Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 559 The Endless Long Dragon

Chapter 559 The Endless Long Dragon
On January 2007, 1, someone set up a tent in front of the Brilliance mobile phone flagship store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York.

"Mister, hello, if you set up a tent here, it will affect the business of our store, can you please move to another place?".

"Aren't you still in business?".

"Although we are not open to the public yet, the shop assistants have already started to work."

"Are you going to open for business the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes, sir, it seems that you know our situation very well, can you please cooperate to take down the tent?".

"I'll take down the tent when you start business, don't worry."

"Sir, you are embarrassing me like this."

"Don't be embarrassed, I'm here waiting for your store to open."

"Excuse me, what did you say? Did I hear you right? It's only the 7th now, and we won't open until the day after tomorrow."

"You heard me right, I'm here waiting for you to open the day after tomorrow, and I'm going to be the first person in New York to own a Gphone."

Glory Mobile has accumulated more than 300 million Gphones through three months of production, but considering that almost all of them have been pre-sold now.Jiang Hui didn't dare to let go of all the deliveries at one time, but sold them separately according to first come, first served and whether to make an appointment, and opened new appointments at the same time.


Brilliant mobile phone flagship store in Akihabara, Tokyo.

"Lixiang, do you see why there are so many people queuing up there, let's go and have a look?"

"Which company is engaged in activities? Then go and have a look."

"Why is the team motionless? It's getting longer and longer."

"Beauty, we are waiting for Guanghui Mobile to open tomorrow, and the line will definitely not be shortened now."

"I'm dizzy, what line are you queuing for when it opens tomorrow?".

"If you don't line up now, will it be your turn tomorrow?".

"Didn't they all come as scheduled?"

"I want to make an appointment, but I don't know if the supply of Gphones is in short supply? Even if I make an appointment, it doesn't mean that I can buy it on the day it goes on sale on January 1."

"So that's the case. Lixiang, should we tell Shiraki to come and line up too?"

"It must."


Celestial Shanghai Stock Exchange.

"The director, the store manager of the flagship store of Guanghui mobile phone contacted our police office, hoping to strengthen the deployment of police forces to their flagship store in the next three days."

"How to deploy the police force is arranged in our office, why should it be changed?".

"I heard that there is already a long queue in front of their store, which has already affected the nearby traffic."

"Then you should call the traffic police? No, why are there so many people in their store? Is there a promotion? Won't they send a few more cashiers to speed up? They just want to cause trouble for me."

"Boss, this reform is really not about the cash register, they haven't opened yet?"

"What did you say? Did I hear you right? It hasn't opened yet? What's the queue for the opening?".

"It can only be said that the Gphone of Guanghui Mobile is too popular. It is said that the Shanghai flagship store sells up to [-] units a day, and those who make an appointment are first come, first served. That's why there is a long queue today."

"Such an exaggeration, is this mobile phone cheap?".

"It's not cheap at all, it costs about three thousand yuan."

"Then why are so many people queuing up, as if they don't need money?".

"I heard from the patrol today that Zhenbang was also queuing there."

"Zhenbang is here too? That brat, see if I don't beat him up. I said how he asked his mother for money a few days ago. I think he is really of any use. It turned out that he used it to buy a mobile phone."


"Mr. Dai, our flagship stores around the world have reported that there are already long queues at the door of the store. It seems that Gphone sales are just around the corner."

"There are people queuing up now? Hurry up and let the shop assistants from all over the place take pictures and send them over. Let's take the opportunity to promote it on Guanghui Weibo and Twitter."

"Ah? Is this still possible?".

"Learn more".


Brilliance mobile phone Brilliant Weibo and Twitter released a message at the same time: Dear friends, first of all, thank you for your enthusiastic support for Brilliant mobile phones. We temporarily prepared some mineral water for you, and added nearby toilet Find guides, let each other know! (A few photos of queuing in front of the flagship store are included in the back)
As soon as this news came out, it immediately became popular all over the Internet.

Jiang Hui reposted this Weibo at the first time, and commented: The only problem is insufficient production capacity~

Dream Band's official Weibo forwarded and commented: I wish Guanghui's mobile phone a big sale!
Xu Yixin forwarded and commented: This is the only one, there is no semicolon!

Wang Ruodan forwarded it and commented: Guanghui mobile phone is going to be so popular that I have no friends.

Boss Du Niang Li reposted and commented: Boss Jiang's handwriting is always different and mighty!
Boss Penguin Ma reposted and commented: When it comes to mobile phones, I only serve Gphone!

Xiaonei forwarded and commented: Starting tomorrow, everyone can use Xiaonei on their mobile phones.

Potato forwarded and commented: With a mobile phone in hand, you don’t have to worry about watching videos, remember to buy a router and go home!

While this Weibo post by Brilliance mobile phone was widely retweeted, the pictures of the long lines in front of the Brilliance flagship store quickly became the hottest pictures of the day.

Many netizens used these pictures and added their own comments on and Guanghui Weibo.

Netizen "Brother Longjiang" said: Can I say that I'm glad I didn't make an appointment?Otherwise, there is me in this long line.

Netizen "Wu cxyu" said: I am very happy to be able to queue up. For a baby like me who does not have a direct sales store of Guanghui mobile phones in the province, province and neighboring provinces, I am only envious!

Netizen "Feng Wenyan" said: It turns out that not only the people of China are so enthusiastic, in front of Gphone, people all over the world are the same!

Netizen "Little Bookboy in the City" said: I'm thinking about whether I should carry a tent to join this long team.

Netizen "Queen Wood" said: It's over, the price of buying mobile phones from scalpers will definitely rise.

Netizen "styfan" said: I only heard of long queues to buy tickets for the Spring Festival travel festival before, but I didn't expect that there would be queues like this when buying mobile phones.

A netizen named "Bad Boy" put it this way: Guanghui mobile phone is also a glory for the country, right?A group of foreigners actually stayed up all night queuing up to buy a mobile phone made in China.

Netizen "Wu Tian": Produced by Brilliance, it must be a boutique!Hope that Guanghui Group will continue to launch various trend-setting products @光辉集团官方微博!

Netizen "Luoshengri": From to Brilliant Games, from to YY Live, from Brilliant Video to Brilliant Weibo, from to Qunar, and now with Brilliant mobile phones, how do I feel about my future? Life is inseparable from Guanghui Group.

Netizen "Puppet": Sales are only for reserved users. Should the production capacity be so tight?If Boss Jiang doesn't let Guanghui increase the production of mobile phones as soon as possible, the G fans are probably going to riot!

(End of this chapter)

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