Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 544 It's better than expected

Chapter 544 It's better than expected
November tenth.

"All departments are ready?".

"The marketing department is ready!"

"The technical department is ready!"

"The advertising department is ready!"

"The General Affairs Department is ready!"

"The logistics department is ready!"


"Our first Double Eleven Shopping Festival is coming soon, and the few minutes after zero o'clock is the most concentrated period of customer influx. Everyone must confirm whether all the preparations are in place, and don't miss out. The chain is broken," Liu Qiangxi emphasized again.

Everything is the most difficult at the beginning. If you don't do it well at the beginning, it will easily affect morale, and it will be difficult to reverse the difficulty later.On the contrary, if the start goes well and everyone works hard, it is very likely that things will be done beautifully.


Shishahai Courtyard.

"Don't you attach great importance to the Double Eleven Shopping Festival in Jingxi Mall? Why don't you go and have a look?" Bai Xue said, looking at Jiang Hui who was teasing Wangcai.

"My passing will only increase the pressure on them, and it won't do much. Besides, Liu Qiangxi is still the largest shareholder of Jingxi, so he may not be happy for me to pass."

"Why do you have to give so much resource support if you don't have complete control over Jingxi?".

"Because Jingxi will be the meat in the bowl of Guanghui Group sooner or later, I am just investing some resources in advance."

"You are so optimistic about the online shopping market, why don't you just set up a company and do it yourself?".

"Talents are hard to come by. Guanghui Group still has too little accumulation. It's really hard to find a talent who can build a shopping website from scratch. It's better to spend some money to invest in Jingxi."

"I will also place a few orders in a while, and experience the feeling of online shopping."


A dormitory at Imperial University of Technology.

"You guys pay attention, it's already 55:[-], you must help me grab this computer later."

"The original price is 6666 yuan, but now the flash sale price is only 5555 yuan, the discount is really not small."

"It's not just that, I went to the Zhongguancun Electronics Market and asked several stores, and the general asking price is more than 7000 yuan. If you calculate it this way, the discount will be even stronger."

"Can Jingxi make money by doing this?".

"You don't understand this. If people sell things online, do they need shops? No. Do they need salespeople? Basically no? Is there a channel in the middle to make money at the upper level? No, people get goods directly from manufacturers. In this way, The price is definitely lower than the physical store."

"But it's not that much lower, right?"

"In the Internet market, there are only things you can't imagine, and there is nothing that others can't do."


A certain Internet cafe.

"Stop playing, stop for a while, and go to Jingxi to grab some cards."

"Yeah, I almost forgot, the top [-] players will get a [-]% discount on point cards for Brilliant Games."

"More than that, Tudou's VIPs can also buy at a discount."

"This kind of activity should be done more often."

"You think it's beautiful, how can people make money if you do too much?".


November 00th 00:01:[-].

"The first order was sold, and it was an HP notebook."

"The second order was also sold."

"The third...the tenth order was also sold."

"Wow, more than 1 orders were sold in 3000 minute, which is almost the same as the trading volume of our day a month ago."

"The transaction exceeded 5 orders in 800 minutes, and the transaction amount exceeded [-] million. This has broken all our previous records in the west of Beijing."

The transaction amount in 5 minutes exceeded 800 million, which is bad for future generations.During Double Eleven in the later generations, the transaction volume of a certain treasure exceeded 1 billion in 10 minute, and [-] billion in [-] minutes, and the turnover in a day exceeded [-] billion.

But after all, this is a matter of the era when the penetration rate of smartphones is extremely high in later generations, broadband has almost entered every household in the city, and the number of Internet users in China is the largest in the world.

Looking at the data of Beijing West in the winter of 2006, it is already very remarkable.Judging from the transaction amount of each order, the average is close to [-] yuan, which is a very high figure.Of course, this has something to do with the fact that Jingxi sells mostly computers, mobile phones and other products, as well as this full discount event. Usually, the turnover of each order is not so high.

Considering that China's online shoppers are mainly well-educated young people, this indicates that in the next 5 to 10 years, with the growth of this group of people, they will become the main force of social consumption, and their consumption patterns will affect social consumption habits. have a profound impact.

The future looks bright for Jingxi and the Meituan shopping channel.

"Thirty thousand orders in half an hour! The turnover exceeded 2000 million, Mr. Liu, this is almost catching up with our usual weekly sales."

"Brothers, we succeeded! We have created another history, everyone will continue to work hard, and I will ask the cafeteria to give us extra meals," Liu Qiangxi said happily to the colleagues around him standing on the stool.


The official Weibo of Jingxi Mall: The turnover in one minute exceeded 1 orders, and the turnover in one hour exceeded [-] orders.Double Eleven, Jingxi has created another history.

Liu Qiangxi's Weibo: For online shopping, choose Jingxi.The transaction is 3000 million in one hour, I believe everyone's choice.


A certain treasure.

"Is Jingxi's Double Eleven event so popular?".

"I don't know if what Liu Qiangxi said is watery. If it is true, then this activity is still very effective."

"As the largest e-commerce company in China, our daily turnover is only about 5000 million, and Beijing West can reach 3000 million in an hour, which is already very high."

"Why don't we hold a similar event? If we start preparing now, we can catch up in mid-December or New Year's Day."

"As for the Double Twelve you mentioned last time, there are already activities on New Year's Day. What we need more is to create a new festival to stimulate consumers to spend money."

"Ok, I'll go back and organize various departments to formulate relevant promotion plans."


a forum.

"I snatched a mobile phone at a special price in Jingxi on Double Eleven yesterday. I didn't expect to be able to check the logistics information now. I am so happy."

"Small profits but quick turnover, support the development of conscientious enterprises like Jingxi."

"Buying real products at low prices is very important to us dicks."

"I hope there will be Double Eleven every year."


Bright Group.

"Mr. Jiang, we succeeded."

"Everyone has worked hard."

"On Double Eleven, we completed more than 20 orders, and the sales amount exceeded [-] million, creating the highest sales record for a single day of online shopping."

"After that, we will make Double Eleven a fixed festival in the west of Beijing, and strive to double it year by year."

"No problem, I will go back and summarize the experience and lessons of this activity with you. Although we have achieved good results this time, we still found many problems, and there are still many areas worthy of improvement."

The success of Double Eleven has given all employees of Jingxi a lot of confidence, and also let everyone see the broad prospects of the e-commerce industry.

Ahead is the sea of ​​stars, waiting for everyone to discover!

(End of this chapter)

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