Chapter 546
The automobile industry originated in Europe. Steam engine automobiles first appeared. It was not until the end of the 19th century that internal combustion engine automobiles appeared.But the formation of the modern automobile industry began in the United States.

Automobile is a product with a very long industrial chain.With the automobile manufacturing industry as the core, it can extend upwards to the auto parts manufacturing industry and other basic industries related to parts manufacturing; it can extend downwards to the field of service trade, including automobile sales, maintenance, and financial services.

Automobile production involves steel, metallurgy, plastics, ceramics and other raw material industries, as well as more than a dozen other industrial sectors such as electronics and electrical appliances. These industries are closely related to the automobile industry.

It is said that about 15% of the world's steel production, about 25% of aluminum production, about 50% of rubber production, about 10% of plastic production, and more than 1/3 of oil production are used in the automobile industry.

This is why Jiang Hui wants to enter the auto industry no matter what.

In fact, if you don't know the prospect of China's auto market in the future, now is really not a good time to enter the auto industry.It is true that the good time to enter the traditional fuel vehicle industry has passed.On the contrary, new opportunities to enter electric vehicles are coming soon.

However, considering the explosion of China's auto market, especially the late-stage SUV market, in the next ten years, Guanghui Group will enter now, focusing on SUV models, and it can still catch up with the period of China's car sales frenzy.

Brilliant Automobile Co., Ltd. was established in a low-key manner under this background.

According to Jiang Hui's positioning, on the one hand, Guanghui Motors will establish a joint venture with Jaguar Land Rover in the future to produce Jaguar and Land Rover models.On the other hand, Guanghui Motors will develop its own electric vehicles and its own fuel vehicles based on Jaguar Land Rover's technology.

Of course, in China, it is relatively easy to obtain qualifications for the production of electric vehicles, but it is more difficult to obtain qualifications for the production of traditional vehicles.However, there are many "zombie companies" in China. They have the qualifications to produce cars, but they may not have produced a car.

Brilliant Auto obtained the qualification for automobile production through the acquisition of a "zombie enterprise" in Lingnan.

"Mr. Jiang, at present, the registration procedures of our Guanghui Automobile Co., Ltd. have been completed. According to your opinion, we will start recruiting personnel from all over the world and build a team first."

It was Pi Wei who reported the situation of Guanghui Automobile to Jiang Hui.Pi Wei once stayed in GM for nearly 20 years, and worked in R&D center, quality center, welding workshop and other departments.Before being recruited by Guanghui Group, he was the director of a General Motors plant in Ohio, which is considered a middle-level and high-level position.

In the American car circle, Chinese of Pi Wei's level basically have no room for advancement.Although the United States promotes that everyone is equal and does not allow racial discrimination, it is one thing to say how to say it, but another thing to actually do it.

So Pi Wei has always planned to return to China, but he didn't find a suitable opportunity.

After Jiang Hui and Tang Wenwen expressed their opinions on the recruitment of Brilliant Automobile, Tang Wenwen found out that there was such a person as Pi Wei through his relationship in the United States, and found him through headhunting.

Guanghui Group is a well-known company in the United States. Whether it is Twitter, Meituan, or Potato, they are all websites frequently used by netizens.After Pi Wei received the contact from the headhunter, he learned about the situation of Guanghui Group in detail.

In recent years, there are actually quite a few companies in China that intend to recruit Pi Wei, but after Pi Wei learned about the situation of those companies through his classmates and friends, he was unable to make up his mind to return to China.

But after seeing the situation of Guanghui Group, Pi Wei was moved.

Although Guanghui Group has never produced even a single car, even when Pi Wei went to see Jiang Hui, the registration of Guanghui Automobile had not yet been completed.But after seeing Guanghui Group's achievements in various fields, Pi Wei unexpectedly became inexplicably interested in Guanghui Automobile.

After having a video chat with Jiang Hui, Pi Wei decided to take the opportunity of going back to his hometown to visit relatives and go to the imperial capital to have a face-to-face talk with Jiang Hui.

From the development trend of Tianchao's automobile industry to the future development direction of automobiles; from the various layouts of Guanghui Group to the idea of ​​entering the automobile industry in the future; from the progress of Guanghui Automobile to the plan to acquire Jaguar Land Rover in the future...

Pi Wei and Jiang Hui talked for a whole afternoon in Jiang Hui's office in the Science and Technology Building, and they didn't know if Jiang Hui really had some domineering aura in him, or if the reborn person had a halo. In short, Pi Wei felt that returning to the United States Immediately after that, he resigned to join the Guanghui Group as the executive deputy general manager of Guanghui Automobile, and Jiang Hui personally served as the general manager.

"The initial selection of personnel recruitment is left to you, and you can call me in the final round of interviews," Jiang Hui said to Pi Wei.

Apart from Jiang Hui and Pi Wei, the two bosses, and the dozen or so employees of Autohome who started to prepare and research the group's car project in the early days, there was no one else in the entire Brilliant Automobile.

A car company, even if not counting the employees at the production site, has at least a few thousand people.The current manpower of Brilliant Automobile is definitely far from enough.

According to Jiang Hui's idea, after the establishment of Guanghui Automobile, the first thing to promote is the acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover and the development of its own new models, and then the construction of the production plant.

The acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover has already been led by Guan Weidong from Brilliant Investment, and contacted with people from Ford, but it is estimated that there will be no results for a while.

In the previous life, India's Tata Group officially acquired Jaguar Land Rover from Ford in March 2008 for US$3 billion.If Guanghui Group wants to snatch Jaguar Land Rover from Tata, in addition to being one step ahead of Tata in time, more importantly, the purchase price should be higher than others.

Looking at it now in 2006, it may not be a good business to spend 23 billion US dollars to acquire a car company that has been losing money year after year.Not to mention the acquisition price was higher than $23 billion.

But Jiang Hui knew that less than two years after Tata acquired Jaguar Land Rover, thanks to the rapid growth of luxury cars in the Chinese auto market, Jaguar Land Rover began to make a profit.And until Jiang Hui was reborn, he never lost money again.

From this point of view, let alone 23 billion US dollars, even if it is doubled, it will not be a loss.

Of course, Guanghui Group will definitely not let this be taken advantage of, and really pay 50 billion US dollars to acquire Jaguar Land Rover.

There is a saying: take advantage of your illness to kill you.

Jaguar Land Rover is in the hands of Ford, and now it’s not even a chicken rib. Jiang Hui believes that as long as Guanghui Investment spends a year or so with them, it should be no problem to win Jaguar Land Rover with no more than 2007 billion US dollars in 30. of.

The question is, does Korn Ferry have $30 billion?
(End of this chapter)

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