Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 545 Wang Jiang Motors Starts to Work

Chapter 545 Wang Jiang Motors Starts to Work
2006 can be said to be the year when China's auto market began to recover.

Jiang Hui's arrival did not have any impact on the current car production and sales of Tianchao.

According to the original history, in 2006, after the growth rate of production and sales in the previous two years fell back, China's auto market once again showed a trend of rapid development.Both automobile production and sales exceeded 700 million, reaching 727.97 million and 721.6 million respectively, a year-on-year increase of 27.32% and 25.13%.

What does it mean that both production and sales exceed 720 million vehicles?At present, the growth of the global automobile market is stagnant, while the Chinese automobile market has grown by more than 25%, becoming an important driving force for global automobile growth.

Both production and sales exceeded 720 million vehicles, which means that Tianchao surpassed Germany in 2006 to become the third largest automobile producer in the world.At the same time, it surpassed the island countries and became the second largest new car consumer market in the world.


In Jiang Hui's view, the full recovery of China's auto industry in 2006 also meant that China began to march towards the goal of being the number one in car production and sales, and quickly achieved the goal of number one in 2008. After that, there will be no such country The production and sales volume can catch up with the Celestial Dynasty.

By 2016, the production and sales volume of Tianchao exceeded 2800 million units, which is more than that of the United States, Japan, and Germany, which are the automotive powerhouses combined.

The automobile industry has truly become the pillar industry of China's national economy.

Against the background of this booming industry, Wangjiang Auto also ushered in a year of rapid development.

Since the opening of the first Audi 4S shop of Wangjiang Automobile in the Imperial Capital the year before last, Wangjiang Automobile now has more than 4 stores in more than a dozen cities including Imperial Capital, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Wuyang, and Qingcheng. [-]S stores of various brands.

Basically, mainstream joint venture brands such as Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, GM, Ford, Hyundai, Toyota, Honda, and Nissan have all been wiped out.

"Third brother, your speed is good, you can basically open a store a week," Jiang Hui said to Wang Zhenguo with a smile.

"This is still thanks to the [-] million funds provided by Guanghui Investment. Otherwise, the model of buying land and mortgages alone would not be able to speed up. Now I buy land or shops for more than a dozen stores at once, and then combine It should be a mortgage, and the speed of building a store will be accelerated," Wang Zhenguo said.

At the beginning of this year, due to the rapid expansion of Wangjiang Automobile, the funds were somewhat unable to keep up. Wang Zhenguo took the initiative to find Jianghui, hoping that Guanghui Group could invest in Wangjiang Automobile.

At the beginning of the establishment of Wang Jiang Automobile, Wang Zhenguo owned [-]% of the shares and Jiang Hui [-]%.Considering the development speed and scale of Guanghui Group, as well as the publicity resources that Guanghui Group can provide, Wang Zhenguo felt that making Wangjiang Automobile a subsidiary of Guanghui Group should be a more favorable plan.

The cake is too small, even if you eat it all by yourself, it's nothing.The cake is big, even a small piece is bigger than the whole of others.

Wang Zhenguo also saw this clearly, and introduced Guanghui Investment as the third shareholder, holding [-]% of the shares.In this way, the major shareholder of Wang Jiang Automobile is actually Jiang Hui.

"The auto market has grown by 25% this year. Basically, most models can be sold as long as there are cars. There is a feeling that the supply is in short supply. I just don't know what the market will be like in the future."

"Don't worry, let go and do it boldly! Taking the current economic development speed of China and the income increase of ordinary people, and looking at the current car ownership, I think the car market will grow at a very high speed in the next ten years. We must do it as soon as possible. Race the horses to enclose the land, and spread the construction of 4S stores in an all-round way."

In 2000, China's GDP ranked sixth with US$11928 billion after the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, and France.There is still a huge gap with the US$98988 billion of the boss.

In 2005, China ranked fifth with a GDP of US$22837 billion. After surpassing Italy, it once again surpassed France among the "Western Seven Powers", but the United States is six times that of China.

In 2006, although it was not over yet, the Internet economy developed rapidly due to the drive of Guanghui Group, and the economy of the Celestial Dynasty in this life was better than in the previous life.As in the previous life, there is no suspense to surpass France and become No.4.

Immediately afterwards, China surpassed Germany to become the world's third largest economy.By 2010, the island government voluntarily stated that the GDP was US$54742 billion, and that its GDP was lower than the US$58786 billion announced by the Chinese government, handing over the title of the world's second largest economy.

By the time Jiang Hui was reborn, China had firmly secured the second place in the world's total economic output. In 2016, its GDP reached 122540 billion U.S. dollars, not much less than the U.S.'s 186979 billion U.S. dollars.

From 2000 to 2016, China's GDP has increased by more than ten times. Although the per capita income is not very high, but with such a large economic aggregate and population base, the number of wealthy people and the middle class is already quite a lot.Enough to support the rapid increase in domestic car sales.

"You big boss is not worried, then I will really expand like crazy."

"Expand, there are only about 150 stores now, and I hope to break through at least [-] within the next year, and break through [-] within the next year."

Considering that in 08, Guanghui Automobile will start to build a 4S store of its own auto brand, Jiang Hui set a more aggressive goal for Wangjiang Automobile.

"The expansion is so fast, the biggest headache now is the manpower problem, and there is a shortage of experienced sales managers."

"You can increase cooperation with Autohome. Don't they have hundreds of employees? Some people have a good understanding of automobile knowledge. You can ask Autohome to arrange some people to go to Wangjiang Automobile for internships. In addition, you can jointly Get up and set up a talent training center to train your own sales and maintenance talents. The demand for auto-related talents will only increase in the future. With such a training center in hand, we will be confident in our expansion.”

At present, Wangjiang Automobile mainly relies on poaching people to achieve expansion, and the number of manpower it has cultivated is still relatively small.From the perspective of long-term development, enterprises still need their own talent training capabilities.

"Huh? Your suggestion is good. Not only can we cooperate with Autohome, but we can also cooperate with Imperial University of Technology and some specialized automobile maintenance colleges. We can even cooperate with some parts companies to train relevant professionals."

Wang Zhenguo said by analogy that the Wang family has sufficient resources in the automobile industry. As long as Jiang Hui calls him from time to time, Wang Zhenguo can quickly enter a new state.This is also an important reason why Wangjiang Automobile can develop rapidly.

"It's absolutely fine, third child. Wang Jiang Auto is up to you. I hope it can quickly become the largest car dealer in China."


(End of this chapter)

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