Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 558 The Universal Formula

Chapter 558 The Universal Formula
New Year's Day in 2007 came accompanied by a cold snap from Siberia.

This year, Guanghui Group already has more than [-] full-time employees and interns around the world. In addition, it just held an earth-shattering annual meeting last year, so Jiang Hui no longer arranged for the whole group to hold an annual meeting together.

Instead, some funds were approved for each company to organize various activities on its own. Jiang Hui himself just sent an email to all employees.

"Dear friends of the companies of Guanghui Group! Hello everyone! The days and days flow like rivers and rivers, time flows like a river, and people pass away like this. At the flick of a finger, the hurried years will lead us to a new year - 2007 Year.

On the occasion of leaving the old and welcoming the new, on behalf of the shareholders, I would like to extend my sincere greetings and best wishes to all employees who have worked hard and selflessly dedicated to the development of Guanghui Group over the past year.

In the past 2006, our group has achieved satisfactory and have been listed on NASDAQ successively. Brilliance Games has launched another classic game "Cross Fire". Popular movies and TV dramas have been launched continuously, Brilliant drones have begun to be sold all over the world, and Brilliant mobile phones have released epoch-making smartphone products...

The achievements are excellent, but this is only a starting point for Korn Ferry Group, and our future is far more than that.

In the new year, we will soon usher in the official launch of Gphone, and the pace of companies entering the mobile Internet will be significantly accelerated.

2007 is an important year for Guanghui Group to win the future.After two or three years of development, each company has gradually grown bigger, but it is not yet strong.A big but not strong enterprise cannot stand the wind and waves, and it will fall down when the wind blows and rains. We should change this situation as soon as possible...

Looking forward to 2007, I hope that all employees of the group can continue to move forward in a down-to-earth manner...

Finally, I wish everyone good health, happy family and good luck in everything! "

Having been the boss for several years, Jiang Hui can already say that he can say all kinds of speeches at his fingertips.Even impromptu speaking, there is no problem.

In his previous life, Jiang Hui once participated in a training on speech skills.According to the training teacher, a universal formula can be applied to all speeches and speeches.

That is praise + review + outlook!

The six words seemed empty, but Jiang Hui found out later that they were very practical.If you study it carefully, you will find that whether it is the various speeches of national leaders, or various speeches such as wedding celebrations and entry-level speeches, it is also useful.

For example, before a leader speaks, he usually says a warm welcome...thank you...and so on. These are considered compliments.Then it will say, looking back...from..., since so-and-so years..., these count as retrospectives.In the end it's my hope... looking forward to... expecting... things like that, these are the looking forwards.

All kinds of speeches are nothing more than focusing on which of these three contents. This universal formula is really not generally useful.


During the New Year's Day holiday, under Jiang Ping and Jiang Hui's constant persuasion, Jiang Hui's parents were finally willing to entrust the family's pig farm to their uncle, come to the Imperial Capital for a short stay, and return to their hometown with Jiang Hui during the Spring Festival.

He didn't go home for the Chinese New Year for two consecutive years. This year's winter vacation, Jiang Hui planned to take a good vacation.

"I said, why do you have two dogs that don't recognize people, and keep staring at me stupidly," Jiang's mother said to Jiang Hui, pointing to Wangcai and Jin Mao.

"Mom, it's not that they don't recognize people, it's that they recognize people too much. Bai Xue and I started feeding them when they were born and hadn't opened their eyes. Except for the two of us, they are basically not close to anyone," Jiang Hui He hugged Wangcai and put it by his lap and said.

"Mom, you've only been here for two days. You haven't seen me for so long. Wangcai and Golden Retriever don't care about me. I still take them for a walk from time to time," Jiang Ping echoed. road.

"It's not as smart as the wolfdog in my pig farm in my hometown."

In the countryside, after seven or eight in the evening, there are basically no lights. Although the rural people are simple, it is still necessary to keep a few dogs to watch the pig farm.

"Mom, Wangcai beat several of your wolfdogs. When they give birth to babies, you will know what they are like if you raise one with your own hands," Jiang Hui said.

"Will Bai Xue come back tonight?".

"Reply, a game in their company has been developed this afternoon, and they are doing the final online test, and will be back later," Jiang Hui replied.

Yesterday, Jiang Hui's parents came for the first day. Although there were many things to do in Guanghui Games, Bai Xue and Jiang Hui went to the airport to pick him up, and then stayed with him in the courtyard for an afternoon and another night.

Jiang Hui's parents are still very satisfied with Bai Xue, the prospective daughter-in-law.Whether it's appearance, family background, education, or subjective feelings after several contacts, they are all very good.So when I saw the sky was getting dark, I asked.

It gets dark quickly in winter, and the air quality is not very good today. It's only four o'clock, and it feels like night is coming.

At the same time, Bai Xue also finished the meeting of the brilliant game, sitting in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz S600 and calling her mother.

"Mom, do you want to come to the capital for a few days? I won't be home until later this winter vacation."

"You bring your boyfriend to see me and I'll go."

Speaking of it, Bai Xue's parents have always known about Bai Xue and Jiang Hui (Bai Xue and Jiang Hui are both Internet celebrities, Du Niang knew the story of the two of them), but Bai Xue didn't report to the family formally, so the two of them just endured no question.

Of course, the most important thing is that they may also think that Jiang Hui, the future son-in-law, is still very high-quality, otherwise they can't help it.

"Then you come here, let you see the level of your girl's selection."

"Hmph, don't give you a little sunshine to make it bright. Now there are always a bunch of beauties rushing towards the high-achieving man next to the man. You have to watch it."

"Mom, I don't seem to have mentioned him to you, why do you seem to know everything about him?"

"Do a search on Du Niang by yourself, and then go to the comment section of your Guanghui Weibo to see? You really think your mother is an old antique who doesn't even know how to use a computer."

"How can it be, mom, you are always young and beautiful, people think you are my sister when you are with you, old antique or something, what is that?", Bai Xue said to her mother with a smile.

"Come on, do you really welcome me to the imperial capital? Then don't tell me that he is on a business trip."

"No, Jiang Hui said long ago that he would invite you to come to the Imperial Capital to play, and we will definitely accompany you with delicious food, drinks and fun."

"Then let me take a few days off after returning to work, and go to the imperial capital to stay for a few days."

"Warmly welcome my sister to come to the imperial capital to guide the work," Bai Xue said with a grimace.


 I wanted to keep my ears shut and only code my words!

  But after being bored for a while, I still came out to say a few words.

  First of all, I would like to thank all readers for their subscriptions, rewards, recommendations and monthly tickets. Although my original intention of writing this book is not for money, but having an extra pocket money every month can better stimulate my writing. enthusiasm.

  It can be said that I wrote this book because one of my dreams was to write a book, but this dream lasted for many years, and it was only realized this year.

  What book should I write?
  After reading online novels for so many years, sometimes I always imagine that if my life can be restarted, what should I do?what will happen
  So there is this book "The Perfect Wish of Rebirth".

  I go to work and work every day, and I go home after get off work to buy vegetables and cook meals to serve the pregnant women at home. The time I can write is actually quite tight. I usually write a chapter during working hours and write a chapter at night.

  Compared with those masters who have five or ten chapters in the daily update, they really can't compare.

  However, I can only say that I will continue to update, not unfinished, not eunuchs.

  Well, it seems that no one believes what I said!

  Well, let’s code silently.

  I hope everyone will continue to support genuine subscriptions, and recommend walking!

(End of this chapter)

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