingxi to buy things" also appeared on Xiaonei.

Meituan also began to help Jingxi promote: "Go to Jingxi, buy with confidence."

Liu Qiangxi went shirtless himself: "It's also a low price, why not buy a real one?".

Boss Liu is about to snooze with a certain treasure again.

Does Jingxi want to sleep with a certain treasure?The answer must be "yes"!

If there is no second child in the world, the world of the eldest will be much less exciting.Just like, without Pepsi, Coca-Cola would not have such a wonderful life for more than 100 years; like, without KFC, McDonald’s would not have entered the Chinese Empire so smoothly and made Western food accepted by the public; like, without Mercedes-Benz, BMW would not have gained such a huge business body so quickly. quantity……

Too much competition in the market is nothing more than the love and killing of rivals. If everyone stirs up speculation and makes big news, the market will be even more lively!

Imperial University of Technology Flying Forum.

"Boss Jiang carried forward our Jinggong Singles' Day to the west of Beijing."

"Haha~ Now Singles' Day is going to be famous."

"When the time comes for Double Eleven, everyone will not post dog food but a shopping list."

"In our school, who dares to post dog food? The ratio of men to women is seven to one, how many bachelors there must be."

"Don't talk useless, it's better to grab a few coupons."


A certain treasure.

"What do you think of the Double Eleven shopping festival that Jingxi is holding?" Boss Ma said to a group of subordinates sitting in the conference room.

"It's nothing special, right? It's just that Guanghui Group's strong propaganda ability has forced Jingxi's reputation to rise."

"I also don't think there is any need to worry too much. If it doesn't work, we can also hold a Double Twelve or other festivals."

"To engage in e-commerce, hype alone is not enough, we just need to do our own work well."

The major participants of a certain treasure expressed their opinions one after another.

"Although it is still uncertain what impact this activity of Jingxi will have on online shopping. But now that Guanghui Group has invested in Jingxi, that Jiang Hui often has unexpected insights. It is not certain that this Double Eleven event will You can’t take it lightly just because Jingxi has made a name for itself.” Seeing that his team was very contemptuous of Jingxi’s Double Eleven event, Boss Ma said a little worriedly.

"Then why don't we also do promotions on Double Eleven?"

"If you just start preparing now, isn't it too late?".

"Yes, Jingxi is all self-operated products, and any activities can be planned and promoted quickly. We are just a platform, and it may be too late to hold activities now."

"Pay attention to the impact of this activity first, we will not follow up for the time being." Boss Ma saw that everyone did not have a very reliable suggestion, so he issued an instruction to continue to pay attention and not to follow up for the time being.


A family in Shanghai.

"Husband, I grabbed a discount coupon of '[-] off [-]' from Jingxi Mall, don't you want to buy a headset?".

"I just buy an ordinary earphone, isn't five hundred ones too extravagant?".

"Who told you to buy 500 earphones? I want you to think about what else you want to buy. Let's make up [-] yuan."

"There's nothing to buy, right? Isn't it more wasteful to buy a bunch of useless things for this discount?".

"You don't understand. Things in Jingxi are already cheaper than shopping malls. Now, if you spend [-] or more, you will get [-] off, which is equivalent to a [-]% discount. If you miss such a good opportunity, it will be gone."


The public relations department of a real estate company.

"Manager, I see that Jingxi Mall sells their own shopping cards, which are anonymous and can issue invoices. Do we want to buy a batch?".

The Jingxi shopping card was thought of by Jiang Hui when he went shopping in a supermarket and saw other people using shopping cards.

The existence of the shopping card has its inevitable meaning.On the one hand, it can be used as a company benefit, which is very simple. Employees who hold the card can freely choose items at cooperative merchants, leaving the choice of purchasing items to the employees; on the other hand, the shopping card can be used flexibly and conveniently. The cardholder can transfer the shopping card to others, no matter who is the cardholder, it can be used in designated merchants.

These advantages, especially the second point, make shopping cards very popular in China.

It is conservatively estimated that the current Tianchao shopping card market is more than one trillion yuan, and it is even called "the second RMB" by foreign media.The sales of shopping cards basically account for about 20% of the annual sales of commercial retail enterprises, and the influence can be seen in general.

"Jingxi Shopping Card? Is it very popular now?".

"To buy electronic products online now, you usually go to Jingxi. I chatted with many customers and heard that they would go online. So I think we buy a batch of Jingxi shopping cards and start using them with supermarket shopping cards. It should be more It is convenient, after all, the Jingxi shopping card has no geographical restrictions, and anyone who gives it can use it.”

"Well, let's try to buy a batch."


Pat net.

"Why does Jingxi's Double Eleven event look so much like Boss Jiang's style?"

"It is possible that Guanghui Group is now the major shareholder of Jingxi, and it is normal for Jiang Hui to point them out."

"Then should we follow up? Boss Jiang is always good at creating miracles. Many seemingly innocuous things are different after passing through his hands."

"Let's report it to the boss. At the same time, we will also make a simultaneous follow-up plan. The time is too fast. It may not be too late if we wait for the boss to finish his evaluation."



"Jingxi is entertaining himself there again, what about Singles' Day, what about Double Eleven Shopping Festival, really think he is God, and create his own festival."

"These companies like to sensationalize the most, and I don't think we need to pay attention to it. I saw that there is no movement in a certain treasure, we just need to keep an eye on a certain treasure."

"Well, just watch the excitement from the sidelines."


"Jingxi is holding Double Eleven activities, should we do the same?".

"Our self-built logistics has already cooperated with Jingxi, and we can also hold Double Eleven activities with them, but the time is tight."

"For the first time, we can make it simpler, and we will do more tricks next year."

"That's fine, let's see how it works."

"I heard that this is a project that Mr. Jiang personally arranged for Jingxi to promote. The brothers and companies of the group have given a lot of publicity assistance, and it should not be bad."


In this way, under the vigorous publicity of Guanghui Group, words such as "Singles' Day" and "Double Eleven" quickly became hot words on Guanghui Weibo and even the entire Tianchao Internet. It is estimated that this year's Internet hot words must also include it.

(End of this chapter)

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