Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 557 Gphone is about to be sold

Chapter 557 Gphone is about to be sold
Brilliant Mobile official Weibo: The epoch-making Gphone will officially meet with you on January 2007, 1.

Glorious Mobile set the launch date of the Gphone on this day because Apple has also decided to hold an iPhone launch event on this day.

No matter how much Jiang Hui personally likes Jobs, since Guanghui Mobile has chosen to enter the smartphone industry, it is doomed that the competition between itself and Apple will always exist.

Although it may not be possible to say that it is either you die or I live, but the process of competing for the number one position in the high-end smartphone industry is destined to proceed, and in the first round, Brilliance Mobile won.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

When Apple mobile phones have not been accepted by everyone, and when the advantages of Guanghui mobile phones are still very obvious, Jiang Hui will definitely spare no effort to squeeze the living space of Apple mobile phones.

In this case, Guanghui Mobile chose the same day as Apple's conference to start the sales of Gphone.

The official announcement of the sales time of Gphone by Glorious Mobile made the potential G fans breathe a sigh of relief, and they followed the comments on the Weibo of Glorious Mobile.

Netizen "Luo Mo Zhi Xin": It has been reserved for more than two months, and it is finally about to arrive. Gphone, waiting for you is not easy!

Netizen "perceived": After so long, the truth finally came to light, don't make any more fools.

Netizen "Today is the devil": After accumulating three months of production, it should be open to sell, right?

Netizen "Master Lei Y": Brilliant mobile phone has created a record in the history of mobile phone sales.

Netizen "No cx language": How did I find out that Apple will also hold a mobile phone conference on January 1th?Does this have anything to do with it?

Netizen "minman": I'll go, the upstairs said so, I think there must be a story in it.

Netizen "Lin Jiqing": Why do I feel that there is another good show?
Netizen "V Aohuang V": Move a small bench and sit and watch the brilliant mobile phone vs. Apple mobile phone.

Netizen "Luoshengri": Why do I feel that Boss Jiang is deliberately cheating on Jobs? It's hard to choose, but I choose January 1~
Netizen "Queen Wood": I still have great confidence in Gphone, Boss Jiang, come on!

Netizen "adult 911": It seems that Brilliant mobile phone is full of confidence. Not only did it take the initiative to provoke troubles during the press conference, but even when it went on sale, it also pulled Apple out to disgust others!
Netizen "Xiaoyaozizailangyi": Tonight I will give you an assignment to calculate the psychological shadow area of ​​Jobs!

The Celestial Dynasty is discussing the launch of the Guanghui mobile phone, and Twitter is also buzzing.

"I thought I could get the Gphone on Christmas Eve, but I didn't expect to have to wait until January 1th."

"Are you sure you can buy a Gphone on January 1th? Not necessarily!".

"I can't wait to play this cross-age product."

"History will remember January 2007, 1, and perhaps Apple will have a more painful understanding of the comparison."

"Glory Mobile doesn't look like a Chinese company. Don't Chinese companies say that peace is the most important thing?".

"Only if you have the courage to dare to provoke like this."

"I'm very curious to know if Apple will modify the time of the Apple mobile phone conference."



"Steve, I have some bad news for you?".

"Is there a new problem with our phone?".


"So the current problem is difficult to solve?"


"Then what bad news can there be?"

"It's about the press conference."

"The press conference? Is there a problem with the venue rental?".

"No, let me tell you directly, we have no problems ourselves, everything is going according to plan, but...".

"But what? Don't babble, just say something quickly."

"The Gphone of Guanghui Mobile is about to start selling."

"Their press conference has been held for so long, and it is normal to start selling."

"The point is that they chose to start selling the Gphone on the same day as our launch event."

"What did you say? Are you sure?".

"The official twitter of Glorious Mobile has been announced."

"Xie Te, this is intentional, this is definitely intentional, I have never finished with Guanghui phone!!!"



"The Gphone of Guanghui Mobile will be officially sold."

"They sell theirs, we sell ours".

"It seems that consumers are full of interest in Guanghui mobile phones, which makes me feel a little worried."

"God gave you a heart to beat, not to worry."



"I learned from the customs that the first batch of Guanghui mobile phone products have completed the customs clearance procedures and are being delivered to various specialty stores."

"Let's not talk about the products of Brilliant mobile phones, but the marketing methods are quite good, and their topics are everywhere on Twitter."

"Their founder, Jiang Hui, started his business on the Internet and is very good at Internet publicity."

"The R&D department has ordered a few Gphones, and then you can follow along to see if it is really as amazing as the press conference said."


A cottage workshop in Shenzhen City.

"Boss, Gphone is finally going on sale."

"Well, we must get the mobile phone as soon as possible, and then imitate it immediately, especially in terms of the operating system, and always pay attention to whether there is a cracked version on the Internet."

"Understood, there is absolutely no problem for you to entrust me with this kind of matter that is related to the development and survival of the company."


Shining game.

"Everyone work harder, I'll treat you all to a big meal when this wave of work is over," Song Min said.

After Bai Xue became the general manager of Brilliant Games, she transferred her best friend Song Min to her side.

As the Brilliant mobile phone is about to go on sale, the mobile game of Brilliant Games has also entered the final development sprint stage.Although it is said that most of the existing PC-end games have been transformed into micro-mobile ends, and the work is almost done.However, for games developed specifically for mobile terminals such as watermelon cutting, there is still some finishing work that has not been completed.

"Mr. Song, don't worry, our project team guarantees that the game can be completed before January 2007, 1. Let the first batch of users of Guanghui mobile phone find her on Gstore."


Brilliant cell phone.

"Mr. Dai, the OEM contract between us and Futukang has been negotiated, and the contract can be signed at any time."

"That allows Futukang to start preparing for the production of Gphone immediately, and there is no need for any ceremony to sign the contract. You print it out and we will start countersigning it immediately."

"Understood, Futukang has actually started the preliminary preparations, and the production preparations will definitely be completed in the first half of next year."



"The output and quality of Gphone mobile phone batteries must be confirmed, and we must not hold back Guanghui mobile phones."

"Understood, we can double the production in three months, and we can increase the production of Gphone at any time."

"This project is of great significance to both Glorious Mobile and our ATL, and there is no room for loss."


(End of this chapter)

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